Fabricio Oliveira Senior Golang Engineer

Back-End Web, Full Stack Web


- Back-End Engineer with over 12 years of experience, having 6 years of experience with Golang development.
- Experienced in working with Golang in cloud-native environments, microservices architecture, and integrating with various tools and technologies such as Docker, AWS, and Kafka.
- Expertise spans multiple tools and technologies, including Elasticsearch, Golang, Kafka, JavaScript, Python, PostgreSQL, AWS, Docker, GCP, and microservices.
- Commercial experience with web applications handling more than 300krpm
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Native Portuguese


Senior Golang Engineer, Buzzer, NY, NY - USA

Nov 2022 - Apr 2023
Description: Collaborate as a part of the platform team to enhance infrastructure stability. Performing refactoring of legacy code, and delivering crucial business-driven features. These include introducing a video streaming capability, implementing an interactive timeline feature, and seamlessly integrating with new partners to expand our sports league offerings.
Technologies: Go, JavaScript, Amazon Lambda, Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, Firebase, retool, Amazon Web Services, Helm

Senior FullStack Engineer (Part-Time), JusBrasil, Salvador, BA - BRAZIL

SEPT 2021 - OCT 2022
Description: In charge of designing and implementing a universal solution to simplify creating a crawler for a non-technical professional (user). I was a teaching lead of a team in charge of a platform that contained a highly intuitive Chrome extension, a Backoffice, and an engine to create and run crawlers. Together, These tools empower our internal users to create, execute, and maintain any web crawlers.
Technologies: Go, JavaScript, Kafka, Python, Elasticsearch, Google Cloud
Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, React.js, Redis, gRPC

Senior Golang Engineer, Route, Lehi, UT - USA

Oct 2020 - AUG 2022
Description: Throughout my time at Route, I had the opportunity to work in various projects. One of the most significant projects I was involved in was the Unified API. This platform featured a single interface (web and backend) designed to streamline communication between internal product teams and third-party e-commerce APIs. It was a project that I am proud to have been responsible for the technical design. Additionally, as a staff software engineer, I had the privilege of providing mentoring to numerous engineers, contributing to raising the overall quality standards within the company.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services, Go, JavaScript, Docker, Elastic Stack
(ELK), Terraform, PHP, TypeScript, Amazon DynamoDB, React.js, PostgreSQL

Staff Golang Engineer, OLX, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - BRAZIL

May 2019 - Oct 2020
Description: Throughout my time at OLX, I worked with one of the most impressive teams. The Ads team, in particular, stands out for its exceptional capabilities and broad influence within the company. Our team is responsible for numerous core components, making it the most extensive team at the company and the one I have ever worked on. We handle horizontal services available to the entire company, such as the new ads landing funnel, UX for handling ads, image uploads, and even some additional components unrelated to ads. Even with these responsibilities to keep working, we have successfully delivered several critical projects for the company, and I take pride in leading some of them. Collaborating with a cross-functional team, we foster a continuous learning environment where we teach and learn from each other. The mutual support among team members has greatly contributed to our outstanding results.
Technologies: AWS, Go, JavaScript , Docker, Elastic Stack (ELK), Terraform, Python, Elixir, Kotlin, GraphQL, RabbitMQ, Android Development, iOS Development, Swift , Search Engine Optimization (SEO), PHP, Objective-C, TypeScript, AWS Lambda, MongoDB, React.js, React Native,  Java Enterprise Edition, C++, PostgreSQL, Spring Framework

Full Stack Specialist, M4UM4U

Oct 2018 - Apr 2019
Description: I specialize in developing financial applications for the acquisition market, particularly focusing on a smart Point-of-Sale (POS) project called LIO.
My role involved architecting the metric solution for the LIO platform. Working alongside my team, we built a new platform from the ground up to effectively capture and analyze events from the LIO project.
We leveraged various AWS serverless solutions such as Kinesis, Kinesis Record, Firehose Kinesis, API Gateway, Lambda, Secret Manager, and S3 to achieve this. These services provided the necessary backend infrastructure. Additionally, we developed an Android Library responsible for capturing and transmitting metrics for the LIO system application.
Microservices, Event Driven, JavaScript, Amazon Web Services, Docker, Firebase, Agile Methodologies, Elastic Stack (ELK), Terraform, Python, Kotlin, Android Development, Jenkins, Shell script, AWS Lambda, Ruby on Rails

Software Engineering Specialist, M4UM4U

Dec 2016 - Sep 2018
Description: As a member of the backend team, I actively contributed to the development of financial applications for the acquisition market, specifically working on the smart Point-of-Sale (POS) project known as LIO.
My primary responsibility within the team was creating a variety of APIs using Ruby on Rails. These APIs were designed to deliver intelligent services for the LIO project. Our team was dedicated to providing smart functionalities to the system, including services such as order synchronization, app store integration, notifications, firmware updates, and product catalog management.
Technologies: Microservices, Amazon Web Services, Docker, Redis, Agile Methodologies, Elastic Stack (ELK), Kotlin, Jenkins, Shell script, Ruby on Rails,

Senior Software Engineer, Globo

Sep 2014  - Nov 2016
Description: This project was developed using Golang, a cluster of Redis, and a cluster of MongoDB. Everything deployed in a Paas solution Tsuru with autoscale of our containers. As a full stack engineer on the online subscription team, I have been involved in numerous projects, including:

  1. During a famous reality show called BBB, which involved voting through logged-in sessions on our platforms, our API handled authentication for users, receiving approximately 300K rpm.
  2. Providing maintenance and enhancements for projects related to controlling and offering online subscriptions and recurring billing within the platform of the Globo group. The technology stack used in these projects included JEE, Ruby on Rails, Python Jungle, JQuery, and Oracle DB.
  3. Taking charge of a project focused on developing a new email platform for the group. In this role, I created new components for the email platform and successfully migrated over 3 million mailboxes. The technology stack utilized for this project consisted of Java with Spring, Oracle DB, Memcache, PHP5, and RoundCube.
  4. Enhancing the SMS platform by introducing new features such as redundancy, metrics, and improved scalability. These improvements contributed to the overall robustness and performance of the platform.

