
Denys K Python Developer

Back-End Web (5.0 yr.), Telegram Bots and Mini-Apps (3.0 yr.), Mobile Apps (2.5 yr.)


- Strong background in computer engineering and automation;
- 5+ years of experience with Python;
- Good knowledge of the blockchain industry and web3 project development;
- Proven expertise in developing mobile applications, crafting solutions for crypto services, and creating telegram mini-apps;
- Skilled in web automation, bot development, parsing, and working with web3 technologies.

Work Experience

Python Engineer & Telegram Bot Developer, dApp Marketplace

Duration: Apr. 2024 - now
Summary: The project is a dApp marketplace platform that provides service clients the opportunity to receive airdrops in various web3 protocols thanks to the automation of participation in drops and passive earnings from this to all participants.

  • Development and integration the Telegram chatbot of the project;
  • Development of Telegram mini application;
  • Support, improvement, and implementation of new options for the backend and frontend part of the Telegram mini app;
  • Integration of payment systems and the TON wallet to the TMA;
  • Improvement of UI functionality of the Telegram mini app;
  • Performance optimization, database optimization, caching, as well as the collection of statistics on the operation of the platform;
  • Working with asynchronous processing with SQL Alchemy;
  • Multiprocessing with Uvicorn, process synchronization.

Technologies: Python, Mobile Development, Crypto Services, Telegram Mini-Applications, TON, TonKeeper, fastAPI, MySQL, SQL Alchemy, Multiprocessing.

Python Developer, Crypto project

Duration: 2022 - 2024
Summary: Development of mobile applications, engagement with crypto services, creation of telegram mini-applications, and support of ongoing projects.
Responsibilities: Creation of mobile applications, work with crypto services, creation of telegram mini-applications, ongoing project support.
Technologies: Python, Mobile Development, Crypto Services, Telegram Mini-Applications.

Python Developer, Multiple Python Projects

Duration: 2020 - 2022
Summary: Involved in diverse Python projects including telegram mini-applications, backend work, and development with web3 technologies.
Responsibilities: Implementation of various projects involving telegram bots, backend development, web3 interactions, and payment service development.
Technologies: Python, Telegram Bots, Web3.

Python Developer, NDA

Duration: 2019 - 2020
Summary: Worked with backend systems, developed telegram bots, and automated small business processes.
Responsibilities: Telegram bot development, small business automation, parsing.
Technologies: Python, Telegram API.


  • Ivan Pului National Technical University is a university