
Adobe Experience Manager and Platform (AEM AEP) Developer with Java Server Pages (JSP) Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Adobe Experience Manager and Platform (AEM AEP) developer with Java Server Pages (JSP) with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Java Server Pages (JSP) used?

Web Alchemy with JSP

  • Turning coffee-script into dynamic web potions, JSP lets wizards (developers) conjure up interactive websites!

The MVC Juggling Act

  • In the web circus, JSP throws the 'View' balls high in the MVC (Model-View-Controller) tent, partnering with Servlets!

Enterprise Elves' Little Helper

  • Behind the curtain of corporate web fortresses, JSP elves craft internal portals and ERP systems with abracadabra!

Form Fiestas

  • Bringing the fiesta to web forms, JSP boogies with data input, making form submission a samba dance!

Java Server Pages (JSP) Alternatives




Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for web and standalone environments. It allows for natural templating that can be viewed in browsers.


<div th:text="'Hello, ' + ${name} + '!'">
Hello, John!

  • Strong integration with Spring framework.


  • No need for a special browser or IDE to view templates.


  • Includes full support for HTML5.


  • Steeper learning curve than JSP.


  • Less community support compared to JSP.


  • Could be considered overkill for simple projects.

JavaServer Faces (JSF)


Action-oriented UI framework which simplifies building user interfaces for Java EE applications. Uses a component-based approach.


<h:outputText value="Welcome #{}!" />

  • Component-based architecture simplifies UI development.


  • Integrated Ajax support.


  • Built-in validation, conversion, and internationalization.


  • Higher complexity and steeper learning curve.


  • Can produce bloated HTML.


  • May impose a heavy lifecycle on requests.

Spring MVC


A module of Spring Framework which provides components to develop flexible and loosely coupled web applications following the MVC pattern.


<form:form modelAttribute="user" method="POST">
<form:input path="name"/>

  • Highly flexible and configurable.


  • Strong ecosystem and community support.


  • Seamless integration with other Spring modules.


  • May require more boilerplate code than JSP.


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for beginners.


  • Configuration can be complex and verbose.


Quick Facts about Java Server Pages (JSP)

The Dawn of JSP: It Came from the Java Family!


Picture the scene – it's 1999, everyone's panicking about Y2K, and boom, Sun Microsystems drops Java Server Pages. It's like giving web developers a shiny new toy. No more slogging through servlet code to churn out HTML, JSP arrives and suddenly, it's all dynamic web pages with a side of Java beans!

Scriptlet Invasion: <% code %> Galore!


Remember when simply tossing Java code into HTML was the hottest thing since sliced applets? That's JSP for you! But wait, don't sprinkle too much or you'll cook up a maintenance nightmare. Here's a taste:

<% out.println("Hello, World!"); %>

Ah, the good old days – it's like mixing peanut butter with chocolate, but with more semicolons!


JSP Evolution: A Spice Rack of Versions!


Our JSP journey goes through a wonderland of updates. 2.0 brought us Expression Language (EL) - no more scriptlet bad hair days. Then, the big 2.1 dropped with a cool toolbox: the Unified Expression Language (UEL), making JSP play nice with JSF. And in 2.2? They said "Let there be custom tag files!" So we got to roll our own tags. Each version, a pinch of new zing!


What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Java Server Pages (JSP) developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-240,000 - 60,000

  • Basic JSP syntax and directives.

  • Maintaining existing JSP pages.

  • Basic debugging under supervision.

  • Implementing simple features based on specifications.

Middle2-560,000 - 85,000

  • Integrating JSP with server-side Java.

  • Developing JSP custom tags and tag libraries.

  • Complex debugging and problem solving.

  • Optimizing JSP page performance.

Senior5-1085,000 - 120,000

  • Designing JSP architecture.

  • Leading feature development.

  • Mentoring junior developers.

  • Performing code reviews and ensuring best practices.

Expert/Team Lead10+120,000 - 160,000+

  • Setting technical vision for JSP projects.

  • Coordinating cross-team technical efforts.

  • Defining coding standards and project guidelines.

  • Handling client communications and project management.


Top 10 Java Server Pages (JSP) Related Tech

  1. Java Language

    At the heart of JSP is Java, the almighty language that's like the seasoned rockstar of the programming world. Known for its "write once, run anywhere" (WORA) mantra, Java ensures that your JSP tantrums are handled with grace across various environments. Whether you're scripting a simple "Hello World" or juggling enterprise-level applications, Java's got your back.

    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>");


  1. Servlet API

    Think of Servlets as the puppet masters of the JSP stage. They pull the strings behind the scenes, managing requests and responses like a boss. Servlet API is the invisible force that helps you craft custom responses for the browsers' incessant whining for attention. It's the old-school cool that pre-dates JSP but still has the moves.

    public class SimpleServlet extends HttpServlet {
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<p>Servlets are cool, aren't they?</p>");


  1. Apache Tomcat

    Apache Tomcat is the go-to web server for running your JSP show. It's like the stage crew that sets up the props (servlets) and rolls out the red carpet for your Java-based web applications. Easy to tame and known to purr under heavy load, Tomcat has become the default sidekick for Java devs looking to deploy web applications without a fuss.


  1. Eclipse IDE

    Where do Java developers pen their existential code poetry? In the Eclipse IDE, of course – the integrated development environment that's practically a Swiss Army knife. It's got all the tools you need in one place, and with its vast array of plugins, customization is just a few clicks away. Coding JSP without Eclipse? Now that's a horror story.


  1. Spring Framework

    Spring into action with the Spring Framework, your VIP pass to simplified, boilerplate-free JSP development. With Spring's MVC module, you can architect your applications like Michelangelo on Red Bull, separating your concerns with style and grace. It's the framework that tells complexity to take a hike.


  1. JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library)

    Write less, do more – that's the JSTL mantra. A collection of tag libraries that functions like a box of Lego, JSTL lets you build your JSP pages without getting your hands dirty with scriptlets. It's like the spice mix that turns bland code into a flavorful fiesta.

    <c:forEach var="item" items="${list}">


  1. EL (Expression Language)

    Expression Language is like the telepathy of JSP – it lets your pages communicate with Java code without the chatter of JavaBeans. EL is all about keeping the conversation between your presentation and business logic clean, slick, and smack dab on point.

    <p>${}, your balance is ${account.balance}.</p>


  1. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

    Data, data everywhere and not a drop to drink? Not on JDBC's watch! This spellbinding driver manager conjures up connections to a variety of databases faster than you can say "SQL". With JDBC, your database conversations are smoother than a pick-up line at a Java convention.


  1. Maven or Gradle

    Can't remember if you're supposed to use a hammer or a screwdriver for that JSP project? Maven and Gradle are the build automation tools that have replaced the traditional toolbox with something akin to a robotic arm – precise, efficient, and only occasionally going rogue and building Skynet.


  1. Git

    In the world of code, Git is the time-traveling DeLorean – ensuring you can always backtrack to a safer timeline when your code didn't resemble spaghetti thrown against a wall. Git is your collaboration BFF, keeping all your source code versions in line and playing nice with others.


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