
React Native Developer with Jest Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a React Native with Jest with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Jest used?

Snapshot Comedic Relief

  • Jest enters the comedy club of coding by snapping pics of your app's UI, ensuring the punchlines land and your components never forget their lines with snapshot testing.

Asynchronous Antics

  • Leave the async clown car to Jest! It wrangles those wacky, promise-spewing jesters who perform under the big tent of JavaScript, keeping the asynchronous laughter tightly choreographed.

Joker in the Mock

  • In the buzzing bazaar of bogus data, Jest acts as the top-notch counterfeiter, crafting mocks and jests to test the mettle of your code with its reliable trickster toolkit.

Code Coverage Circus

  • Step right up to the code coverage circus, where Jest dons the ringleader's hat, orchestrating a dazzling performance of tests that ensure every act (line of code) gets its moment in the spotlight!

Jest Alternatives


Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js, making asynchronous testing simple.

describe('Array', function() {
describe('#indexOf()', function() {
it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {
// Test implementation goes here

  • Simple and flexible.

  • Great for unit and integration testing.

  • Lacks snapshot testing out-of-the-box.

  • Mature ecosystem of plugins.

  • Not as modern or feature-full as Jest.

  • Can be slower for large test suites.


Concurrent test runner for Node.js, AVA treats each test file as a separate process, enhancing performance.

test('foo', t => {

test('bar', async t => {
const bar = Promise.resolve('bar'); bar, 'bar');

  • Tests are run concurrently by default.

  • Minimalistic with no assertion library built-in.

  • Not as widely adopted or supported as Jest.

  • Modern syntax and promises support.

  • Supports ES modules natively.

  • Snapshots are not as sophisticated as in Jest.


Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code with a clean syntax.

describe("A suite is just a function", function() {
var a;

it("and so is a spec", function() {
a = true;


  • Comes with everything out-of-the-box.

  • Clear syntax makes writing tests easy.

  • Lacks some of the advanced features in Jest.

  • Support for both browser and server environments.

  • Doesn't require configuration.

  • Community interest has been shifting to alternatives.

Quick Facts about Jest

A Jest-ful Genesis

Imagine it's 2011—planking is a global craze, and 'Game of Thrones' is the new cool show. In that same year, Jest enters the scene not to conquer kingdoms but the kingdom of JavaScript testing frameworks! Crafted by the engineering jesters at Facebook, this gallant tool was crafted to bring laughter (and efficient testing) to the dreary world of software bug squashing.

Making Mockery a Virtue

Fast-forward to 2016, and Jest pulls a magic trick by going open-source. Now, every developer wielding their code-sword could mock functions and components alike with almost sinful ease, allowing for truly isolated and unit-ous tests. Some say that's when Jest became not only a tool but a loyal squire to countless devs in their never-ending quest for code quality.

Delightful Jest-ovation with Zero Config

But wait, there's more! Jest swoops in with a cape, flaunting its 'Zero Configuration' philosophy. Gone are the days of config files sprawling like a hydra—now, you can jest about how you started testing with literally zero setup. Behold, the sorcery in just a few commands:

npm install --save-dev jest
echo '{"scripts":{"test":"jest"}}' > package.json
npm test

With such simplicity, developers could spend less time on configs and more time telling dad jokes at stand-ups. Release after release, Jest keeps levelling up, never forgetting its promise to keep testing a jestful jaunt.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Jest developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Developer0-240,000 - 60,000

  • Write basic unit tests for existing code.

  • Participate in code reviews with guidance.

  • Assist in troubleshooting minor bugs.

  • Learn best practices and coding standards.

Middle Developer2-560,000 - 85,000

  • Develop and maintain a suite of unit tests and testing frameworks.

  • Implement enhancements to the test suite for performance improvements.

  • Generate test coverage reports to aid in the assessment of code quality.

Senior Developer5-1085,000 - 120,000

  • Design complex testing strategies and lead the testing efforts.

  • Introduce best practices in testing and maintain documentation.

  • Mentor junior and middle developers in writing effective tests.

Expert/Team Lead10+120,000 - 160,000

  • Set up, maintain, and evolve the JavaScript testing ecosystem.

  • Lead initiatives to integrate testing into CI/CD pipelines.

  • Direct overall strategy for testing and quality assurance across projects.

  • Coordinate with other team leads and stakeholders to ensure quality standards.

Top 10 Jest Related Tech

  1. JavaScript

    Behold the backbone of any Jest adventurer - JavaScript! Without this versatile language, navigating the Jest testing realm would be akin to juggling flaming swords... blindfolded. Jest is a JavaScript testing framework, after all, and knowing JS is like having the Excalibur to slay those pesky bugs!

  2. TypeScript

    Tiptoe through the types with TypeScript, JavaScript's more meticulous cousin. In a universe where looseness of types causes mayhem, TypeScript wields its strict typing like a shield, guarding your code against unexpected behavior, especially when working with Jest, where predictability is as revered as coffee on Monday morning.

  3. React

    If components are your knights in shining armor, then React is your King Arthur, ruling the front-end kingdom. Combining Jest with React is like hosting a royal ball where every guest is a well-tested unit - harmonious, efficient, and less likely to crash the party.

    test('renders learn react link', () => {
    const linkElement = screen.getByText(/learn react/i);

  4. Node.js

    Ah, Node.js, the enchanted land where JavaScript runs free outside the browser's confinement! Jest often frolics hand-in-hand with Node.js, offering a delightful testing escapade for backend jesters and full-stack magicians alike.

  5. Enzyme

    The wizard's familiar for your React testing spells - Enzyme. A utility purposely crafted to conjure your React component's interaction, state management, and props teleports. Jest and Enzyme together brew the potion for comprehensive React testing rituals.

  6. Redux

    Redux, the state-management sorcerer, provides a predictability charm by handling your application's state in a single immutable store. Test its magic with Jest to ensure the spells cast upon the state are as they were foretold.

  7. Babel

    In the land of modern JavaScript, Babel acts as the translator to converse with the ancients. Transform your cutting-edge JS spells for environments of a bygone era and make your Jest incantations comprehensible to all browsers of the old and new worlds.

  8. Webpack

    The alchemist's toolkit for asset management - Webpack. It bundles your myriad of resources into a sortable backpack. While Jest tests your spells, Webpack ensures you've packed the correct potions, scrolls, and artifacts for your quest.

  9. ESLint

    Gone are the days of chaotic spellwriting. ESLint, the stern librarian, insists on a code of conduct inside the JavaScript grimoire. Integrating with Jest, it ensures that all tests adhere to the sacred scrolls of best practices, making your code as clean as a polished crystal ball.

  10. Docker

    Sail the seas of software delivery with Docker, the mighty container ship. Wrap your applications and testing environments in Docker containers to make sure they work in every land, just as they do in your local wizard's tower.

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