
QA Automation / Testing Developer with Cypress Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a QA Automation / Testing with Cypress with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Cypress used?

End-to-End Testing Extravaganza

  • Frontend devs cheer as Cypress automates browser clickety-clacks, checking if sites play nice like good digital citizens.

Continuous Integration Party

  • Git hooks and CI systems invite Cypress for continuous test shindigs, ensuring code dances smoothly after each commit.

Debugging Time Machine

  • Turn back the clock! Cypress's snapshots and videos are like your code’s own 'remember when' moments for squashing bugs.

Component Health Check-Ups

  • Cypress gives React components their regular health check, making sure they're fit to be rendered without causing a virtual DOM-ache.

Cypress Alternatives




Automated testing framework for web applications. Cross-browser support with integration for various languages.


from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
element = driver.find_element_by_id("element_id")

  • Widely used and mature.


  • Cross-browser and cross-platform.


  • Supports multiple programming languages.


  • Can be complex to set up.


  • Slower execution compared to some modern tools.


  • Occasional flakiness due to timing issues.



Node library to automate the Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit with a single API.


const playwright = require('playwright');

(async () => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await browser.close();

  • Supports multiple browsers with one API.


  • Fast execution and reliable.


  • Handles modern web features well.


  • Node.js ecosystem may not suit all devs.


  • Relatively new with smaller community.


  • Lacks some integrations present in older frameworks.



End-to-end testing framework that runs tests in multiple browsers at once, without plugins.


import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

fixture `Getting Started`
.page ``;

test('My first test', async t => {
await t
.expect(Selector('#element_id').innerText).eql('Expected Text');

  • Requires no WebDriver, straightforward setup.


  • Concurrent test execution across browsers.


  • Useful for non-developers due to simplicity.


  • Focus on front-end may miss backend issues.


  • Lesser community support compared to Selenium.


  • Debugging can be more complex.


Quick Facts about Cypress


The Dawning of the Cypress Era


What if I told you that in 2015, an open-source test automatron grew roots in the software realm? That's right, the ingenious Brian Mann decided that battling with flaky tests should be thrown into the annals of history, hence Cypress was born! This wondrous tool said au revoir to Selenium's traditional complexities and threw a welcome party for straightforward, JavaScript-loving e2e testing.

The Almighty Time Travel Trick


Imagine clicking your heels, whispering "there's no place like the home button", and actually rewinding time in your tests! In the land of Cypress, that's less of a fairytale and more of a daily routine. Since inception, it armed developers with the power to travel through time... well, sort of. Its ability to snapshot at every command enables testers to scroll through time, inspecting each step like a meticulous detective amidst a sea of code.


cy.tick(1000) // Leap forward in time by 1 second

The Cypress 10-Mark Celebration


Hold onto your keyboards, folks, for in 2021 Cypress v10 descended upon us with an absolute bang! Not only did it continue to revolutionize the way tests prance and dance through browsers, but it also donned a strikingly new interface. This tech glow-up brought component testing into the spotlight, making it a one-stop shop extravaganza. It was like the software declared, "Why choose either/or when you can have it all?"

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Cypress developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & ActivitiesQuality-Wise
Junior Developer0-240,000-70,000

  • Write basic Cypress tests under supervision

  • Debug simple test failures

  • Learn codebase and testing frameworks

  • Assist in routine testing tasks

Limited to foundational practices
Middle Developer2-470,000-100,000

  • Independently write and maintain tests

  • Optimize test suites for performance

  • Implement CI/CD integration

  • Review code and mentor Junior Developers

Consistent, with keen attention to detail
Senior Developer4-6100,000-130,000

  • Design complex testing strategies

  • Advise on best practices and lead initiatives

  • Resolve complex issues affecting testing

  • Contribute to software and test architecture

High-quality outputs, drives testing excellence
Expert/Team Lead7+130,000-160,000+

  • Set vision for testing and lead the team

  • Establish and enforce coding and testing standards

  • Make high-level decisions on test automation tools and frameworks

  • Mentorship and strategic planning

Exceptional quality, innovation-led approach


Top 10 Cypress Related Tech

  1. JavaScript: The Lingua Franca of Web Testing

    JavaScript is like the bread and butter of Cypress; without it, you're just pressing Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V without knowing why. As a dynamically typed language, it's super forgiving – like that one friend who doesn't mind if you're late. You absolutely need to know your way around JavaScript to whisper sweet nothings into Cypress's ear. Arrays, objects, closures – get cozy with them, they're your new bffs.


