
QA Automation / Testing Developer with Appium Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a QA Automation / Testing with Appium with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Appium used?

Unleashing Robots on Apps

  • Appium is like a puppet master for apps, automating tedious human tasks with the grace of a digital ninja, across iOS and Android platforms.

Taming the Wild Cross-Platform Beasts

  • It's the Swiss Army knife for app developers, letting them converse in multiple coding dialects while ensuring their app doesn't play favorites with mobile OS tribes.

The Ever-Vigilant Testing Sentry

  • This software is like a hawk, tirelessly circling your apps for bugs so users can frolic in a digital meadow of seamless functionality.

Bug Hunt with a Laser Scope

  • Imagine Appium as a futuristic gamer zapping glitches with precision, making sure the app battlefield is a paradise of perfection.

Appium Alternatives


Automation testing framework for web applications. Selenium WebDriver scripts can be written in various programming languages like Java, C#, Python.

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
element = driver.find_element_by_id("element_id")

  • Supports multiple browsers and languages.

  • Large user community and robust support.

  • Requires browser-specific drivers.

  • Steep learning curve for beginners.

  • No built-in image comparison.


Native framework for Android UI testing. Allows for writing concise and reliable UI tests, but limited to Android Studio.


  • Highly reliable and fast.

  • Integrates seamlessly with Android Studio.

  • Limited to Android, not cross-platform.

  • Requires knowledge of Android development.

  • No desktop web app testing.


Gray box end-to-end testing framework for mobile apps on iOS and Android, simulates user behavior and handles asynchronous operations well.

describe('Example screen', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await device.reloadReactNative();

it('should have welcome message', async () => {
await expect(element('welcome'))).toBeVisible();

  • Works well for both iOS and Android apps.

  • Suitable for React Native applications.

  • Gray box approach may miss out on some black box testing aspects.

  • May require additional setup for native modules.

  • Less community support than Appium.

Quick Facts about Appium

The Birth of Appium: Break Free from Restrictive Testing!

Once upon a time, in the year 2012, a band of rebellious developers said "No more!" to the tyranny of native-only test frameworks. They conjured Appium, a magical tool that promised to treat mobile apps like web apps, irrespective of their worldly origins. Whether iOS or Android, Appium invited them all to the same party. And just like that, the universe of automation testing was forever altered!

Open Source Sorcery!

As if by a wave of a wand, Appium emerged not just as another tool but embraced the open-source ethos. Spearheaded by a wizard named Dan Cuellar, it cast a spell on the community, growing stronger with each contribution. Unlike the dark proprietary alternatives, Appium's source code danced in the daylight for all to see and improve. It flourished, forming a cabal of contributors who to this day continue to fuel its powers.

The Evolutionary Potion: Appium 2.0

Fast forward through the scrolls of time and versions, Appium underwent a magnificent transformation. It unlocked its second major incarnation with Appium 2.0 – a beacon of modular majesty. Enabling testers to plug and play with drivers and plugins, it was as if they had been granted their own spellbook to tailor their automation brew. The drivers became separate entities, wield-able by the will of the sorcerer, erm, tester!

// Summoning the iOS driver in the enchanted land of Appium 2.x
appium driver install xcuitest

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Appium developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & ActivitiesQuality-Wise
Junior0-2$40,000 - $70,000

  • Assisting with basic automated test script creation

  • Executing test cases under supervision

  • Learning from documentation and more experienced team members

  • Maintaining test cases

Developing foundational skills, often requires guidance
Middle2-5$70,000 - $100,000

  • Creating and optimizing automated tests using Appium

  • Integrating tests into the CI/CD pipeline

  • Performing code reviews for junior developers

  • Analyzing test results and reporting to the team

Capable of working independently, produces reliable code
Senior5-10$100,000 - $130,000

  • Designing test automation frameworks

  • Leading and mentoring junior and middle developers

  • Collaborating with other departments on quality assurance

  • Implementing complex test strategies

High-quality output, acts as a role model
Expert/Team Lead10+$130,000+

  • Defining testing strategy at the organizational level

  • Leading project development and taking responsibility for outcomes

  • Optimizing test processes for efficiency

  • Handling the most complex issues and championing best practices

Exemplary standards, leads improvements and innovation

Top 10 Appium Related Tech

  1. Java

    Straight off the bat, if you wanna tango with Appium, you gotta waltz with Java babe. It's like the bread and butter of Appium scripts. Why? 'Cause Appium is like the friendly neighborhood spider, weaving its web with Selenium, and Selenium loves Java. But don't you worry your pretty head; even if Java syntax gives you the heebie-jeebies, there's plenty of documentation and Stack Overflow threads to hold your hand through those "Why won't it compile?!" meltdowns.

  2. Python

    For those of you who have Python as your spirit animal, Appium digs Python too. It's like choosing a picnic in the park over a formal dinner. Python's got that clear, concise, and easy-to-read vibe that's perfect for beginners or anyone who values their sanity. Plus, when you've had enough of semicolons and brackets, Python is like your cozy coding blanket.

  3. Node.js

    If waiting isn't your jam and you want your tests running zippity-zap, Node.js enters the chat. Node.js is like that friend who can't sit still, always eager to execute your Appium tests asynchronously. With Node.js, you're surfing on the edge with JavaScript, bringing some of that webdev swagger to the mobile automation party.

  4. Appium Desktop

    Wanna see your tests doing their thing like a proud parent at a school play? Appium Desktop is your ticket in. It's got a snazzy GUI that lets you start and stop your Appium server with more ease than popping bubble wrap. And with its Inspector tool, you can snoop around your app like a detective, finding elements and attributes as if they were clues to the mystery of the missing semicolon.

  5. Selenium WebDriver

    Alright sparky, listen up. Appium and Selenium WebDriver go together like coffee and doughnuts. You've got Selenium’s WebDriver thinking it's all about the web, but then Appium sneaks in and says, "Hold my emulator," and takes those sweet commands to the mobile realm. It's like WebDriver got a surprise vacation to the world of taps and swipes.

  6. TestNG

    TestNG is like that uber-organized friend who's got lists for their lists. If you want your tests to run in a specific order, rerun failed tests, or group them like a herd of cats, TestNG is your go-to. It's all about making that testing framework work for you, turning an avalanche of tests into a well-behaved conga line.

  7. Maven

    So, you decided to have a gazillion dependencies, and now you're drowning in them? Maven's here with its life vest. It manages libraries and dependencies like a boss so you can kick back and focus on breaking your code in new and inventive ways, instead of sweating bullets over missing JARs.

  8. Git

    Behold the keeper of code, the guardian of versions, the time machine for your scripts - Git! When you mess up (and you will), Git is like your coding diary, letting you travel back to brighter days before that "innovative" change turned everything to screams. Make sure you befriend Git; it might just save your bacon.

  9. Jenkins

    Ooh, Jenkins, the butler of CI/CD, making sure your Appium tests are served fresh out of the kitchen with every commit. It's like having a friendly robot that tirelessly runs your tests while you binge-watch your favorite series - just don't forget to check in on it, or it might start an uprising.

  10. Allure Reports

    And finally, after the dust settles and your tests have fought bravely, you want a report that's easier on the eyes than your debugger. Enter Allure Reports, your visual storyteller. It transforms the tears and triumphs of your tests into graphs and charts so pretty, you'd want to take them out on a date.

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