Narendar D. Automation Test Engineer

QA Automation / Testing


- 9 years of experience in Systems and Software Testing in various capacities of Web and Mobile applications.
- Domains and Software products included Customer Relationship Management (CRM), E-commerce, Financial Services, ERP and Mobile testing (iOS and Android apps).
- Work experience in Agile (Scrum / Kanban), TDD / BDD, V-model, Waterfall methodologies. Mainly Agile methodology activities are included with sprint planning, review, retrospective and backlog grooming.


Lloyds Banking Group

Sep 2022- Jan 2023                                                                                                 
SDET Contracting to work on project with a client in platform mobile application developed using the various Technologies SwiftUI and Compose, NativeAndroiddevlopment contributed testing services to mobile applications. This project followed Agile Scrum methodology.

  • Produced the Mock data and stubs to automate the UI.  

  • Involving in maintaining the central platform Automation Framework created using the Appium, JavaScript, webdriverIO and Perfecto, Headspin clouds, pre-mege testing with Espresso and XCUI test.

  • Involved in test architecture activities like developing testing infrastructure, strategic planning, test authoring frameworks, evaluating features in order to create complex tests, exploring the industry practices and tools.

  • Involving the pair programming with developers.

  • Involving in Test Utils library creation and contributing the testing for the library.

  • Reviewing the PRs in Git, Gitlab and merging to main and verify the workflow in Jenkins CI. 

  • Identified the Risks maintained the Confluence documents.

  • Pairing with developers to automate the in mobile automation using iOS-XCUI and Android-Compose UI. 

  • Involving in Peparazzi snapshot testing and accessibility automation testing.

  • Trying to involve in security Module testing to maintain the Quality.

  • Involved in Analytics testing using the Firebase and Dynatrace. 

  • Daily using the other tools part of QA work  like Jira, sonar Nexus, Perfecto, Appcenter, Figma and etc…

Sky UK

June 2021- Sep 2022                                                                                                                         
Senior Tester Contracting to work on project with a client in the Sky web and mobile application developed using the various Technologies like APIs JavaScript and TypeScript, SwiftUI and Compose contributed testing services to API and Web mobile applications, GCPenvironment. This project followed Agile Lean methodology.

  • Assisting in writing and reviewing Test plan and Test strategy documents and planning for each work pack testing approach by analysing the user stories and application requirements.

  • Produced the Mock data and Real data to automate the UI.  

  • Automated the website using Cucumber and Cypress and Webdriver iO.

  • Involving the pair programming with developers and maintain high quality clean code.

  • Automated the APIs using the Jest, Prism and Mountebank and Postman.

  • Reviewing the PRs in Git and merging to main and verify the workflow in Circle CI and Gitlab CI. 

  • Identified the Risks maintained the Confluence documents.

  • Paired with developers to automate the in mobile automation using iOS-XCUI and Android-Compose UI. 

  • Involved in API performance testing using the K6 tool.

  • Involved in GCP Devops (Git, CI tools, Docker, Oceans, Elastic search Octopus) testing to maintain Quality.

  • Involved in Analytics testing using the Firebase and Adobe Analytics 

  • Daily using the other tools part of QA work  like Jira, Jforg, Bowser Stack, Grafana and Fastlane Testflight, Firebase AppTester, Fable, Zeplin, Figma and other development tools.


March 2021- June 2021                                                                                                                      
Automation Test Engineer Contracting to work on project with a client in the oil and gas commodities trading space - FinOps web application developed using the various Technologies like APIs (using .net), Angular, Python, MySQLServer-2018, Swagger and Zeebe. Contributed testing services to Cashflows and Invoices modules. This project followed Agile Kanban methodology.

  • Assisting in writing and reviewing Test plan and Test strategy documents and planning for each work pack testing approach by analysing the user stories and application requirements.

  • Produced the Mock data and Real data for the Upstream called Tempest.  

  • Mapped the test data to Test scripts to cover all the scenarios including the Edge cases.

  • Identified the Risks maintained the HeatMap documents.

  • Closely worked with Developers to Develop Unit tests and with Business Analyst to cover the Business Acceptance tests.

  • Involved in API testing using Swagger and Ready API for automation.

  • Performed the Database testing using the Microsoft SQL Server Management studio 18.

  • Maintained testing-code in SVN & Bitbucket repositories and conducted code review for Pull Requests.

