Serhii N. Senior React Native Engineer
- React.js and React Native Expertise: Over 5 years of dedicated experience, showcasing proficiency in building mobile applications and admin panels.
- Proficient in TypeScript: Demonstrated use of TypeScript across multiple projects, enhancing application scalability and maintainability.
- Redux and Mobx for State Management: Extensive application of Redux and Mobx in project development, ensuring efficient state handling.
- Diverse UI Frameworks Knowledge: Employed Material UI, Ant Design UI, and react-native-paper, reflecting versatility in user interface design.
- GraphQL and REST APIs Integration: Integrated GraphQL and RESTful services for optimal data retrieval and management in applications.
- Solid JavaScript ES6/ES7 Skills: Consistent use of modern JavaScript standards in development projects, forming the basis of his React Native work.
- Experienced in Redux-saga and Redux-thunk: Utilized Redux-saga and Redux-thunk for managing complex asynchronous operations in various applications.
- Upper-Intermediate English
-Available ASAP
Work Experience
React Native Engineer, Night Party Mobile App
Summary: A mobile app for night party enthusiasts to register for events with QR code functionality for club entry.
Duration: 2023-2024
Responsibilities: Bug resolution, code refinement, and user experience enhancement through collaboration and problem-solving.
Technologies: React Native, JavaScript, Redux
React Native Engineer, Rugby Community App
Summary: A community platform for rugby enthusiasts including players, coaches, and fans to interact and post updates.
Duration: 2023
Responsibilities: Led the development of a responsive user interface, enabled user interactivity, enhanced app functionality with state management, and infused innovation.
Technologies: React Native, Typescript, GraphQL, Mobx
React Engineer, Various Admin Panels
Summary: Admin panel for various applications allowing user and content management, question creation, and order processing.
Duration: 2023
Responsibilities: Led development of the admin panels, ensured seamless user interfaces, enabled functionalities for order and user management, and maintained data integrity. Actively participated in code reviews and project success.
Technologies: React, Typescript, RTK, RTK Query, Material UI, Ant Design UI
React Engineer, GridHub
Summary: Admin panel for electricity users featuring energy consumption charts and bill payment capabilities.
Duration: 2022
Responsibilities: Frontend development, data visualization, billing integration, state management, and effective collaboration across teams.
Technologies: React, Typescript, Redux Toolkit, Material UI
React Engineer, Subscription Shop
Summary: An admin panel and customer portal for managing product subscriptions, user activation, and order viewing.
Duration: 2022
Technologies: React.js, Next.js, Gatsby.js, Typescript, JavaScript, Redux, Redux-saga, Pdftron, Reselect, Tailwindcss, Material ui, (CMS), Ghost (CMS)
React Native/React Engineer, Traveler's App
Duration: 2022
Summary: A traveler’s app facilitating trip planning, social interaction, and activity scheduling.
Technologies: React Native Web, Typescript, AWS Amplify, Graphql, react-native- paper (UI library), Next.js, Gatsby.js
React Engineer, Real Estate Application
Duration: 2021
Summary: A real estate platform enabling detailed property visualization on a regional map.
Technologies: React, Typescript, Redux, Redux-saga, Google Maps
React Native Engineer,EasyMap
Duration: 2020
Description: Application helps realtors and all who do real estate business to show detailed information about real estate in selected regions on the map
Technical summary: React Native, Typescript, Redux, Redux-saga, Google Maps
React Native Engineer, QR Code Reader
Duration: 2020
Summary: A utility application for scanning QR codes and presenting information about the scanned details.
Technologies: React Native, ES6, Redux, Redux-saga
React.JS Engineer, Solar System Management Platform
Duration: 2019
Summary: A platform for managing solar systems.
Technologies: React Native, JavaScript, Mobx, Context Api
React Native Engineer, Gym Studio Management Platform
Duration: 2018
Summary: An application to manage gym studio operations including membership and scheduling.
Technologies: React Native, Typescript, Redux, Redux-saga
React Native Engineer, Medical Video Calling App
Duration: 2018
Summary: A video calling app providing live chat features for patients and doctors.
Technologies: React Native, ES6
React Native Engineer, Time Tracking App
Duration: 2017-2018
Summary: An app for tracking time logs in Jira, supporting daily and weekly oversight.
Technologies: React Native, ES6, Redux, Redux-Saga, axios
React Native Engineer, Turtle Rescue IOS App
Duration: 2017
Summary: An IOS mobile app for assisting with turtle rescue operations, with interactive map features.
Technologies: React Native, Typescript, mobx, axios, react-native-maps
React Engineer, Instagram Bot Application
Duration: 2017
Summary: A bot application on Instagram designed to enhance user engagement through likes.
Technologies: React, ES6, Typescript, mobx, axios
- National University of Food Technologies