Full Stack Web (2.5 yr.), Shopify (3.0 yr.), NFT Marketplaces (2.0 yr.), Smart Contracts (3.0 yr.), DeFi Ecosystem (2.0 yr.)


Senior Full Stack Developer with a Master’s in Computer Science and a depth of experience in front/backend technologies across multiple domains. Practical knowledge of Python, Django, Next.js, NestJS, and a robust foundation in PostgreSQL. Proven capability in leading development projects, optimizing database schemas, and leveraging CI/CD pipelines with Docker and Kubernetes. Skilled in Agile methodologies, project management, and UI/UX design paired with a substantial background in IoT solutions, showcasing versatility and technical prowess. Recognized for streamlining operations, reducing costs through automation, and advancing retail technology platforms.

Work Experience

IoT Engineer & Software Developer, Make Your Home Smart

Duration: Sept 2019 – Jun 2020
Summary: Implemented a home automation IoT solution for energy efficiency.
Responsibilities: Designed and implemented residential automation systems, integrated IoT devices with central management systems, and handled data transmission protocols.
Technologies: IoT, Things Board, Ethernet and wireless protocols

Full-Stack Developer (Remote), Online Store Platform Optimization

Duration: May 2020 - Sept 2021
Summary: Developed web app MVP for delivery management, optimized AWS infrastructure, and streamlined invoice processing.
Responsibilities: Collaboration with cross-functional teams, AWS infrastructure optimization, MVP development for delivery management, invoice process streamlining.
Technologies: AWS, Web App Development

Shopify Developer, E-commerce Platform Usability Enhancement

Duration: Sept 2021 - Dec 2022
Summary: Redesigned e-commerce platform for improved usability and performance, integrated React with Shopify theme development.
Responsibilities: E-commerce platform usability enhancement, Shopify theme development, React integration, collaboration on best practices, backend API integration.
Technologies: Shopify, React, Redux

Full Stack Team Lead & Project Manager, Hotel Reservation System

Duration: Sept 2023 – Aug 2024
Summary: Led Hotel Reservation System development, optimizing booking experience and hotel operations.
Responsibilities: Project planning and management, frontend interface development, backend solution scaling, microservice implementation, conducting CI/CD, and orchestrating deployments.
Technologies: Next.js, NestJS, Kafka, PostgreSQL, CI/CD, Kubernetes, Cypress, Jest

Full Stack Developer, Retail Technology Platform Enhancement

Duration: Aug 2024 – Present
Summary: Led integration of Python Django project with Shopify, developed centralized system for unsold inventory management, and contributed to retail waste reduction.
Responsibilities: Led Python Django and Shopify integration, developed system for managing unsold inventory, retail waste reduction through strategic project implementations.
Technologies: Python, Django, Shopify


  • Master’s Degree in Computer Science
    Oct 2018 – Sept 2019
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
    Sept 2014 – Sept 2018