  • Worked with Jenkins to schedule the ad-hoc jobs for pre and post deployment testing and nightly builds jobs for Regression and Smoke Testing.  

  • Developed Jira-Qmetry skills to Test Management and Test complete using the Python to automate the UI.

  • Organised the Test work with India and US teams by using the “Pair Testing” method. 

NanoIT Solutions

June 2020-March 2021                                                                                                          
Automation Test Analyst contracted to work on the client’s Sellmyphone4u website application developed using the Wordpress CMS, specifically on its Ecommerce web building and Digital Marketing modules. Agile / Scrum methodology was used.

  • Assisting in writing and reviewing Test plan and Test strategy documents and planning for each sprint testing approach by analysing the user stories and application requirements.

  • Create test data. Test scripts and specify/create test environment for Wordpress CMS builds.

  • UAT on both back-end and front-end (cross browser and cross device/UI Testing).

  • Compile test scripts for Wordpress different versions based features and third party plugins using acceptance criteria provided by business analysts.

  • Involved in Performance Load Testing using the Jmeter.

  • Expert in using AXE test suite to test and verify the Website Accessibility as per WCAG 2.1.

  • Perform API testing using the postman tool and management as part of integration testing to determine if data integrity is maintained as expected.

  • Defect Management: Identify, analyse the root cause (RCA) and report issues, monitoring the work and resolve them and retest and update them using the Azure DevOps tool.

  • Involved in developing automation test framework using python, Selenium, Java and Cucumber.

1Spatial, Cambridge 

Mar 2020- May 2020
OS is specialist in providing highly accurate geospatial data and printed maps help individuals, governments and companies to understand the world, both in Britain and overseas.  
Test Automation Engineer (SDET)    
Contracted as SDET to the Data and Content Creation (Open TOIDs and Open USRN) Geometries new product format that makes maps with new X,Y coordinates data. My role involves with extending the framework for validating FME workflows through python framework and verifying data is flowing accurately. The project followed Agile methodology and developed in FME Desktop, ARCGIS, Azure DevOps, Azure Cloud and python environment.

  • Review and analyse business requirements and gather knowledge from existing legacy systems.

  • Involved in Integration testing using the pytest and cornflake package.

  • Implemented pytest code using Arc IDLE in Azure portal Virtual machines.

  • Writing automation testing scripts to call the FME workspace (TOID workspace) using python

  • Test framework created based on existing common utilities framework.

  • Maintained test framework in Git, Pipelines in Azure DevOps.

  • Understanding TOID data formats, running and validating the workspaces transformations in FME

  • Developed and implemented the FME workbench usage and ArcGIS usages skills.

  • Implemented the BDD cucumber Behave python automation framework for USRN GUI and API.

Sainsbury’s UK, London

Jan 2020- Feb2020
Sainsbury's is the second largest chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom.
Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)
To provides the SDET services to the RMSv9 inventory services replacement with new Greenfield project that make part of the next generation Sainsbury's Tech data platform. My role involve with testing inbound data flow via micro services and verifying parsed Cobol data files in the AWS S3 bucket also ensuring the outbound data flow in published Kafka messages.

  • Review and analyse business requirements and gather knowledge from existing legacy systems.

  • Involved in Unit testing using the pytest and verify the code quality using the SonarQube

  • Implemented the BDD framework for APIs and micro services using Python-Cucumber behave.

  • Test framework build with the Black formatter, flynt formatter and pre-commit hook.

  • Maintained test framework in Git, Jenkins CI/CD, Docker containers and Kubernetes in AWS tech stacks.

  • Defect Management: Identify, analyse and report issues using the Jira-Zephyr defect tracking tools.

  • Verified and analysed the published outbound data/messages in Kafka Topics.

  • Able to understand and work with the flask and Django frameworks.


Sep 2019- Dec 2019
The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (the Association) is the most influential body of professional accountants, combined body of the strengths AICPA and CIMA.
Test Analyst
AICPA-FLP Global Rollout project help to global countries (non-USA) Students who want to become a CGMA can subscribe to the accounting packages and complete online assessments and case study exams. As a Test Analyst to ensure that the product conforms to user requirements and quality standards. Main duties include review and analyse business requirements, writing and executing test scripts, defect management, SIT and UAT.

  • Review and analyse business requirements and gather knowledge from existing legacy systems.

  • Create test data. Test scripts and specify/request test environment (Access).

