Stas D. Python Full-Stack Software Engineer

Back-End Web


- 5+ years of experience in Python Development
- 1+ years of experience with front-end development using React
- Knowledge and understanding of principles and methodologies of software design
- Proficiency in Python development
- Deep knowledge of Web development technologies
- Experience with scrapers, extracting data from sites, serializing and validating data
- DevOps: Deploying an app with docker, serverless application, AWS
- Have experience mentoring
- Excellent knowledge of common software engineerings practices, like OO principles, modern design patterns, test-driven development, continuous integration, and continuous deployment
- Experience with payment systems integrations
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


Back-end Developer

May 2022 - January 2023

Description: Tour operator


  • Working on one of the services
  • Serverless architecture
  • Integration with other services
  • Deploy with terraform
  • a lot of performance improvements 

Technologies: FastAPI, AWS Lamba, ApiGateway, Kubernetes, Stepfunctions, DynamoDB, S3, Athena, Glue, SNS, SQS, IAM, KMS, Batch, Terraform, docker, docker-compose


Back-end Developer

Dec 2021 - May 2022 

Description: Application for pushing ads into different adservers


  • Working on a couple of the services to push ads to external services
  • Serverless architecture
  • Integration with other services
  • Integration with a lot of 3rd-party integrations (google ads, campaign manager, adform, sizmek, etc)
  • Some services were written from scratch

Technologies: Django, DFR, Celery, Redis, Postgres, Kafka, S3, FastApi, SqlAlchemy, dependency-injector, aio libs (aiokafka, aioredis, asyncpg), alembic, poetry, httpx, boto3, typer, traefic, docker, docker-compose


Senior Python developer/Mentoring juniors

Feb 2021 - Dec 2021 

Description: Maintaining a big monolith Django application that serves multiple client applications


  • Developing REST API used by both web and mobile applications and internal administrative apps as well
  • Integration with third-party services (email, sms, payment, and services related to business domain)
  • Delivering new products as a result of arisen business needs
  • Extensive customization of Django admin and also adding whole new modules written in React JS in frontend and communicating with REST API
  • Implementing a new service for exporting large quantities of data from the database
  • Implementing a notification service that delivers sms&email campaign messages and also push notification
  • supervising juniors

Technologies: Django, Postgres, Celery, