
Oleksii Senior JavaScript Full-Stack Engineer

Front-End Web, Full Stack Web, Back-End Web


- 10+ years of experience in web development, M.Sc in Software Engineering
- Mastery of JavaScript and its associated frameworks and libraries, such as React, Angular, and Vue.js for front-end; Node.js, Next.js for back-end and React Native for mobile app development.
- Experience with PHP and Cloud infrastructure such as AWS.
- Proficiency in using version control systems (e.g., Git) and familiarity with DevOps practices for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).
- Implementing and overseeing testing processes, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
- Experience leading and mentoring a team of developers, including assigning tasks, providing guidance, and ensuring the team's success. Ability to motivate and inspire team members, resolve conflicts, and provide constructive feedback.
- Experience conducting assessments and interviews remotely.

Experience with JavaScript/TypeScript Projects

Senior JavaScript Engineer/Team Lead, Upstaff.com


Upstaff is a service and platform to help scale IT companies with experienced individuals and teams fast. There are 3 major sections of the project: 

  • Upstaff portal:  Landing pages, Login/Registration pages, Authorization, User dashboards, Reporting, Marketplace and external request/talent cards, User profiles.
  • Upstaff people operation managers portal: Authorization, Admin panel, dashboards, reporting, Search and matching functionality for different roles (clients, individual engineers, partners with engineering resources), Job-Telant funnel, interview and vetting process, ongoing support and supervision, Mail messages/newsletters
  • White Label Portal: User profiles (Registration, Authorization, Profile), Company and user management, ReBAC user permissions, workspaces. Company custom templates, and external job/talent profiles. ATS matching, funnels, reporting. 


  • Leading a team of 10 developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Conducting interviews, supervising, managing and motivating team members on a daily basis
  • Core front-end functionality, architecture design, code review.
  • Refactoring, bug-fixing.
  • Adaptive page templates (web/mobile), navigation, and content. 

Technologies: JavaScript, Vue.js, Vuex, Vue-Router, Celery, CI/CD, Cypress, Pinia, Node.js, Next.js, Python.

Team Lead, NDA

09.2021 - 04.2022 (6 months)

A platform for online streamers, where integrated Twitch, Youtube, and Facebook social networks. Integrated embedded social chats. Service provides a solution for Gamers and managing priority interests.


  • Supervising, managing and motivating team members on a daily basis
  • Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support

Team: 5 Developers, 2 QAs, 1 PM, 1BA

Tech-stack: ReactJS, NextJS, NX, Typescript, styled-compo

Team Lead/Senior developer, LCG

05.2021 - 09.2021 (6 months)

A platform for communication, tracking preschool children's learning progress. Web-version developed, as well as tablet and mobile version.

  • Project: React Native app for big Daycare & Child Care Centers
  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development,
    customer support
  • Team: 15 Developers, 1 QAs, 1 PM
  • Tech stack: React Native, React, Redux, Typescript, Apollo, GraphQL, SASS

Team Lead/Senior developer, Quill

05.2021 - 08.2021 (4 months)

Innovative product in medicare that integrates smart assistant features, IoT with trusted and certified for care devices providing a next-generation solution for people who require care and provide it, i.e. elderly, people with disabilities, and their caregivers.

  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Team: 13 Developers, 1 QAs, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: React Native, React, Redux, Typescript, Firebase

Senior Software Engineer/Team Lead, Opium.Finance (Fintech, Blockchain)

01.2021 - 05.2021 (5 months)


A decentralized finance platform where people create markets. Be your own banker and hedge fund manager with a wide range of сutting-edge financial tools.

  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Team: 3 Developers, 1 QAs, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: React, MetaMask, Bootstrap, SASS

Role: Team Lead/ Senior developer, Chingari

10.2020 - 01.2021 (3 months)


  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Team: 3 Developers, 1 QAs, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: Express, MongoDB, mongoose, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), sockets, Docker

Team Lead Frontend Team/ Senior developer, PharmaTrace (Blockchain)

06.2020 - 09.2020 (3 months)

A Blockchain based ecosystem where the pharmaceutical industry works together to do better business based on a common distributed ledger. Integrated payment system for transferring coins and creating basic transactions with approval in Mobile App.

