Alexey V. Senior Architect Full-Stack RoR Engineer

Back-End Web


14 years of professional expertise in IT industry;
12+ years using Ruby on Rails framework and Rails ecosystem;
4+ years using JavaScript; (Angular JS, React JS, Backbone Js, Vue Js, Vanila Js)
Rich experience in Web development using JQuery, CSS, HTML,
Bootstrap, 3 less);
Experience in databases: PostgreSQL, Mongo DB;
Agile CRM


Fullstack RoR Developer

May 2014 → Current (8 years)

Tools & Technologies: rubyruby-on-rails, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, mysql, pivotaltracker, angularjs, reactjs, backbone.js, salesforce


RoR Developer

May 2012 → May 2014 (2 years, 1 month)

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, ruby, MySQL, MongoDB, sass, less, HTML, html5, jquery, twitter-bootstrap, jquery-UI-datepicker, jquery-UI-autocomplete, jquery-UI, PostgreSQL, lmongoid, elasticsearch, sunspot, tire, perforce, pivotaltracker, Jira



Under NDA

Description: Web platform and mobile apps for Secure Texting, On-Call Scheduling, Patient Communication, and Clinical Collaboration with unique cloud pass-thru architecture. Trusted by over 1,000 Hospitals, Home Health, and Hospice Organizations to deliver HIPAA-compliant, reliable, and real-time communication between doctors, nurses, caregivers, and patients.

Technical summary: Ruby on Rails, Vue 3, Typescript, Vue 2, REST API, Interactions, Rspec, Rspec Docs, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, sidekiq, redis


RoR Developer,

Description: With over a decade in space, Augmented World Expo (AWE) is the leading AR/VR event series in the world. AWE hosts four annual events (Silicon Valley, Munich, Asia, Tel Aviv) and has meetup chapters all over the world. Forbes calls AWE “the most essential AR/VR conference and expo.” AWE has also been mentioned in Variety, VentureBeat, NextReality, SlashGear, Road to VR, The Verge, Engadget, CNET, and more.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, salesforce, twitter-bootstrap


RoR Developer, Foundersuite

Description: Foundersuite brings structure, speed, and efficiency to fundraising and investor relations.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, backbone.js, marionette, gon, pdfjs


RoR Developer,

Description: Consult with a doctor and get your birth control, wherever and whenever.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, stripe-payments, campaign-monitor, actioncable, CoffeeScript, devise, sass, sidekiq, postgresql


RoR Developer, MyStandby

Description: Receive SMS & Push notifications from your provider as soon as a more preferable time opens up. No more annoying calls in the middle of an important meeting. Customize your availability. Stop getting calls for appointment times when you are not even available. Enjoy a single hub for all your pending appointments, which notifies you of better appointment times. No more having to repeatedly call and annoy receptionists every day, nor hope that the Post-It notes with your name on it doesn't "get lost".

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, PostgreSQL, whenever, twitter-bootstrap, devise, Heroku, RSpec


RoR Developer, Nuvi

Description: The World's Most Stunning Social Media Marketing Suite.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, reactjs, heroku, amazon-s3, webpack, react-router, PostgreSQL, jira


RoR Developer, Lab NUMA

Description: Register to NUMA events, post and view job offers, join the community discussion and keep in touch with the people you met at NUMA around the world

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, grape-api, angularjs, angular-ui-bootstrap, twitter-bootstrap, sidekiq, clockwork, actioncable, WebSocket, slim


RoR Developer, Trillah on the App Store

Description: Trillah is a mobile app that allows users to record and post short voice notes, photos, and messages directly to Facebook and Twitter.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, adhearsion, Twitter, Facebook-graph-API, activeadmin, friendly-id


RoR Developer, Viditon - Interviews Online

Description: Viditon is the first company in the world that lets you record, share, and review online video interviews.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, devise, omniauth, resque, Capistrano


RoR Developer, Locol

Description: Introducing Locol — Real-time shareable social maps made by Locols you trust. Unique Features - See your community through the eyes of others with maps built by Locols. You can locate friends and family, organize social events, and share private customized maps. Designed with Purpose - Get rewards for face-to-face networking and helping others. Watch your social wealth grow and invest in your long-term happiness. Community First - Push a button to be connected to nearby heroes who want to help. Fund projects in your community with Locol Rewards.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, grape, rspec, elasticsearch, sidekiq, twilio, quickblox, geocoding, google-maps


RoR Developer, Total Adventure

Description: Platform that allows customers to offer the trips and allows clients to find and buy that.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, sidekiq, elasticsearch, stripe-payments, paypal-rest-sdk, PayPal, grape


RoR Developer, BETEGY: Football Predictions and Statistics reinvented

Description: 'Easy to use Football Data, Stats, and Predictions + innovative design of Cards and Dashboards. Check it for yourself!

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, angularjs, rspec


RoR Developer, My Ooma

Description: My Ooma - Check your voicemail, blacklist telemarketers or update your Ooma system settings!

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, grape-api, faraday, rspec


RoR Developer, SmartBiz SBA Loans - Small Business Loan - $5,000 - $150,000

Description: Apply for a SmartBiz Small Business SBA Loan today with a fast application form.

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, MySQL, simple-form, less, slim


RoR Developer, Beanstock Media » Publisher Trading Desk

Description: Beanstock Media is the world’s first Publisher Trading Desk. With our Helix™ platform, we offer a cloud-based yield management system that aggregates demand from every available…

Tools & Technologies: ruby-on-rails, MongoDB, mongoid, CSS, sunspot, html


Master of Software development, Cherkasy Engineering and Technological Institute

2004 → 2009