Full Stack Web (7.0 yr.), Shopify


- Highly skilled software engineer with 7 years of experience in various industries such as eCommerce, blockchain, medicine, and education.
- Proficient in programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Solidity.
- Experienced in CMS and frameworks including Laravel, Shopify, WordPress, React, Next.js, Vue.js, and Alpine.js.
- Strong knowledge of WordPress technologies and plugins such as WooCommerce, Gutenberg, CF7, and ACF.
- Expertise in programming technologies such as Blade templates, HTML/CSS, SASS/LESS, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Redux, jQuery, REST API, Solana, Filament, Livewire, and Ajax.
- Skilled in cloud platforms like AWS (S3, SES, SQS, EC2) and databases including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
- Proficient in DevOps tools like Docker, Docker Compose, GitHub Actions, and Nginx, and source control systems like Git (GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket).

Note: The provided summary has been edited to remove personal information and make it more concise.

Work Experience

Software Engineer, LEARNING PLATFORM

Duration: 03.2023 – Till now
  • Web application for training developed with TALL Stack solution
  • Students can take the test, and after that the coach will assign them training materials
  • There is also a wide range of functionality for creating training materials, including articles, modules divided into lessons, interactive elements
Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development; Developing application from scratch; Create database schema and design application architecture; Elaborate on the process of creating filament resources; Making a dynamic responsive design; Developing UI using Livewire components; Implementing Livewire classes and views to Filament; Integration application with third-party services like Qualintra; Participating in team communication, code optimization, testing processes; Improvement of application performances; Code review; Bringing the quality of the code within the projects to high standards.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Alpine.js, Filament, MySQL, Livewire, Blade, Tailwind CSS, HTML/CSS, Docker / Docker Compose, AWS (S3, SES, EC2), Git / BitBucket


Duration: 03.2022 – 03.2023
  • The main goal of the project is to develop a platform where potential customers in a simple and convenient way can get acquainted with the range of goods sold by the brand and purchase it
  • Implemented multi-language localization, which affects the displayed goods, their prices and delivery, as well as the online payment system
  • Integrated AmoCRM, CDEK, metrics and pixels
  • The calculation of the delivery cost has been implemented depending on the warehouse where the goods are located, as well as the total weight of the goods added to the order
  • Flexible system of discounts for goods, delivery
  • Implemented optimization of uploaded images using TinyPNG
Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development; Project architecture development; Being involved in the entire development cycle, encompassing the journey from inception to client delivery; Design of UI/UX; Implementation of flexible and user-friendly Shopify theme; Database optimization to increase performance; REST API development; Dockerization and writing docker-compose files; Implementation of payment system using Stripe API; Continue to support and evolve features in the existing REST API; Continuously supporting existing software applications by addressing bugs, enhancing design elements, or introducing new features.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Shopify, Hydrogen, React, MariaDB, HTML / CSS, SASS / SCSS, Docker / Docker Compose, Nginx, PHPUnit, REST API, Git / GitHub


Duration: 11.2020 – 03.2022
  • The main goal of the project is to develop a business card website, where the user can find the equipment he is interested in, select the necessary repair service in a convenient form and leave a call back
  • Implemented the ability to add, remove and change repairable equipment, as well as unique possible breakdowns for each of them
  • A system for determining the required time for repairs, the necessary spare parts and cost calculation has been implemented
  • Integrated metrics and pixels
Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development; Participation in refinement and design sessions; Major customization of Shopify theme; Database optimization; Rewrite existing queries to increase performance; SEO optimization; Search engine optimization; Writing unit tests; Generating detailed and easily understandable project documentation; Managing and preserving existing software applications through bug fixes, design element updates, or the introduction of new features.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Shopify, Liquid, MySQL / MariaDB, HTML / CSS, SASS / SCSS, Docker / Docker Compose, PHPUnit, Composer, REST API, Git / BitBucket