Throughout these projects, my responsibilities included architecture design, development, and implementation using various technologies and tools to meet the specific requirements of each project.
Technologies: jQuery, Microservices, Go (Programming Language), Redis, Agile Methodologies, Python, Solr, Oracle Database, Jenkins, Shell script, Java Enterprise Edition, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Spring

Middle Software Engineer, Plennus TI

Apr 2014 - Sep 2014
Description: As a Java system analyst assigned to the Brazilian Navy military base, I primarily focused on the SOMAR project. This system played a crucial role in managing all the equipment acquired for the Brazilian Marine.
In this role, I analyzed, designed, and developed Java-based solutions for the SOMAR project. Working closely with the Navy team, I ensured that the system met the specific requirements and effectively managed the inventory of equipment for the Brazil Marine.
Technologies: jQuery, JavaScript, Oracle Database, Java Enterprise Edition

Junior Engineer, ADDLabs

Jan 2013 - Feb 2014
Description: I have experience in enhancing and maintaining software for PETROBRAS. My work involves creating and maintaining software applications for oil positioning as well as developing and maintaining projects related to oil and gas inventory management.
In this role, I actively contribute to improving the platform's functionality and performance, ensuring it meets the specific requirements of PETROBRAS. Additionally, I collaborate with the team to develop software solutions that effectively track and manage oil positioning and facilitate inventory management for the oil and gas industry.
Technologies: Oracle Database, Graph Theory, C++, Parallel Programming, C#

Scientific Initiation in the Grid, Cluster, and Universidade Federal Fluminense

Jan 2011- Dec 2012
Description: Engaged in researching and developing a private cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solution. This involved a comprehensive exploration of tools, scientific articles, and practical work to design and implement the private cloud environment.
The research process included an in-depth study of relevant technologies, methodologies, and best practices in the field of cloud computing. Leveraging this knowledge, I actively worked towards the creation of a robust private cloud platform that offers scalable and on-demand infrastructure services.
Through extensive practical work and experimentation, I aimed to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the private cloud solution, ensuring it met the specific requirements of the intended use cases.
Technologies: Graph Theory, C++, Parallel

Web Developer, Freelancer

Nov 2010 - Dec 2012
Description: As a freelance developer, I specialize in implementing customized solutions for various projects. I have extensive experience in feature development within Java projects, utilizing technologies such as JSF, Struts2, Spring Framework, and JPA. This allows me to contribute to the enhancement and expansion of Java-based applications efficiently.
Furthermore, I have expertise in implementing web solutions using Ruby on Rails. Leveraging this framework, I create robust and scalable web applications. I am also proficient in utilizing the Heroku platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for seamless deployment and provisioning of Ruby on Rails applications.
As a freelancer, I am committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet each project's unique needs.
Technologies: JavaScript, Oracle Database, Java Enterprise Edition, Ruby on Rails,

IT Network Administrator, FUNDACIONES FRANKI

Jan 2007  - Dec 2012
Description: During my time at Franki Foundations, I had the privilege of spearheading the development of a new computer network infrastructure. This involved designing an environment that seamlessly integrated both paid tools from the Windows Server family for domain control (LDAP) and open-source tools from the wider community.
I successfully implemented essential services such as Firewall, Proxy, LDAP Authentication, Email, Intranet, and more, ensuring smooth and secure operations within the network. By leveraging a combination of proprietary and open-source solutions, I was able to create a robust and efficient infrastructure that met the organization's specific needs while optimizing cost-effectiveness and functionality.

Software Engineer, STI

Jan 2010 - Oct 2010
Description: I performed maintenance and created modules for the complete management of students' academic life. The web project was developed using JAVA technologies such as JPA, JSF, and Spring IoC. We utilized an Oracle database for data storage, and RedMine served as the project management tool.
We adopted agile methodologies, specifically Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) to ensure efficient and collaborative development. These methodologies facilitated iterative and incremental development, enabling continuous improvement and rapid delivery of high-quality modules.
By leveraging industry-standard technologies and employing agile practices, we successfully enhanced and developed modules that effectively supported various student academic life management aspects.
Technologies: JavaScript, Oracle Database, Java Enterprise Edition, Ruby on Rails,

Software Developer, Freelancer

Feb 2002 - Dec 2006
Description: Desktop application developer for troubleshooting small offices and businesses.
Technologies: Delphi 6, Visual Basic 6, HTML.


Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ - BRAZIL — Master of Computer Science
JUL 2013 - DEC 2016
During my course, I have studied different concepts of distributed systems focused on the software development line. Also, I developed a solid knowledge of
networks, security, and operation systems.

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ - BRAZIL — Bachelor of Computer Science
JAN 2007 - JUL 2013
The course trained me to have a strong scientific and technological base, capable of providing the necessary autonomy to learn new technologies.

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - BRAZIL — Licentiate of Math
JAN 2005 - JUL 2009
I drove my studies in math on computational theory to complement my knowledge in the computing science area.


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