Volodymyr O. Full stack/Backend developer

Full Stack Web, Drupal


- I am looking for opportunities to continue to develop as a software engineer.
- I have 10 years of practical experience with web applications development. I plan to use my strong skills, knowledge, and programming experience to improve existing and create new high-quality software.
- Intermediate English


Technical lead, System Architect, Backend, SoftServe

07/2021 - 11/2022

  • Participated in the creation of a new developers team for HP Marketing direction
  • Created new service, developed API integrations with third-party service, covered by automated tests, Redis cache and queues, configured CICD (Laravel, MySQL, ReactJS, Redis, OAuth SSO, ChartJS, Azure DevOps, Docker, Swagger)
  • Developed algorithm for proportional voting
  • Was involved in company merchandise design

Software Developer, Full stack, Askep

10/2020 - 06/2021

  • Medical web service: improved existing features, optimized SQL queries,
    developed new features integrated with government medical system
    (Laravel, MySQL, NodeJS, VueJS, Bootstrap)

Software Developer, Backend, Ademrius

04/2020 - 06/2021

  • Developed international medical web service from scratch based on micro-service architecture, covered by automated tests, configured API response cache (Lumen, MySQL, VueJS, Solr, Nginx, Swagger, Postman)
  • Improved app building process and deployment (shell script)

Software Developer, Full stack, JetSoftPro

01/2019 - 03/2020

  • Sports grounds booking service, developed API for Mobile applications (Laravel, MySQL, Nginx, Google FCM, Xamarin, Postman)

Software Developer, Full stack, AgiliWay Group Inc.

04/2017 - 10/2018

  • Client’s CRM: optimized existing SQL queries, developed new features, developed integrations and SSO auth with multiple third-party services (Drupal 7, MySQL, SAML SSO, CiviCRM, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, RoundCube, NextCloud, Facebook Workplace, Nginx)

Software Developer, Full stack, i-Media UA

01/2015 - 11/2016

  • Developed an algorithm for evaluating the company's financial efficiency, optimized existing SQL queries, developed new features for company product, developed scheduled jobs for data processing, (Laravel, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JS, NodeJS, Redis, Queues, ChartJS, Google, Speech-to- Text, calls tracking, Nginx)
  • Supported 109 client websites: closed security issues, SEO

Software Developer, Full stack, SEO UA

01/2014 - 11/2014

  • Developed 22 sites, system design, DB design, SEO and responsive frontend (Drupal 7, MySQL, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, JS, Nginx)


Master of Computer Science, Kyiv National Aviation University
06/2005 - 02/2007

Master of Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical Engineering, Kyiv National Aviation University
09/2002 - 06/2008


  • Soft skills communication courses
  • Applications security courses
  • English for business coursers
  • Course Title