
Wordpress Developer with jQuery Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Wordpress developer with jQuery with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is jQuery used?

Slide and Glide with Animations

  • Think Powerpoint is cool? jQuery sprinkles fairy dust on websites, making them slide, fade, and bounce without breaking a sweat.

DOM's Personal Stylist

  • jQuery is like the fashionista of DOM elements, giving your tags a makeover with a snap of its functions!

Ajax's Speedy Deliveries

  • Want your data fast, like pizza delivery? jQuery's Ajax methods serve up content so fresh, it feels like it's straight from the oven!

Event Whisperer

  • jQuery listens to events better than a therapist, responding to clicks and hovers with more empathy than your best friend!

jQuery Alternatives

Vanilla JavaScript

JavaScript is the core language of the web used to create and control web content. It's supported by all modern browsers without the need for external libraries.

// jQuery example: $('#element').addClass('new-class');

  • Lightweight, no library overhead

  • Direct browser support, no dependencies

  • Modern browsers have closed most of the functionality gap

  • May require more verbose code for complex tasks

  • Higher learning curve compared to jQuery's simplicity

  • Browser inconsistencies might still exist in less common situations


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, most commonly known for its efficient update and render of components.

// jQuery example: $('#app').html('Hello, world!');
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>,

  • Creates large-scale, interactive web apps

  • Component-based architecture facilitates code reuse

  • Virtual DOM optimizes rendering performance

  • Requires bundling and transpilation for browser support

  • Larger overhead compared to vanilla JS and jQuery

  • Focus on web applications rather than small DOM tasks


Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces, favoring an approachable, versatile, and performant frontend ecosystem.

// jQuery example: $('#app').text('Welcome to Vue.js!');
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Welcome to Vue.js!'

  • Easy to integrate with other projects and libraries

  • Detailed documentation makes learning curve gentle

  • Lightweight and approachable compared to larger frameworks

  • May be overkill for simple, static pages

  • Community is smaller than React or Angular

  • Tooling and state management can be complex

Quick Facts about jQuery

The Humble Beginnings of jQuery

Picture it: 2006, a time when JavaScript was as wild as the Wild West. Along trots John Resig, a coding cowboy with a dream to tame the chaos. Behold the birth of jQuery, the trusty steed that helped devs wrangle Document Object Models without breaking a sweat. This was no ordinary horse; it was a unicorn that spread rainbows in the form of simplified syntax!

jQuery: The Version Saga

With the wisdom that only version numbers can impart, jQuery matured faster than a teen idol. From its inception, its versioning had more drama than a soap opera. Who could forget the leap from 1.x to 2.x, waving goodbye to IE 6/7/8 holdouts as it sailed towards modern browsers? And when version 3.x galloped in, it brought promises of less bloat and more speed – like a diet that actually worked!

Groundbreaking? More Like Earth-Shattering!

Back in the olden days (we're talking '07), jQuery introduced chaining, and it blew developers' minds like a popped balloon at a silent retreat. A symphony of actions could be strung together in one line of code. Behold the magic:

$('#element').addClass('party').fadeIn('slow').html('Whoa, Nelly!');

Suddenly, scripts were as sleek as a greased dolphin, sliding through tasks with an elegance that was nothing short of revolutionary!

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert jQuery developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities

  • Fixing simple bugs

  • Implementing basic features

  • Contributing to internal projects

  • Following instructions from senior developers


  • Integrating APIs

  • Developing moderately complex features

  • Optimizing codebase for performance

  • Assisting junior developers


  • Designing software architecture

  • Leading project development

  • Conducting code reviews

  • Mentoring team members

Expert/Team Lead7+120,000+

  • Setting technical direction

  • Managing project timelines

  • Communicating with stakeholders

  • Overseeing multiple projects

Top 10 jQuery Related Tech

  1. JavaScript

    Kicking it old school, yet utterly indispensable, is JavaScript – the granddaddy of web development. This is the Gandalf of languages for anyone wishing to conjure magic with jQuery, as it's the bedrock that jQuery is built on. One does not simply walk into jQuery without a solid understanding of JavaScript. It's like showing up to a wizard duel with a rubber chicken. You need to know your loops from your closures, and your variables from your hoisting.


    HTML and CSS are like the bread and butter of web development. Ignore them, and you’re going on a digital diet nobody asked for. These two are your canvas and paint; without them, you’re not painting the Sistine Chapel; you’re doodling in the dirt. Dive deep into the DOM (Document Object Model) and get cozy with CSS selectors, because with jQuery, you'll be manipulating these like a puppet master.

  3. jQuery UI

    This is like jQuery's more flamboyant cousin who shows up at the party with extra widgets, effects, and a whole suite of interactions. Want to make your elements draggable or resizable? That’s a piece of cake with jQuery UI. Want to show off with some fancy-shmancy animations that don’t require you selling your soul to complex JavaScript? jQuery UI is your go-to.

    $( "#draggable" ).draggable();

  4. jQuery Mobile

    It's the 21st century and if your website walks like a dinosaur on mobile devices, it's time for an intervention. jQuery Mobile will transform your mobile web applications into Usain Bolt. It’s all about touch-optimized web apps that play nice with different screen sizes and orientations. Your websites will be swiping right into everyone's heart.

  5. AJAX

    Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) – here’s your ticket to a seamless, no-refresh-needed, your-coffee-won’t-have-time-to-cool kind of web experience. With AJAX in your tool belt, you can make your web pages communicate with the server in the background, just like ninjas carrying out secret missions while you’re none the wiser.

    url: 'YourEndpointHere',
    success: function(data) {
    // Celebrate your success in stealth mode

  6. JSON

    JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is like the Esperanto for data exchange among APIs. It's simple, it's text-based, and every language speaks it. When it comes to feeding data to your jQuery functions, JSON is as delicious as it gets. Nom nom, eat up that structured data.

    $.getJSON('YourAPIEndpointHere', function(data) {
    // Relish the structured data as if it was your grandma’s secret recipe.

  7. REST APIs

    Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs are basically the wizards of the web world, allowing data to teleport between client and server. Your jQuery magic wand can conjure up GET requests to summon information or POST ones to send out data, all in the realm of HTTP methods. Abra-REST-cadabra!


    SASS and LESS are like steroids for your CSS, giving it superpowers that regular CSS could only dream of in its wildest dreams. Variables, nesting, mixins, oh my! They compile down to standard CSS but not before letting you write your styles with elegance and grace. It's like having a CSS butler do your laundry and fold your clothes too.

  9. Git

    No one wants to end up being the developer who overwrote their teammate's week-worth of code. Enter Git, the time-traveling sheriff of version control. With its branches, commits, and merges, Git helps you manage your codebase like a pro. Make a mistake? No worries. Rollback like you're in a time machine. Just don’t get lost in the branches; we're coding, not making an episode of ‘Lost’.

  10. Webpack/Babel

    In the high-stakes potluck of web development, Webpack is your utensil, combining all your different flavors of code into one delicious dish. And Babel? It's the universal translator that ensures your fancy modern JavaScript doesn't end up looking like gibberish to older browsers. It transpiles your ES6 and beyond into something every browser can digest. Tres magnifique, no?

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