
Wordpress Developer with HTML5 Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Wordpress with HTML5 with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is HTML5 used?

Multi-Platform Mayhem

  • Gone are the days of clunky plug-ins! HTML5 boogies down with cross-platform compatibility, making sure your cat videos play smooth on browsers, smartphones, and even your fridge, probably.

Canvas Capers

  • Unleash your inner Picasso! The HTML5 canvas element is like a digital playground where your doodles come to life, spawning everything from browser-based games to funky data visualizations.

Video Voodoo

  • Forget the Flash dance, HTML5's video element makes streaming faster than a teenager running when they hear the ice cream truck. No extra downloads, just pure binge-watching bliss.

Offline Wonders

  • HTML5's localStorage plays your favorite survival expert. When the internet goes kaput, it's there to ensure web apps like your to-do lists and browser games keep ticking, no WiFi necessary!

HTML5 Alternatives

Xamarin for Mobile Development

Xamarin is a cross-platform development tool that allows developers to create mobile apps using C#. It relies on .NET for underlying functionality.

using Xamarin.Forms;

public class App : Application
public App()
MainPage = new ContentPage
Content = new Label
Text = "Hello, Xamarin!",
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,

  • Code sharing across platforms

  • Native performance

  • Vast .NET ecosystem

  • Higher learning curve for web developers

  • Limited to mobile

  • Dependent on Microsoft's support

Adobe Flash (End of Life)

Adobe Flash was a multimedia software for creating animated and interactive web content, but it's now discontinued and not recommended for use.

// Example not provided due to Adobe Flash being discontinued and no longer supported.

  • Was ubiquitous for web games and videos

  • Rich animation features

  • Interactive capabilities

  • No longer supported

  • Security vulnerabilities

  • Not mobile-friendly

PDF Embedded in Web

Embedding PDFs in web pages provides a way to display documents that are designed to look and print consistently across platforms.

<embed src="filename.pdf" width="600" height="500" type="application/pdf">

  • Consistent document presentation

  • Wide compatibility

  • Print-friendly format

  • Not interactive like HTML

  • Requires PDF reader/plugin

  • Not ideal for SEO

Quick Facts about HTML5

Once Upon a Byte: The Grand Entrance of HTML5

Picture it: the year is 2014, and web developers are weeping tears of joy. Why? HTML5 finally officially hits the scene, ushered in by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Before this, our web pages were like silent films – static and kind of dull. HTML5 brings the noise with <audio> and <video> elements, turning once-muted web pages into multimedia masterpieces. Gone were the days of clunky plug-ins to play a tune or catch a flick on a webpage!

<audio controls>
<source src="cool-jazz.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser is out of the groove and doesn't support the audio element.

Hail to the King of Canvas!

From Sketch to Rich Graphics: The Rise of <canvas>

In the age-old struggle of bitmap versus vector, HTML5 dons a cape and introduces the <canvas> element! Now, browsers become a digital Michelangelo, carving out dynamic graphics and interactive masterpieces on the fly. Released into the wild web, <canvas> becomes the web artist's best buddy, letting scripts draw up a visual storm of games, animations, and data visualizations without a whisper of Flash!

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100"></canvas>

Watch out, Picasso!

Coding Chaos Tamed: HTML5, the Ringmaster

Before the digital circus that is HTML5 rolled into town, the web was a wild west of code. Browsers were like quirky outlaws, each interpreting the HTML lingo in their own wacky ways. Then along came HTML5, cracking the whip with semantic elements – <article>, <section>, <nav>, and more – giving structure to web pages and a big bear hug to SEO. It's like suddenly all the web's pages went from wild scribbles to a well-organized filing system.

<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about.html">About Us</a></li>

Oh, how orderly!

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert HTML5 developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-230,000 - 50,000

  • Basic coding and debugging

  • Conversion of design to HTML/CSS

  • Assisting in maintenance of existing pages

  • Learning and following coding standards

Middle2-550,000 - 80,000

  • Developing responsive web layouts

  • Implementing JavaScript for interactive components

  • Ensuring cross-browser compatibility

  • Optimizing web pages for performance

Senior5-1080,000 - 120,000

  • Leading project frontend development

  • Defining coding standards & best practices

  • Mentoring junior developers

  • Conducting code reviews and improving code quality

Expert/Team Lead10+120,000 - 160,000+

  • Setting project technical vision and direction

  • Architecting web infrastructures

  • Managing team and delegating tasks

  • Interfacing with stakeholders and making strategic decisions

Top 10 HTML5 Related Tech

  1. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

    Imagine HTML5 is the skeleton of a webpage; CSS is like the fancy clothes it wears. Without CSS, HTML5 would be walking around in its underwear, and nobody wants to see that! CSS styles your web pages with grace, enabling you to position elements, animate stuff without begging for a JavaScript's attention, and make everything look pretty on devices ranging from your grandma's ancient desktop to the latest and greatest smartphones.

