
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Developer with Salesforce Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with Salesforce with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Salesforce used?

CRM Extraordinaire

  • Salesforce champs at juggling customer data like a circus act, ensuring no balls—or clients—get dropped. Keeps track of sales shenanigans, customer kudos, and service squabbles.

Marketing Magician

  • Behold the sorcery of personalized campaigns—Salesforce waves its wand to conjure up tailored emails, ensuring your spam isn't just a canned meat product in someone's inbox.

Analytics Ace

  • With its Einstein Analytics, Salesforce plays Sherlock, deducing deep insights from data-dense mysteries, turning numerical gibberish into business breakthroughs.

Integration Illusionist

  • Salesforce bends reality to connect disparate apps and systems with the grace of a contortionist, ensuring your tech toolbox sings in harmonious chorus, not chaotic cacophony.

Salesforce Alternatives

Microsoft Dynamics 365

A suite of enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management applications. Offers sales, service, and marketing features.

// Sample to retrieve a contact using Web API
GET /api/data/v9.0/contacts?$select=fullname,contactid

  • Seamless integration with other Microsoft products

  • Customizable through Power Platform

  • Strong for ERP alongside CRM

  • Complex for small businesses

  • Can be expensive for full feature access

  • Steep learning curve

HubSpot CRM

A cloud-based CRM tailored for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service.

// Sample to create a contact with the API
POST /contacts/v1/contact/
"properties": [
"property": "email",
"value": ""
"property": "firstname",
"value": "Contact"
"property": "lastname",
"value": "Example"

  • User-friendly interface

  • Free tier available with essential features

  • Great for inbound marketing strategies

  • Some advanced features locked behind paid plans

  • Limited customization options

  • Integrations can add costs

Zoho CRM

A web-based CRM designed for attracting, retaining, and satisfying customers to grow the business.

// Sample to insert records using Zoho CRM API
POST /crm/v2/Leads
"data": [
"Company": "Zylker",
"Last_Name": "Doe",
"First_Name": "John",
"Email": ""

  • Cost-effective with a range of plans

  • Extensive customization capabilities

  • AI assistant for sales predictions

  • UI can be cluttered and overwhelming

  • Occasional sluggish performance reported

  • Support response can be slow

Quick Facts about Salesforce

Trailblazing in the Cloud: Salesforce's Skyward Launch

Pondering over a plate of sushi in 1999, Marc Benioff, along with his pals Parker Harris, Dave Moellenhoff, and Frank Dominguez, decided to shake things up in the software cosmos. Eschewing the software cliffs of CDs and downloads, Salesforce emerged as a cloud comet, zapping CRM solutions directly over the internet. It was like swapping your old walkman for a streaming service while chilling on your couch.

The ABCs of "No Software"

At a time when unpacking software boxes was as ritualistic as morning coffee, Salesforce strolled in with a smug "No Software" badge. This wasn't a cheeky wink at anarchy but a clarion call heralding the SaaS revolution. Imagine a world where software installations are as outdated as floppy disks; Salesforce not only envisaged it but rolled it out in full pomp and splendor, nixing the need for pesky installations and upgrades.

When Salesforce Waved the Lightning Rod

2014 was the year Salesforce decided to throw a thunderbolt named 'Lightning.' Much like Zeus's, this Lightning was a mighty game-changer. It's an uber-flexible toolkit for mortals to craft apps with the dexterity of Lego masters. Think drag-and-drop but with superpowers, letting you concoct custom solutions without writing an Odyssey in code. Here's a taste of that mystical incantation:

{!norse.title} - {!norse.lightningStrikeCount}

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Salesforce developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & ActivitiesQuality
Junior0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Basic configuration changes in Salesforce

  • Assisting with data import/export tasks

  • Following instructions for routine maintenance work

Requires close supervision and frequent review of work
Middle2-470,000 - 100,000

  • Developing custom Apex code and Visualforce pages

  • Implementing automation using workflows and process builders

  • Basic integrations with external systems

Consistently reliable with occasional guidance
Senior4-6100,000 - 130,000

  • Designing and developing complex Salesforce solutions

  • Leading Salesforce project modules or sub-projects

  • Performing code review and mentoring junior devs

Highly reliable, produces robust solutions with minimal errors
Expert/Team Lead6+130,000+