  • Perform Exploratory and Ad-Hoc Testing in addition to the new functionality and regression tests.

  • Perform API testing as part of integration testing to determine if data integrity is maintained as expected.

  • Defect Management: Identify, analyse and report issues using the Jira-Zephyr defect tracking tool.

  • Analyse and report the test status and results, involved in go and no go call and production testing.

  • Perform System Integration Testing to verify that all related applications/systems maintain data integrity (Candidate Portal ↔ Siebel CRM ↔ ERP ↔ Siebel CRM).

  • Implemented the automation Testing using the Cucumber, Selenium, phython.

The Maersk Line UK, Maidenhead

Sep 2018 - Aug 2019
A.P. Moller - Maersk is an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify it's customers’ supply chains as the global leader in shipping services.
BDD Automation QA consultant
Contracted to work on A.P. Moller -Project APMT CDH (central data hub), to provides easy search for Containers, Vessels, Booking and Bill of Ladings, application build with various databases and frameworks like Always On (AO), IBM ICP, Azure, OGG, Oracle, Cassandra and Microservices developed in Spring Boot Framework and used the REST API to integrate with UI. This project followed the Agile Scrum methodology.

  • Involved in 3 Amigo sessions to understand the business requirement and convert business requirement into feature files in BDD Cucumber framework with Gherkin language. 

  •  Experience in using dynamic test data extraction for BDD feature files from database and pass it to the microservices at execution time for validation.

  • Involved in Lift website Smoke, Functional testing and End to End testing.

  •  Understanding API specifications through Swagger and Testing REST API endpoints using Postman (APIs).

  • Good experience on setting up of test data creation in different environments and validating the end to end flow from one environment to another environment.

  •  Involved in data mapping ETL source to destination, data validation and verification testing.

  • Preparing the Test data and performing data transmission testing and analyse the live data feed.

  • Analysed the end to end data flow (Oracle to Cassandra through OGG)  by using the SQL batch Test execution, tracked defects, performed bug analysis, issue reporting and re-testing of bug fixes.

  • Involved in testing database updates by writing the SQL –CRUD in Oracle, CQL queries in Cassandra DB.

  • Monitoring the OGG stats and trail files  for  DB tables and records analyse the data flow 

  • Prepared the reconciliation SQL data scripts for CDT and Preprod environments.

  • Performing data-flow testing and analysis live data from source DB to destination environment.

  • Maintaining the test code in Bitbucket repository different branches.

  • Good experience on CI/CD pipeline and updating the ansible file with new jobs and run the tests in nightly build and Adhocly based on cucumber tags and Building regression automation tests packs.

  • Worked with Maven, Bitbucket, Jenkins Server for Continuous Integration and continuous deployment.

  • Validated logins, client domain data sets and updates in Akana gateway Akamai and Azure.

  • Execute the automation tests in Docker containers and Kubernetes.

  • Reported on the status of test preparation and execution, tracked defects, performed bug analysis, issue reporting and re-testing of bug fixing of all system defects in JIRA.

  • Involved in Sprint planning sprint review retrospective and sprint delivery presentation.


  • Implemented Springboot-Microservices automation testing using BDD Cucumber, Java-8, Junit.  

  • Involved in the End to End dataflow testing using new technologies like OGG and Cassandra.

Technologies: BDD-Cucumber, Java-8 (Lambda functions), Spring Boot and Junit, BitBucket, Git-bash, Maven build tool, Jenkins, Azure-cloud, Akamai, Akana, IBM ICP ,  Docker and Kubernetes, REST-API, Swagger, Oracle SQL Developer, MSSQL Server2012 and 2016, DataStax DevCenter, Cassandra DB and Putty, Informatica-Test Data Management (TDM tool), Informatica Power BI, MS PowerShell, Shell Scripting, XML, Postman, Jira, Confluence.

NanoIT Solutions, Slough

April 2018 - Aug 2018
NanoIT Solutions is a business and technology consultancy firm, helping clients achieve greater organization agility by streamlining there core business functions and Microsoft Dynamic CRM implementation specialists.
Mobile App Automation Tester
TSP Mobile app, Total serve Pro (TSP) is native iOS and Android mobile applications connected to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016. Combining online and offline offerings will help you stay ahead of customer expectations and place all customers Omni-channel experience. It is multi language and multi-currency E-commerce and Billing app, helps to obtain information about the customer purchase billing and their transactions TSP followed the Agile Scrum methodology.