Software Engineer, CORPORATE WEBSITE

Duration: 10.2019 – 11.2020
  • The main goal of the project was to develop a website that presented the latest news, real estate for sale, property and all other information about the company
  • Implemented design, adaptation for different devices, admin panel with the ability to edit all content in different languages offered by the site
  • Connected all kinds of metrics, analytics
  • Implemented a parser for the latest news from social networks
Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development; Working in the full cycle process of the development from scratch to delivery to the client; Providing personal solutions; Development of UI based on Figma layouts; Development of custom blocks for Gutenberg; Implementation of dynamic React components; Make responsive web-design; SEO optimization; Search engine optimization; Writing detailed and understandable documentation for the project; Sustaining current software applications through bug resolution, design enhancements, or the integration of fresh functionalities.
Technologies: PHP 7.4, JavaScript, MySQL, WordPress, Gutenberg, ACF, PHPUnit, Git / BitBucket, React, Redux, Saga, Webpack, HTML / CSS, SASS / SCSS, Ajax, Docker / Docker Compose, Nginx


Duration: 08.2018 – 10.2019
  • Development of sales funnels for Keto Cycle, user tracking systems, email events
  • The main goal of the project was to develop landing pages with a variety of offers and features, animations, exclusive blocks on the pages and more
  • Also a variety of services were implemented to track users, such as TikTok API, GTM and others
  • Landing page builders for influencers with a variety of templates, dynamic fields and more have been implemented
Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development; Refactor the existing UI based on new business requirements; Migration of existing jQuery functionality to React; Designing responsive UI components using React concepts; Implementation of SPA components; Implementation of responsive web-design to make application available on many platforms, including laptops and smartphones; Implementation of third-party services, such as TikTok and GTM; Analyzing data to identify possible improvements inside the system; Code review; Maintaining existing software applications by fixing bugs, updating design elements, or adding new features.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Laravel, PostgreSQL, React / Next.js, HTML / CSS, Tailwind CSS, jQuery, SASS, Ajax, PHPUnit, REST API, Docker / Docker Compose, Third-party APIs (TikTok, GTM), Git / GitLab


Duration: 11.2017 – 07.2018
  • The main goal of the project is to develop a telegram bot for playing a coin (heads or tails)
  • An API was implemented to work with a telegram bot that accepts a bet in Ton via TonKeeper wallet, checks its status and, if everything is successful, checks the user's winnings, and if the user chooses transfers the winnings to the user's wallet
Responsibilities: Back-end development; Working in the full cycle process of the development from scratch to delivery to the client; Creating database architecture with further improvement; REST API development; Implementation of third-party services, such as TonKeeper; Integration with Top Keeper wallet: transactions, transaction status verification; Development of a smart contract for Ton on Solidity; Writing unit tests; Writing detailed and understandable documentation for the project; Preserving ongoing software applications through bug rectification, design refinement, or the inclusion of novel features.
Technologies: PHP, Laravel, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Composer, Solidity, Smart-contracts, Nginx, PHPUnit, REST API, Third-party APIs (TonKeeper), Git / GitHub

Software Engineer, WEBSITE FOR A COIN GAME

Duration: 10.2016 – 10.2017
  • The main goal of the project is to develop a website for playing a coin using Phantom wallet for Solana network
  • A website was implemented where the user connects to his Phantom browser extension, after which he can start the game - choose heads or tails, a bet
  • After that, the backend determines whether the user won or lost
  • If he won - returns the winnings to the user's wallet
  • Live statistics were implemented, where information about users and their games is displayed
Responsibilities: Project architecture development; Working in the full cycle process of the development from scratch to delivery to the client; Development of database architecture with further improvement. Layout of new templates, editing the templates of existing pages; Development of UI based on Figma layouts; Render optimization; Make responsive web-design; Development of Vue components; Implementation of third-party services; Dockerization and writing docker-compose files; Writing detailed and understandable documentation for the project; Ensuring the upkeep of established software applications through bug fixing, design updates, or the incorporation of additional features.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, MariaDB, Vue.js, HTML / CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, Composer, Docker / Docker Compose, Nginx, REST API, PHPUnit, Git / GitHub, Third-party APIs (Phantom Wallet)


  • Computer Science and Software Engineering