  1. Cypress Framework: Your Test Automation Sidekick

    If JavaScript is your trusted steed, then Cypress is your shining armor in the battleground of test automation. With its fluent API that gels with Mocha and Chai, you can write end-to-end tests so elegantly, they look like Shakespeare wrote them – if Shakespeare was into coding, which he totally should have been. It's not just a tool; it's a whole test automation philosophy, a creed, the "one tool to rule them all" in the realm of web testing.

    cy.contains('Save the Galaxy').click();



  1. HTML/CSS: The Beautifiers

    Ah, HTML and CSS, the dynamic duo that makes the web look less like a wall of green Matrix code. Even though Cypress is there to test, not to make things pretty, if you can't distinguish a class from an id, trouble's brewing. Imagine trying to explain to Cypress which button to press, but you're both looking at an abstract painting of Picasso – that's debugging without HTML/CSS knowledge.


  1. Node.js: The JavaScript Overlord

    Node.js is the Gandalf of JavaScript runtime environments: venerable, wise, and powerful. It empowers Cypress to perform its magic and orchestrate those nasty async operations without breaking a sweat. Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager) are as crucial for Cypress as coffee is for developers; it’ll handle packages, plugins, and keep everything running smoother than a vinyl record.


  1. Git: The Time-Traveling Code Wizard

    Working without Git is like tightrope walking without a safety net – exhilarating but you might faceplant spectacularly. Version control is the spine of collaborative coding, and Git is the chiropractor. Master the arcane arts of branching, merging, and committing, so when you do something catastrophic, you can just whisper "Git me outta here!" and reset the space-time continuum of your code.


  1. CI/CD Tools: The Assembly Line of Code

    If you want your Cypress tests to be part of the cool automated deployment kids club, you gotta be tight with continuous integration and delivery tools (CircleCI, Jenkins, or GitHub Actions, to throw some names). They're your ticket to an elite coding dojo where code is tested, built, and deployed without you lifting a finger. It’s like a talent show for your code, and CI/CD is the stage.


  1. API Testing: The Detective Work

    APIs are the secret whispers between services, and with Cypress, you’re the omnipotent eavesdropper. API testing is crucial; imagine you're a detective deciphering whispers for clues where each HTTP status is a twist in the plot. Get good at making sense of the '200 OKs' and '400 Bad Requests'; those are the bread crumbs leading you through the dark forest of back-end services.


  1. Testing Libraries (Mocha/Chai): The Spices to Your Testing Dish

    You know how food tastes bland without spices? That's plain testing without Mocha and Chai. These libraries are like salt and pepper sprinkled over your test cases making assertions readable, and you understand what went wrong without pulling your hair out. Expectations and should syntax will become your allies as you test the living zeroes and ones out of your applications.




  1. Browser Developer Tools: The Cyberspace Sherlock Holmes Kit

    Browser DevTools are your magnifying glass, your forensic lab in the world of web development. These tools are like a Swiss Army knife; from DOM inspection to sifting through network requests, there's a tool for every mystery. Master these, and you'll debug with the elegance and precision of Sherlock, minus the deerstalker hat, but feel free to wear one if it helps.


  1. Visual Testing Tools: The Art Critics of UI

    Think of visual testing tools as that picky art critic examining your website’s aesthetics. Cypress can integrate with tools like Percy or Applitools to make sure your CSS didn't go rogue and your website’s layout isn’t throwing a tantrum on different screen sizes. It's like having a meticulous art restorer scrutinizing every pixel to make sure everything is picture-perfect.


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