
Database Management and Administration Developer with MariaDB Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Database Management and Administration developer with MariaDB with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is MariaDB used?

Unleashing Web Wizards: WordPress on MariaDB

  • Imagine WordPress zipping on a MariaDB broomstick! Lightning-speed searches for your latest cat meme posts.

Keeping E-commerce Snappy: Online Stores

  • E-shops juggling product catalogs like a clown with pies, all thanks to MariaDB’s super-fast data-serving tricks!

Scores on the Doors: Fantasy Sports Platforms

  • MariaDB playing ball, updating fantasy leagues faster than a quidditch seeker catches the snitch.

Cutting the Red Tape: Government Databases

  • Governments get less slothy by using MariaDB to streamline citizen data faster than you can say “bureaucracy.”

MariaDB Alternatives


A powerful, open-source object-relational database system known for its reliability, feature robustness, and performance. Commonly used for complex queries and large datasets.

-- PostgreSQL Sample Code for Creating a Table
CREATE TABLE employees (
employee_name VARCHAR(100),
department VARCHAR(50)

  • ACID-compliant, ensuring transaction reliability.

  • Extensive and sophisticated indexing for performance.

  • Supports advanced data types and full-text search.

  • Can be complex to administer.

  • Heavier performance footprint compared to some alternatives.

  • Lesser replication features than some competitors.


Embedded, lightweight database engine that's ideal for small to medium-sized applications, especially on mobile platforms or applications requiring portability.

-- SQLite Sample Code for Creating a Table

  • Zero-configuration with no setup or administration needed.

  • Serverless architecture and cross-platform portability.

  • Small footprint suitable for mobile and embedded applications.

  • Not suitable for high-concurrency or write-intensive applications.

  • Lacks support for stored procedures and triggers.

  • No user management or fine-grained access controls.


One of the most popular open-source relational database management systems, it’s widely used for web applications and integrates well with PHP and other languages.

-- MySQL Sample Code for Creating a Table
CREATE TABLE customers (
name VARCHAR(100),

  • Widespread popularity ensures a strong community and extensive support.

  • Robust replication features support scalability and availability.

  • Comprehensive management tools available, such as MySQL Workbench.

  • Lesser standards-compliance compared to PostgreSQL.

  • Constrained by performance issues under heavy loads or complex queries.

  • Potential licensing complexities post Oracle acquisition.

Quick Facts about MariaDB

Once Upon a Time in a Database Far, Far Away...

Imagine a world where databases are as common as fish in the sea. Then, out of the blue in 2009, an original MySQL developer got bored and thought, "Hey, why not?" Thus, the MariaDB universe was born. Monty Widenius, a key MySQL figure, decided that forks weren't just for eating spaghetti and went on to create MariaDB, named after his daughter. Who knew that database naming could be such a familial affair?

Quick! To the Time Machine!

Glance at the calendar and you'd spot MariaDB's timeline jetting off faster than Marty McFly in his DeLorean. Innovation is the name of the game, with MariaDB introducing a slew of flashy upgrades with every version, like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat. They've been known for their storage-engine diversity, tossing in Aria as the newer, shinier MyISAM, and flaunting XtraDB as an InnoDB alternative. Presto chango!

A Futuristic Database Saga

What sets MariaDB apart isn't just its cheeky origin story or its pace of development; it's how it shields its fans from the baddies of the database world. Enter its revolutionary approach to ensuring all its upgrades are backward compatible. It's like having comfort food that never runs out; once your system falls in love with MariaDB, it never has to say goodbye, staying up-to-date without the heartbreak of compatibility issues.

// Here's a taste of the MariaDB charm, writing a query using a system versioned table.
MariaDB [mydatabase]> CREATE TABLE employees (
id INT(11) NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(250),
position VARCHAR(250),
salary DOUBLE (10, 2),

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert MariaDB developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior MariaDB Developer0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Basic database maintenance

  • Assisting in simple query development

  • Writing basic SQL statements

  • Learning from Senior Developers

Middle MariaDB Developer2-570,000 - 100,000

  • Designing database schemas

  • Optimizing queries for performance

  • Implementing stored procedures

  • Debugging database issues

Senior MariaDB Developer5+100,000 - 130,000

  • Leading database design and architecture

  • Advanced performance tuning

  • Setting up replication and backup strategies

  • Mentoring Junior Developers

Expert/Team Lead MariaDB Developer8+130,000+

  • Strategic planning for database growth

  • Overseeing all database development

  • Managing a team of developers

  • Decision-making on database technologies and structures

Top 10 MariaDB Related Tech

  1. SQL

    Like a chef mastering the art of slicing and dicing, a developer needs to know Structured Query Language (SQL) to converse suavely with MariaDB. Flexing those SQL muscles allows you to perform data manipulation with flair, from simple SELECT statements to complex JOINs that would make even a ballroom dancer envious.

    SELECT * FROM witty_table WHERE humor = 'top-notch';

  2. PHP with PDO

    Imagine PHP is like a universal translator for web apps, and when it teams up with PHP Data Objects (PDO), it's like having a secret handshake with MariaDB. This dynamic duo ensures your database conversations are as smooth as a jazz solo.

    $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO jokes (setup, punchline) VALUES (:setup, :punchline)");
    $stmt->execute([':setup' => $setup, ':punchline' => $punchline]);

  3. Python with MySQL Connector

    Python slithers into the MariaDB party, bringing with it a swiss-army-knife-like library, MySQL Connector. It's like having a pet python (the non-venomous kind) that not only charms snakes but also manages to charm your data into orderly obedience.

    import mysql.connector
    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='dev', database='party_db')
    cursor = cnx.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT punchline FROM jokes WHERE humor_level = 'Pythonic'")

  4. Database Administration Tools: phpMyAdmin

    When it comes to a wing-man for your database adventures, phpMyAdmin is that buddy who knows how to navigate through the trickiest of relationship—er, table situations. This web-based wonder tool lets you tinker with your database without breaking a sweat or a schema.

  5. ORMs: Sequelize, Eloquent

    ORMs are the matchmakers of the code world, linking your objects with database tables as smoothly as a dating app swipe. Sequelize and Eloquent will help you find "The One" in record rows without you writing tedious SQL love letters. It's code harmony at its finest.

  6. Apache/Nginx

    These two are like the sturdy bouncers of the web server club, making sure requests come and go without a hitch. Whether you're setting up a shop with Apache's .htaccess charms or speeding past with Nginx's performance prowess, you're in solid hands.

  7. SSL Certificates

    SSL Certificates are like secret decoder rings for your data, making sure your whispers with MariaDB are not just sweet nothings but secure sweet nothings. No eavesdroppers allowed when SSL is the bodyguard for your data's secret rendezvous.

  8. Git

    Ah, Git, the trusty sidekick in the quest for version control - it's like having a time machine for your code! Made a whoopsie? Git got your back, letting you travel back in code time and pretend that little faux pas never happened. Phew!

  9. Containerization: Docker

    Docker packages up your code in neat containers, much like a lunchbox for your app's code. Whether it's a sandwich or a sophisticated array of microservices, Docker ensures your code travels well across environments without any tummy aches.

  10. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

    Deploying updates is a breeze with CI/CD; it's like having a magical assembly line where your freshly-baked code gets tested, packaged, and sent out for the world to feast upon, automatically! Bon appétit, users!

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