  • Strategic planning and architectural decisions

  • Heading the Salesforce development team and operations

  • Stakeholder management and project management responsibilities

Exceptional, ensures highest standard across the team's output

Top 10 Salesforce Related Tech

  1. Apex: The Pinnacle of Salesforce Custom Coding

    Imagine a Java-like knight donning the Salesforce armor, that's Apex for you! It's the proprietary language for the platform, designed to herd your data and business processes like a seasoned sheepdog. With Apex, you can write triggers, classes, and extensions with all the control of a Jedi. It cogitates, automates, and validates with triggers before and after data manipulation, and even in batch processes – just to keep the peace in your Salesforce galaxy.

    trigger HelloWorld on Account (before insert) {
    System.debug('Hello, Salesforce!');

  2. Visualforce: The Artisan’s Brush for User Interfaces

    Step into the painter's smock with Visualforce to craft custom pages! It's a markup language that spins HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a rich tapestry of user-interface components. Picture yourself designing Picasso-esque masterpieces, but instead of a canvas, you're beautifying Salesforce pages. With its tag-based syntax, Visualforce lets you blend standard controllers with custom-styled display for a real haute-couture user experience.

  3. Lightning Components: Striking the UI with Style

    Electrify your interface with Lightning Components – Salesforce's dynamic framework for developing modular and responsive interfaces faster than you can say "Bolt!". Think Lego but for web apps, where you piece together an awesome UI with customizable building blocks. Cater to the mobile workforce with a "click-not-code" approach and ensure Thor himself feels at home with these components that auto-magically adapt to any device's screen.

  4. Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL): The Data Whisperer

    Ever wanted to gossip directly with your database? SOQL is your secret language! It's like SQL with a Salesforce twist, allowing you to converse with your records, ask them about their fields, and retrieve stories only they can tell. It's the bread and butter of fetching only what you need, like a meticulous dietician planning your data's diet to keep your org's performance as fit as a fiddle.

    SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Industry = 'Bakery'

  5. Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL): The Haystack Navigator

    When your data is playing hide and seek, SOSL is the savvy companion that spots the needle in the haystack in a flash. Unlike SOQL, which chats with one object at a time, SOSL hollers at the entire Salesforce database and can find the sneaky piece of data hiding across multiple objects. It’s ideal for global searches when your data might be frolicking in unexpected fields.

    FIND {Bakery} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name), Contact(Name)

  6. Process Builder: The Process Picasso

    Brush off the code; Process Builder is the visual arrangement maestro that lets you automate business processes with the elegance of a symphony conductor. Weave together a tapestry of workflow actions with clicks, not code, and let Salesforce flow gracefully like a river. It's the perfect tool for delivering complex business logic that can turn a cacophony of tasks into harmonious efficiency.

  7. Flow: The Automation Wizard

    Imagine a sorcerer that specializes in the alchemy of automation. That's Flow for you! It goes beyond the wonders of Process Builder, allowing you to collect data, perform complex logic, and manipulate records through magical screen-guided wizards. You can craft guided experiences for users or let the automation spirits run invisibly in the background, orchestrating your org’s operations with finesse.

  8. Salesforce CLI: The Command Line Conductor

    For those who enjoy orchestrating their Salesforce environment through the rhythmic tapping of keys, Salesforce CLI is your baton! It's a powerful command line interface that lets admins and developers conduct their deployments, test suits, and data manipulations with the precision of a maestro. It elevates scripting to an art form, providing an ensemble of commands to harmonize your day-to-day Salesforce operations.

  9. Git: The Version Control Time Machine

    Board the Git DeLorean for a ride through the timelines of your project's history! It's the Marty McFly of the development world, ensuring you never lose your work to the Biffs of accidental overwrites or unwanted changes. Salesforce DX and Git go together like peanut butter and jelly, a combo that lets you manage your source, collaborate with fellow time-travelers, and track every alteration down to the tiniest peck on the keyboard.

  10. Test Automation Tools: The Bug Exterminators

    Arm yourself with test automation tools, the Ghostbusters for bugs in your Salesforce system! With allies like Selenium or Provar, you suit up to trap any pesky gremlins hiding in your code with a proton pack of test scripts. It provides peace of mind by ensuring every release is as smooth as a joyride in Ecto-1, with no unwelcome specters popping up to wreak havoc on your user's experience.

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