  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support. 
  • Team: 3 Developers, 1 QA,  1 BA, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: React, Apollo, Webpack, SASS

Team Lead/ Senior developer, SourcingBot

05.2019 - 05.2020 (12 months)


Reinforce is a project with online courses. That allows people to increase their skills for different areas of their main work by using interactive tests and assignments.  

  • Responsibilities: Improved 2 full-stack developers skills, leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Team: 3 Developers, 1 QA, 2 BA, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: Express, Next.JS Firebase, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, DynamoDB, Lambda), ElasticSearch, Redis, React, Redux-Saga, Reselect, SASS

Team Lead/ Senior developer, ScoutApp

04.2017 - 05.2019 (24 months)


Portal for searching and hiring candidates   

  • Responsibilities: Create architecture as a basic template which a web department uses on different projects, leading developers, code review, features development, optimize search and parsing resumes, customer support
  • Team: 3 Developers
  • Tech-stack: Koa2, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3), React, Redux-Saga, Reselect, SASS, Redis, Rchilli, Webpack, Docker

Lead/ Senior developer, Skosh

10.2016 - 04.2017 (6 months)


Reinforce is a project with online courses. That allows people to increase their skills for different areas of their main work by using interactive tests and assignments.  

  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Team3: Developers, 1 QA
  • Tech-stack: Koa2, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), React, Redux-Saga, Reselect, SASS


06.2016 - 10.2016

HipWig is an advisor for dating tips, relationships, weight loss, beauty tips, and more.

  • Role: Team Lead/ Senior developer
  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Team: 4 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: Koa2, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), React, Redux, Reselect, SASS


03.2016 - 06.2016


NovoRoll helps publishers, SSPs, and ad networks better monetize their traffic by introducing high-paying, native, and interstitial out-stream video formats. With one simple HTML tag, you can start monetizing your desktop and mobile inventory (iOS and Android) with higher CPMs. 

  • Role: Team Lead/ Senior developer
  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Team: 5 Developers, 1 DevOps, 2 QAs, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: Express, MongoDB, mongoose, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), RabbitMQ, React, Redux, Reselect, SASS


12.2015 - 03.2016


Live video broadcasting service.

  • Role: Team Lead/ Senior developer
  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, improving the Business logic process with owner, code review, integrate real-time communication inside the system and p2p connections
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Team: 3 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: React, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), Redis, sockets



  • Role: Team Lead/ Senior developer
  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, improving the Business logic process with owner, code review, optimize loading data
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Team: 4 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: React, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3), Redis



  • Role: Team Lead/ Senior developer
  • Responsibilities: Leading developers, code review, features development, customer support
  • Duration: 4 months
  • Team: 4 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM
  • Tech-stack: Angular 4+, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3)

Ploy (ShoutAway)


The main advantage of this system is the creation of short videos long in a few seconds. In this application are implemented: a system of comments, reposts, private and group chats, as well as many other innovations inherent in social applications. In addition, there was added an informative administrative panel that allows you to collect statistics, track the wrong content, and collect a database of contacts.

  • Role: Backend developer
  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Team: 4 Developers, 2 QAs
  • Tech-stack: Koa2, React, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS)


The system is an international trading platform. Each seller has the opportunity to expand the scope of their trade to other countries. And travelers can, using this service, learn about new interesting things and bring them to the country of their travel or residence

  • Role: Backend developer
  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Team: 4 Developers, 1 QA
  • Tech-stack: Express, React, Mysql, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS)



The best games are those that mimic reality and provide full immersion – that's what we were working towards in this exciting gaming project. Based on extensive research, advanced analysis, and painfully thorough calculations, the Money Fish app lets players go on a large-scale fishing spree, all-natural difficulties and nuances included.

  • Role: Backend developer
  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Team: 4 Developers, 1 QA
  • Tech-stack: Express, Mysql, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), Firebase, Social network integrations

Dating Application

This is a dating application with the secured chats, video calls feature, and admin panel with restricted access levels. Admin panel allows reviewing the user's profile, collecting stats and analytics by the defined parameters: geolocation, current status, subscription status.

  • Role: Backend developer
  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Team: 3 Developers, 1 QA
  • Tech-stack: Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), React


This is a dating application with the secured chats, video calls feature, and admin panel with restricted access levels. Admin panel allows reviewing the user's profile, collecting stats and analytics by the defined parameters: geolocation, current status, subscription status.