  • Involved in Smoke, Integration testing and End to End testing on real devices.

  • Involved in automated approach for regression tests and manual exploratory tests on the new features.

  • Implemented Unit and UI automation testing using XCUI tests in X-code.

  • Implemented BDD automation framework using Appium, Cucumber, Java, and Espresso.

  • Testing the REST API mock services using the SoapUI Automation tool.

  • Updated and stored automated scripts in BitBucket, continuous integration in Jenkins server.

  • Conducting all the automated tests in testdroid bitbar cloud services.

  • Tracked defects, performed bug analysis, issue reporting and re-testing of bug fixes.

  • Reported on the status of test preparation and execution, reported all system defects in JIRA.

  • Worked collaboratively with internal and external stockholders and customers, analysed the overall solution improvements and modifications.

  • Attended daily Test Progress meetings during Test Execution, stand-up meetings and planning of sprints, review, retrospective, backlog grooming activities, and app demo presentations to clients.


  • Implemented XCUI test and Espresso to speed up the UI test packs in continuous Integration. Took initiative to Espresso to maximise own productivity. 

  •  Implemented the Testdroid- Bitbar cloud services to test the app stability in various mobile models.

Technologies: Dynamics CRM 2016, E-commerce,  Java, TestNG, Appium v1.7.2, Appium client, Accessibility identifier, XCUITest,  Swift, Espresso,  Android studio, katalon studio,  WebDriver Agent Runner, x-code 8.3, 9, Zeplin(UX-designs), HockeyApp, CocoaPods,  FireBase, Fabric, Fiori, Soap UI, Eclipse, Maven, Emulators, Simulators, Bitbucket, Jenkins, JIRA.

Keytree Ltd, London

Mar 2017 - Mar 2018
Keytree is a faster and more agile with our award-winning team of SAP experts and beautifully-designed various SAP and Mobile applications.
Mobile App Automation Tester contracted to work in Agile, Scrum and Kanban environemnts on 2 client projects: Burberry (Scrum) and Holt Renfrew (Kanban) related to the company’s product, Keytree In-store Technology (KIT iOS App). It is a mobile application combining online and offline offerings enabling companies to stay ahead of customer expectations and place the Store Associate at the heart of customer's Omni-channel experience. The product provides omnichannel experience within stores, client can provide one-to-one engagement to their customers, obtain information about the customer and their transactions.

  • Designed and produced test cases from User Stories to enable evaluation of the overall system under test.

  • Mapped Tests Cases to the requirements conducted various manual tests: Smoke, Functional, Integration, Usability, Version Compatibility testing and API testing.

  • Involved in integration testing for customer registration IOS Kit APP ↔ SAP CRM ↔ SAP ERP. 

  • Involved in SAP Hybris B2B and B2C E-commerce and Omnichannel commerce features end to end testing.

  • Conducted Exploratory, Session based and End to End testing and 

  • Implemented End to End UI happy path journeys in XCUI automation testing in x-code.

  • Implemented BDD automation framework using Calabash, Cucumber in Ruby. 

  • Implemented BDD automation framework using Appium, Cucumber, Java-TestNG, and Page Object Model.

  • Updated and stored automated scripts in BitBucket, continuous integration in TeamCity server

  • Tracked defects, performed bug analysis, issue reporting and re-testing of bug fixes.

  • Reported on the status of test preparation and execution, reported all system defects in JIRA.

  • Worked collaboratively with internal and external stockholders and customers, analysed the overall solution improvements and modifications.

  • Attended daily Test Progress meetings during Test Execution, stand-up meetings and planning of sprints.

  • Integration. Took initiative to learn XCUI to maximise own productivity.

  • Working closely with a client in Canada, maintaining a close relationship with them and managing their expectations helped ensure smooth project completion. 

Technologies: Jira, Gherkin, Calabash, Ruby, XCUITest, Cucumber, Appium, Java, TestNG, XCUITest, Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), Microsoft Azure, BitBucket, Zepplin  (UX-designs), Postman, SAP CRM, SAP Hybris ,Fiori, C4C, ATG, HANA, HockeyApp, FireBase, Fabric, virtual Box, RubyMine, Simulators, Git SourceTree, X-Code, TeamCity Server, Crashlytics, CocoaPods, Eclipse, Maven.  

