Victoria R. Mobile/Frontend Javascript Engineer

Front-End Web


- Mobile/Frontend Javascript Engineer with 5 years of experience in the IT industry
- 3 years of experience creating mobile applications using React Native
- Deep knowledge of JavaScript, ES6+, React, React Native, Redux, other React tools (Redux-Thunk, React-query, etc.), Material-UI, HTML5, CSS3, BEM, LESS, SASS, Bootstrap, Webpack, Vite, Jest, Lodash, Docker, Google, Facebook auth
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


Mobile Developer

23 months (October 2020 - present)

Project description: Internet shop. The app includes all the necessary acts with products: putting them in the cart, marking them as wishes, compare products from one category to each another. Possibility to pay by card online, leave comments, and make an assessment as a star rating for products. The products are divided into categories and subcategories. The website includes breadcrumbs for navigation through the whole app and an infinite scroll of products. The app has an ios/android version.

Responsibilities: Create ios/android application with React Native, estimate features, design and implement features, fix bugs

Technologies: React Native, Expo, TypeScript, Redux, Redux-Saga, Redux-toolkit, reselect, react-navigation, formik, Animatable, lodash, DeepLinking, ICroper, Google/Facebook auth


Mobile Developer

8 months (March 2020 - October 2020)

Project description: A mobile application allows you to buy/sell/auction tickets to different events. Also, every ticket includes info about location and other details. The most interesting thing is that you can buy tickets only with cryptocurrencies. This app also integrates with your contacts (a long list of issues was solved);

Responsibilities: Creating ios, android app based on React Native(Expo)

Technologies: React Native, DeepLinking, React Navigation, Expo, Axios, Eslint, Redux, Redux-Saga, React Native Maps


Web/Mobile developer, Online education platform

7 months (September 2019 - March 2020)

Project description: The big platform for teachers and students. Teachers can use materials and create schedules for students, assign tasks and review them. Students see their tasks, use materials that can solve them, and send them to review. The platform also contains a collaboration module, discussions, and forums.

Responsibilities: Development of web and mobile applications.

Technologies: React, React Native, Expo, Redux, Redux-saga, Jira, Material-UI, HTML5, CSS3, BEM, Bootstrap, Webpack, REST API


Frontend developer, Emoji shop

10 months (November 2018 - August 2019)

Project description: Internet store with complicated filters and search system. Users can leave comments and discuss products. Also contains cart features. Adaptive markup.

Responsibilities: Perform full scope of frontend development. Ensure consistent quality of your code. Communicate with the project team in all stages of development. Actively participate in team meetings and reviews of software code

Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Material-UI, Bootstrap, Vite, Typescript, REST API


Frontend developer, Promomodel

4 months (July 2018 – October 2018)

Project description: This is a service to hire staff for events on a temporary basis. The site contains 2 types of users: employers, who offer the job, and applicants, who are ready to perform it

Responsibilities: Create web applications from the scratch. Prepare architecture and infrastructure. Setup build pipelines.

Technologies: React, Redux, Bootstrap, Webpack, Lodash, Typescript


Frontend developer, CityFood

6 months (January 2018 - June 2018)

Project description: It’s a system for ordering food from restaurants, which don’t have their own delivery service. Users get access to the big list of restaurants and dishes, which are united in a unified system.

Responsibilities: Creating applications on ReactJS, estimating features, designing features, fixing bugs

Technologies: React, Redux, React-query, HTML5, CSS3, Jest, Lodash


The Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
