Andrii K. Full stack Engineer

Full Stack Web


- 4+ years of commercial experience
- Highly motivated Full-stack developer with a strong focus on delivering results.
- Equipped with solid technical and problem-solving skills, strive to create impactful solutions.
- Great team player, and always responsive to the needs of the project.
- Upper-Intermediate English.


Parking space sharing app

1 year
Description: Mobile app, admin panel, UI library
The app is made for residents and guests. Allows open the garage doors, share your parking space, or add automatic gate opening for your car.
Responsibilities: Created mobile application from scratch, NPM UI library, and admin panel that allows managing accounts and access. Worked with the Mobile app development team through the whole process. 2 mobile developers in my team.
Technologies: React Native, Typescript

Cars sharing mobile app

1.5 years
Description: My team was working on mobile apps for all platforms.
The product itself is the first car–sharing provider in the Middle East that provides car rental by the minute with more than 30k users.
Responsibilities: Created mobile application for Android, IOS, and Huawei, with English and Arabic localization. I was a team leader and was responsible for technical solutions, communication with the backend team and management, work planning, and publishing applications to the stores. When I joined the team, there was already an old app, but it was very poorly made and we redid it practically from scratch. Since the application uses Google services, it was necessary to isolate the Huawei app in a separate branch. Worked with the Mobile app development team through all the process. 3 mobile developers in my team and QA.
Technologies: React Native

EPUB reader mobile app

2 months
Description: App for universities and schools that allows taking the test after reading the chapter.
Created mobile application from scratch.
Technologies: React Native

Web application for a marketing agency

1 year
Description: The app allows users to manage marketing campaigns. Automate actions to achieve certain indicators. Track statistics.
Created web application from scratch. Developed backend using Firebase services.
Worked with the Mobile app development team through all the process. 3 full-stack
developers in my team and QA.
Technologies: React JS, TypeScript, Firebase

Web application for a voluntary organization

1 year
Description: The app for individuals and businesses allows users to bring transparency to their
carbon offset. The app's mission is to help reforest our planet and recruit the best companies worldwide to help achieve this.
Responsibilities: Created web application from scratch. Worked with the Mobile app development team through all the process. 3 full-stack developers in my team and QA.
Technologies: React JS, TypeScript, Firebase