Vichag Ltd, Birmingham

Mar 2016 - Feb 2017
Provider of best practice technology solutions, utilising a fusion of education and innovation. Vichag’s CRM is a cloud-based application customised to clients’ needs based on their requirements.
Test Lead contracted to work on Vichag cloud based application customised for utilities and e-commerce clients. This project followed the Agile Scrum methodology and was developed in a Linux environment using Python based server side framework, Django framework and MariaDB database system.

  • Produced and contributed to reviews of test artefacts - Test Plans, Test Specification, Test Scripts, Progress Reports, Test completion reports etc.

  • Designed and produced test cases from User Stories to enable evaluation of the overall system under test

  • Mapped Tests Cases to requirements and prepared the entry and exit criteria.

  • Conducted Smoke, Sanity, Functional, Integration, System Integration, Usability, G.U.I, Compatibility testing, Responsive view Testing, UAT, Regression tests, End to End testing and Exploratory Testing.

  • Conducted performance (Load and Stress) testing by using JMeter

  • Implemented BDD automation framework using Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber using Junit and Java. Worked with Maven, Bitbucket, Jenkins Server for build management and Continuous Integration.

  • SOAP and REST API manual and automation testing using SoapUI tool using the Groovy scripting.

  • Validated Single Sign on (SSO) logins, client domain datasets and updates in Digital Ocean cloud server.

  • Reported on the status of test preparation and execution, tracked defects, performed bug analysis, issue reporting and re-testing of bug fixing of all system defects in JIRA.

  • Led and monitored the team on test progress and collaboratively worked with a wide range of stockholders and customers, analysed the overall solution improvements and modifications.

  • Attended daily Test Progress, stand-up, back log grooming, sprint planning and sprint closing meetings.


  • Demonstrated the ability to lead from within the team of 4 members, which ensured timely completion of all planned tests despite time pressure and intense workload.

  • Ensured smooth communication within the project by developing and maintaining strong working relationships with the development team, both in the UK and offshore.

Technologies: Jira, Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, JUnit, BitBucket, SourceTree, Maven, Jenkins Server, Digital Ocean Server, Java, Trello, New Relic, SOAPUI, python, MariaDB, ERP Next, Django CMS, Could CRM, E-commerce, Linux and UML designs.

Optim Technologies Ltd, London

Oct 2015 - Feb 2016
Provider of tailored software products and application solutions to small and medium companies in Banking, Insurance, Healthcare, Retail and E-commerce domains.
Test Analyst contracted to work on the client’s KVJ Financial Services application, specifically on its Funds and Exchange Connectivity modules (Finance and business intelligence). Agile / Scrum methodology was used.

  • Produced and contributed to reviews of test artifacts - Test Plans, Test Specification, Test Scripts, Progress Reports, Test completion reports.

  • Designed appropriate tests from User Stories to enable evaluation of the overall system under test.

  • Mapped Tests Cases to Requirements for Sanity, Functional, Integration, System, preparing Requirement Tractability Matrix, Usability, G.U.I, Compatibility testing, System Integration (SIT) and UAT. 

  • Database testing using SQL-CRUD and ETL testing (source to destination) in Oracle 11g.

  • Involved in WebSocket API testing for high-volume trading software solutions

  • Analysed the XML Messages (APIs), identified issues with the Online and Batch Test execution, tracked defects, performed bug analysis, issue reporting and re-testing of bug fixes.

  • Implemented BDD automation framework in Eclipse- Maven Build tool using JavaScript, Selenium WebDriver and Cucumber for regression testing and updated the code in Bitbucket.

  • Reported on the test preparation and execution status & all system defects via HP Quality Center (ALM).

  • Analysed overall tests in every stage and reporting to all stakeholders & managers attend daily Test Progress.

Achievement: Utilising past experience with application and SQL as well as business understanding ensured timely project completion, thus preventing significant fines from FCA and ensures business to profits.
Skill Snapshot: Selenium WebDriver, Junit, Cucumber Eclipse, Maven, Bitbucket, Jenkins, HP QC, Web Service Testing, Database Testing Oracle 11g, Data Migration, CRM Testing, Web Portals, API testing, Soap UI.

D-Tech Europe Ltd, London

Sep 2014 - Jul 2015
A leading UK manufacturer and distributor of security & safety systems such as access control systems, network systems, CCTV surveillance, fire detection & alarm system, intruder alarm systems.  Systems Tester contracted to work on the client’s CRM App implementation project. Modules included e-commerce, order management (purchasing and selling, vendor management, crm (billing) applications, and digital and mobile apps (iOS and Android). The project was implemented in Agile / Scrum methodology.

