Arthur T. JavaScript (React Native) Software Engineer

React Native


- A detail-oriented software engineer with 4 years of experience in web and mobile development.
- Intermediate English
- Available in two weeks

Work Experience


Pet supplies store app  React Native Developer

May 2021 - now
Description:  A mobile app developed for a pet supplies store working with 100+ offline stores
Responsibilities: Planning architecture, Phone authentication, Cashing, Payment gateway using Firebase Deeplinking, UI Feature with Device Orientation, Barcode generation for user identification, Map implementation (research of possible services), Reverse Geocoding, Server API Docs writing (Сreating requirements for the server API)
Technologies: React Native, Typescript, Redux, Redux-Saga, Redux Persist, Firebase services (FCM, Dynamic links, Analytics, Crashlytics), Google Maps APIs, Geolocation API, Apiary

Essay writing service app  React Native Developer

Sep 2020 - now
Description: Mobile app for an essay writing service
Responsibilities: Planning architecture, UI/UX planning, Kitten UI design implementation, Redux-persist caching, FB & Google & AppleID authentication, Firebase Cloud Messaging notifications, Firebase analytics, Deeplinking with Firebase Dynamic Links, Files uploading and validation, Camera integration for pictures uploading, Infinite Scroll Pagination, Firebase Crashlytics, CI/CD for React Native through App Center
Technologies: React Native, Redux, Firebase services, FB SDK, Google SDK, Kitten UI

Fitness app React Native Developer

Dec 2017 - Sep 2020
Description: Mobile app, helping girls to get fit
Responsibilities: Planning architecture, RealmJS DB integration, FB & Google authentication, Firebase Cloud Messaging notifications, Firebase Analytics, Firebase Dynamic Links integration, video resource management, basic animations
Technologies: React Native, Redux, Firebase services, FB SDK, Google SDK

Rating platform  Frontend Developer

Dec 2017 - Feb 2018
Description: Platform for collecting user reviews, resolving disputes between users and the rating service, validating and publishing reviews.
Responsibilities: Creating new features; implementation of UI; fixing bugs; performing routine SEO tasks; working to increase page speed by performing various optimizations.
Technologies: React.js, HTML, CSS, Material-UI.

Fitness website  Frontend Developer

Apr 2017 - Dec 2017
Description: Several admin panels and landing pages for clients to help girls lose weight
Responsibilities: Worked on the frontend of admin panels to manage fitness programs; fixing bugs; refactoring the old code; made new landing pages; worked with AmoCRM.
Technologies: JavaScript, React.js, HTML, CSS, Material-UI.


National University «Zaporizhya Polytecnic»

Master Degtree - Software Engeneering