    /* A quick example to turn your boring div into a snazzy one */
    .snazzy-div {
    background-color: deepskyblue;
    border: 1px solid dodgerblue;
    border-radius: 10px;
    padding: 10px;
    color: white;
    text-align: center;

  2. JavaScript (JS)

    This is the wizardry that breathes life into your static HTML5 and dolled-up CSS pages. JavaScript, with its mind-bending capabilities, allows you to make web pages interactive, create games that glue users to the screen, or even build a web-based replica of the Starship Enterprise’s control panel, complete with blinking lights and fancy beeping noises!

    // Here's some JS magic to make your button do a little dance on the screen.
    document.getElementById('dance-button').onclick = function() { = 'relative'; = === '10px' ? '0px' : '10px';

  3. Responsive Web Design with Bootstrap

    In the olden days, web pages had the flexibility of a concrete slab. Now, with Responsive Web Design and the Bootstrap framework, your websites can stretch and squeeze like a professional gymnast, looking fabulous on any device. Bootstrap comes with pre-made components and grid systems that make your HTML5 elements obey every screen size command like a well-trained puppy.

  4. HTML5 APIs

    Once limited to simple documents, HTML5 now has APIs that allow you to do unbelievable things like dragging and dropping items on the fly (without an actual fly being involved), playing audio and video without the need for a jazz band or movie projector, and using local storage so your web app remembers stuff like an elephant, not like your uncle Bob.

    // Let's play a funky tune!
    var audio = new Audio('funky_tune.mp3');;

  5. Web Graphics with Canvas & SVG

    With HTML5's canvas and SVG you can turn your web pages into a flourishing art colony; canvas for when you want to unleash your inner Picasso in a pixel-perfect digital painting, and SVG to keep lines crisp and clean like laundry day at a military base. Both offer ways to create and manipulate graphics directly in the browser, which is way cooler than drawing stick figures on foggy windows.

    /* Example of a simple SVG circle */

  6. Web Application Frameworks: Angular/React/Vue

    Just like people have discussions over pineapple on pizza, developers argue over which web app framework is the best. Angular's structure is meatier than a meat-lover's pizza, React's reusability is as sweet as pineapple (to some), and Vue's simplicity is as satisfying as a perfectly-cooked Margherita. Choose your fighter to create SPA's (Single Page Applications) that load faster than an overcaffeinated cheetah.

    // A slice of React for a simple component
    function Welcome(props) {

    Hello, {}


  7. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

    PWAs are like superheroes disguised as regular web pages: they work offline, sync in the background, and can even send notifications to your users. They are here to rescue users from the perils of poor connectivity, making your web app feel as solid and reliable as a rock — a rock that can send push notifications, that is.

    // Service worker registration example
    if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
    window.addEventListener('load', function() {

  8. Package Managers: npm/Yarn

    Package managers like npm and Yarn are the quartermasters of your development ship. Need a cannon in the form of a date picker library? Or some sails via a new testing framework? npm and Yarn will fetch these for you without the need for a lengthy voyage across the internet. They keep your dependencies in check and make sure that your ship stays afloat amid the stormy seas of software development.

    // Example npm command to install a package
    npm install moment --save

  9. Version Control with Git

    Ever wish you could time travel to fix your mistakes without all the hassle of inventing a time machine? Git is your Delorean. It's a version control system that tracks changes in your code over time, allowing you to rewind to the moment just before you made that catastrophically embarrassing code typo that broke everything.

    // The Git commands to save your bacon
    git add .
    git commit -m "Fixed the universe collapsing typo"
    git push

  10. Code Editors: Visual Studio Code/Sublime Text/Atom

    If HTML5 was a dish, the code editor would be your personal kitchen in which to prepare it. Visual Studio Code is the Swiss Army knife of editors, Sublime Text is as fast as a ninja with a jetpack, and Atom can be customized like a hipster's bicycle. Every web developer has their favorite, where they write their poetic lines of code destined to become digital masterpieces.

    // Here we write the code that changes the world
    <!-- Or at least, adds a fancy button to a website -->
    <button class="btn btn-hero">Save the World</button>

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