Arthur Senior Golang Engineer

Desktop Software


- 28+ years of experience in the tech
- Higher engineering education
- Implemented more than 100 successful projects in various fields
- Managing units of more than 10 people
- Development of WEB projects and REST API services
- Management of the development and implementation of projects
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


  • Head Developer Department (2019 - 2021)
  • Head Go developer (2018 - 2019)
  • Director of Department Product Management (2017 - 2018)
  • Director of IT Department - New Technologies (2016 - 2017)
  •  Lead Developer (2014 - 2016)
  • Lead Developer (2007 - 2014)
  • Head of Automation Department (1996 - 2007)
  • Director IT department (1993 - 1996)
  • Projects implemented in recent time


  • Head Office - REST API SERVICE (Full Stack) (GO, RethinkDb, Redis, Nginx)
  • VIMS - corporate system of accounting for the supply chain of cars
  • DocFlow - document flow with parallel approval of documents
  • MDE - system for registration of cars (solution based on Motorola A75)
  • Report Center - reporting system for top management
  • Payment Request - system of approval of applications for payment
  • Time Sheet - employee time control system
  • Active Status - Business Analysis System for Company Divisions
  • Parts - the system of accounting for the sale of spare parts for cars
  • Audit Control - web solution for monitoring the implementation of comments during the audit
  • Ordering - system of orders in the organization (stationery, taxi, services)
  • Corp Web Portal - development of a corporate portal based on SharePoint
  • Personal Info - information about company employees
  • Integration Module - module for integrating different systems in an organization
  • Loyalty Program - loyalty program for corporate customers
  • Solary - a program for calculating the wages of an enterprise
  • Payroll - Payroll accounting in the organization
  • Analysis of the creditworthiness of the borrower
  • Other systems (more 50 projects - small and big)

Director of Software Development Department, Media

01.2017 to 08.2017

  • Management of the software development department (10 developers)
  • Formation of software requirements
  • Software development and implementation
  • Software concept and architecture development
  • Monitoring of deadlines and tasks
  • Project management (C #, 1C, REST API)
  • Introduction of advanced technologies
  • Construction of FD and UI
  • Improvement of current business processes
  • Training of department staff
  • Drawing up development plans for the department
  • Development of existing functional
  • Forming and coordinating the development team
  • Approval and approval of technical solutions
  • Interaction with related units
  • Development of documentation for system integration
  • Planning the development of integration services
  • Carrying out negotiations with consumers of software
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Software testing control

Achievements :

  • Building a reporting system for management
  • Full cycle of software maintenance
  • Implementing API Service
  • Development of the concept and architecture of projects
  • Personnel training in innovative technologies
  • Creating internal products

Technology : Windows Server, Golang, C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET, html5, Css3, Angular 2, MS SQL 2014 (Design, XP, Trigger, Permissions, Maintenance), Git, BitBucket, 1C (1.8 )

Lead Developer, IT solutions

09.2014 to 12.2016

  • Architect system
  • Project management
  • Development of functional
  • Development of the service architecture
  • Validation of customer requirements
  • Forming and coordinating the development team
  • Development of point maintenance service with an accounting system
  • Approval of technical solutions
  • Maintaining the project documentation for working with the API
  • Organization and conduct of trainings
  • Routine maintenance of the service and database
  • Backing up data
  • Development of a scaling strategy
  • Interaction with related units
  • Development of documentation for system integration
  • Service development planning
  • Budgeting and reporting
  • Interaction with key customers
  • Development of standards and formats for data exchange
  • Planning the unit and system tests
  • Monitoring the execution of tasks (BackLog)

Project :

  • Development of the architecture and implementation of the REST API service
  • Full development cycle (TOR, development, implementation, testing, training, support)
  • External clients (Internal accounting system)
  • Database: RethinkDb
  • Development language: GO, JavaScript
  • Web Interface (Admin + Form Registration
  • Location - all regions of Ukraine
  • Degree of service load: HeightLoad System 1500 rpc/sec more 2500 connections (24X7)
  • Used Frameworks: Bootstrap, AngularJs
  • Format of exchange: JSON
  • Integration with external API services

Technical aspects:

  • Strong knowledge of relational database technologies. Complex queries, indexing, query optimization, knowledge of database features at high load and with large amounts of data.
  • Experience in developing distributed high-load network applications
  • A deep understanding of the merits and demerits of SQL and NOSQL solutions
  • Understanding of network protocols (HTTP, TCP / IP, UDP)
  • Knowledge of the features of High-Availability-Architecture
  • Experience with cloud and container solutions (Docker)
  • Experience and development under Linux (console, filesystem, daemons)
  • Experience in using Continuous Integration and Deployment for development on GO

Technology : Unix (CentOS, Ubuntu), Golang, JavaScript, Bash, ASP.NET, html5, Css3, Angular 2, MS SQL (Design, XP, Trigger, Permissions, Maintenance), Redis, RethinkDB, Git, BitBucket

Lead Developer, Automobile

06.2007 to 08.2014

  • Management of corporate projects portfolio
  • Managing the development team
  • Building an application architecture
  • Interaction with the customers of the project
  • Development of technical specifications and technical documentation
  • Conducting system tests
  • Development and implementation of corporate systems
  • Maintenance of project documentation
  • Participation in the integration of corporate systems
  • Interaction with key users
  • Organization and conduct of trainings
  • Development of corporate reporting
  • Use of PMBOK, ITIL methodologies
  • Experience of team work on SCRUM methodology
  • Meetings under the project
  • Description of business processes and API
  • Analysis and optimization of business processes
  • Code refactoring
  • Quality control of operating systems
  • Consultation of technical specialists on work with systems
  • Browsers, UI issues
  • Integration with existing systems of MS DYNAMICS AX, Client-Bank, 1C, Portal