  • Reviewed requirement specifications, designed documents, involved in creating the test plan, test data, test scenarios and test cases

  • Tested the environment setup with the Test Lead and the technical team.

  • Executed Functional, Integration, System Integration (SIT), System, Regression, End to End Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT).

  • Involved in usability, configuration management and compatibility testing.

  • Implemented BDD automation framework using Selenium WebDriver IO, Appium and Cucumber.

  • Worked with Github, Maven, and Jenkins Server for build management and Continuous Integration.

  • Worked with SQL quires for databases CRUD (Create, Delete and Update) process.

  • Investigated and verified problems arising with software applications execution performed testing during all phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

  • Found and logged defects in Jira, allowed appropriate corrections and made decisions through collaboratively communicating with stakeholders and the development team.


  • Ability to work in fast paced environment helped to complete multiple work streams on time. This programme helped the company to restructure its business to prevent costs and run business into profits.

Technologies: MS Dynamics CRM-2013, 2015, E-commerce, Billing, Order Management (Purchase & selling), JIRA, Appium v1.3.4, Appium client, JavaScript, Accessibility Identifier, UI Automator tool, x-code-6, Android studio-1.1.0, Eclipse, Nodejs, Ant, Selenium 2.45, Github, Simulators & Emulators and UML designs.

Pebble Learning Ltd, Telford

May 2013 - Jun 2013
Creators of an award-winning portfolio and personal learning platform.
Software Tester working on Pebble pad, a personal learning space used in the education industry. It facilitates interaction between students and lectures. The role involved testing the new product version, Pebblepad3. Testing covered creating and executing test scripts, reporting defects to the team lead and developers through HP Quality Center (ALM).

  • Understood requirements from high-level design documents, preparing & execute test cases & test data.

  • Maintaining the test cases reported defects, tracked results and logged defects in HP Quality Center (ALM).

Technologies: HP Quality Center 11.0 (ALM), Functional, UAT testing, Defect-Reporting and tracking fixes, Web portals, Workbooks, Portfolios.

Software Test Engineer Uncoil Technologies India Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India

Jun 2007 – Jan 2011
Provider of enterprise solutions to manufacturing, automotive, trading, distribution, engineering, construction.
Skill Snapshot: Manual (Functional and Non-Functional) testing, Automation testing, Selenium IDE, JavaScript, Quality Center 10.0, Jira, SQL, Risk Management, Stakeholder management

  1. Right Oil (Utilities) (April 2010 to January 2011) Right Oil is an ERP system for supply & trade management companies. This project followed the Agile methodTests conducted: Smoke, Integration, Regression, UAT, SQL Database testing, Selenium IDE, Quality Center 10.0.

  2. Enable -Sales Force (Feb 2009 – Mar 2010):  a business solutions framework offering the full-fledged browser-based enterprise solution. This project followed the V-model method. Wrote and executed manual functional, regression testing, reported and tracked defects in Jira tool and collaboratively work with test lead.

  3. Trading Place (May 2008 to Feb 2009) a retail controller managing daily retail activities. The project followed the Waterfall method. Executed tests, reporting and tracking defects in Jira tool.

  4. Getmyitem ERP for B2B (Jan 2008 to May 2008) Waterfall method used. Executed tests, analysing issues and involved in maintenance tests.

  5. V3 Benefits (Jun 2007 to Dec 2007) an enterprise application accessible via a web browser. Waterfall used. Performed software maintenance tests, analysed client requirements, reported issues, supported customers.


Masters in Information Technology     University Of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
BSc in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Kakatiya University, India
June 2007

Academic Project 

Nov 2012 – Jun 2013
Analysis of University Wireless Infrastructure and Suitability for Truly Mobile On-Campus Learning.

• Performed quality and quantity analysis on university wireless systems and student mobile compatibility issues with the university wireless networks.

• Gathered the required data from conducting a survey, observation and direct measurements (by using Wi-Fi analyser) methods.

• Conducted Research study on wi-fi, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g networks.

• Good testing experience in university mobile apps and Pebble Pad app. Compatibility testing for on-campus mobile education in all mobile operating systems such as iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows phone platforms. 

• Achieved results using project management skills to meet the deadline and delivered show&tell presentation.