  • Role: Backend developer
  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Team: 3 Developers, 1 QA
  • Tech-stack: Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SNS), React

Swiss net service

Web application designed for electronic payments through Visa card. Has a number of options designed to control financial flows. Has an extended API for integration into third-party services. We have also developed an admin panel to manage all customer settings. Design supporting mobile applications by 5 inches.

  • Role: Frontend developer
  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support
  • Duration: 8 months
  • Team: 4 Developers, 1 QA, 1PM
  • Tech-stack: Backbone, HTML, CSS, JS

Experience with PHP Projects

Back-End and Full-Stack Software Engineer, Web Traffic-Arbitrage

High-load project for web traffic arbitrage.  

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support

  • Worked in project: 18 months

  • Key Accomplishments: High-load performance optimization, multiple data source integration. 

  • Team: 1 Senior developer, 1 DevOps, 1 junior backend engineer. 

  • Technologies: PHP,  JavaScript , XML, AWS, PostgreSQL

PHP Software Engineer, Event-broadcast

Web service provides services to display streaming video in real time. The main purpose of the  service to give people an opportunity to be in the thick of things, even if they do not have the opportunity to be there

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development, customer support

  • Worked in project: 3 months

  • Key Accomplishments: Working with streaming video

  • Team: 1 developer, 1QA

  • Technologies: PHP , AJAX, JavaScript , XML,  MySQL, jQuery Flash 

PHP Software Engineer, Yellow dog Alluminum Trailers 

Online store selling trailers for cars. Developed by the client and the administrative part. Connecting the import and export of Excel. PayPal payment system is connected

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development

  • Worked in project: 3 months

  • Key Accomplishments: Connections payment system Paypal.

  • Team: 1 developer

  • Technologies: PHP , AJAX, JavaScript , MySQL, Worpress, jQuery

PHP Software Engineer, TheBiggO, http://thebiggo.com/

TheBiggO is a web-based application for exchanges of services between people.

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development, code reviews, architecture design,       customer support

  • Worked in project: 6 months

  • Team: 2 developers, 1 QA, 1 TM

  • Technologies: Apache, Laravel, AJAX, JavaScript (jQuery), MySQL, Eclipse IDE

PHP Software Engineer, AppRankings

AppRankings is a facebook integrated application that allows to view different statistic information about all facebook applications and games. Also AppRankings allows to review and rate applications and games.

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development, code reviews, architecture design,       customer support

  • Worked in project: 3 month  

  • Team: 2 developers, 1 QA, 1 TM

  • Technologies: Apache, PHP 5.6, Smarty, AJAX, JavaScript (jQuery), MySQL, Eclipse IDE

PHP Software Engineer, MantisBT Integration

MantisBT is a free popular web-based bugtracking system. It have been integrated for IT company with new features and functionality.

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development

  • Worked in project: 6 months

  • Team: 1 developer

  • Technologies: Apache, PHP, JavaScript (jQuery, Prototype), MySQL

PHP Software Engineer, Pclimat

This site is created by the system, including: client-side in a photo gallery, articles and sections of the feedback and admin of which you can edit all articles, upload photos, change the number and names of the sections and administer projects

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development

  • Worked in project: 2 months

  • Key Accomplishments: Database created in text files on demand

  • Team: 1 developer

  • Technologies: PHP ,  JavaScript, HTMl, CSS, Wordress 

PHP Software Engineer, Inhes

In the beginning the system was designed in the form of its own portal for companies providing services to create a "smart house" in the future turned into a site user.

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development

  • Worked in project: 5 month

  • Team: 2 developers

  • Technologies: PHP , AJAX, JavaScript , MySQL, jQuery, Wordpress

PHP Software Engineer, Inforico

Ads for Belarus and Ukrainian markets, the client part is a set of categories, filters, and search for personal study. Admin side is the administration of users and ability to work with their categories and subcategories ads. 

  • Role: PHP Software Engineer

  • Responsibilities: features development

  • Worked in project: 3 month

  • Key Accomplishments: Algorithms for automatic generation of category tree

  • Team: 1 developer

Technologies: PHP , AJAX, JavaScript , MySQL,  jQuery, Wordpress


  • M.Sc in Software Engineering (Software and Multimedia)
    National University of Radio Electronics
    2013 – 2014
  • Bachelor in Software Engineering
    National University of Radio Electronics
    2008 – 2013