  • Creating a sales, logistics and warehouse accounting system (class ERP)
  • Implementing SharePoint 2007
  • Creation of the system of corporate document circulation
  • Creation of corporate orders system
  • Car accounting via mobile device
  • Development of a time recording system in the context of projects
  • Development of an organization's time attendance system
  • Development of reporting for top management
  • Development of reporting for dealers and customers
  • Development of accounting for accounting
  • Development of a residual spare parts monitoring system
  • Development of the "Loyalty Program for Deals"

Technology : Windows Server, VB.NET, JavaScript, F#, ASP.NET, html5, Css3, Bootstrap, Cube, MS SQL 2007 (Design, XP, Trigger, Permissions, Maintenance), Git, BitBucket, Axapta 4.0, SharePoint 2007

Courses and certificates

  • M20489 Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions
  • M6234: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Server
  • ITIL (II)
  • 80020: Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
  • M6231: Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database
  • M2310: Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications Using Visual Studio .NET
  • PM2010: Microsoft Office Project 2010 (basic, extended)
  • Business English (Elementary – B)
  • Pre-Intermediate Level of Business Grade of – B
  • Portal Solutions MOSS 2007 for users
  • Development Windows SharePoint Server 2007
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Content Managers

Personal development

  • “PMBOOK”
  • “Приемы объектно-ориентированного проектирования” Э.Гамма, Р.Хельм, Р.Джонсон
  • “Профессиональное программирование на VBA в EXCEL 2003” Джон Уокенбах
  • “SQL Server 2005” Майк Гандерлой, Джозеф Джорден, Дейвид Чанц
  • “Тайм менеджмент Искусство управлять своим временем” Ирина Ткаченко
  • “ACCESS 2002 Разработка настольных приложений” Пол Литвин, Кен Гетц, Майк Гунделой
  • “Программирование на Go. Разработка приложений XXI века” Марк Саммерфильд
  • “Язык программирования Go” Алан А. А. Донован, Брайан У. Керниган
  • “CSS: книга, которая должна быть доступна «из коробки» CSS
  • “Rework” 27 signals
  • “Адаптивный веб-дизайн”


  • Базы данных и проектирование данных
  • Примеры и решения на языке GO
  • Github - GitArt

How can I help

  • Building a developed system of class ERP, CRM
  • Cheap and effective solutions for business tasks automation
  • Non-standard approaches to problem solving
  • Quick solutions for business in case of time deficit
  • Advanced technologies - a non-standard technology stack
  • Individual solutions for the directions within the company
  • Interaction between disparate divisions
  • Audit current IT structure
  • Reengineering and optimization of business processes
  • Diagnostics of current tasks
  • Openness and transparency in the discussion of problems
  • Improving the structure of information flows
  • The minimum cost of maintaining, developing and maintaining systems
  • High speed of reaction to business requirements
  • Reliable patterns for solving standard problems
  • Consultation when choosing a technology
  • Negotiating with contractors
  • High scalability

Additional information

  • Management of the IT Department (12 people)
  • Development and implementation of the Company's information technology strategy
  • Development and coordination of an information technology strategy
  • Development and coordination of information technology architecture
  • Ensuring information security standards
  • Maintenance of the company's portfolio of projects
  • Full cycle of project management from concept development to implementation;
  • Management of resources, risks;
  • Preparation and management of project budgets
  • Analysis, description and submission of proposals on optimization of business processes;
  • Project portfolio management planning, budgeting, forming project teams, launching, monitoring the implementation, moving key points, closing projects, regular reporting
  • Maintenance of the Company's hardware and software complex
  • Provision of information technology needs
  • Support and development of computer equipment, networks and system software
  • Carrying out of measures on optimization of expenses
  • Determination and harmonization of the quality of the implementation of IT products (SLA)
  • Management of processes and mechanisms of functioning of IT infrastructure
  • Organization and maintenance of uninterrupted operation and support of existing information systems;
  • Budget planning and control
  • Operational control of performance of obligations by external contractors and service providers
  • Monitoring of health and infrastructure utilization
  • Analysis of the requirements of databases and application servers
  • Determine the requirements for hardware resources
  • Monitoring the implementation of regulatory procedures (updates, backup / recovery, testing of changes / procedures)
  • Diagnosis and problem solving in software and hardware
  • Optimization and modernization of infrastructure
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the information technology infrastructure of the company's databases and development of a proposal for its modernization
  • Participation in the process of software development.
  • Negotiating with contractors
  • Conducting company projects, communication with partners.
  • Development of work schedules and their coordination with the Company's divisions and partners.
  • Monitoring of work performance in accordance with project schedules
  • Timely assignment of tasks to responsible units, provision of the necessary introductory (including the development and harmonization of business processes and business requirements) and control over the timing of tasks
  • Preparation of orders in the company based on the results of the completion of the project stages
  • Participation in the development of the concept of new projects
  • Regular reporting for the company's management on the current status of projects.
  • Analysis of the results of implemented projects.
  • Tasks for support and development of business
  • Planning and development of working business processes
  • Conducting business negotiations with contractors and vendors
  • Analysis, design, optimization and reengineering of business processes
  • Continuous analysis of the IT market
  • Development of managerial competencies
  • Participation in cross-functional projects.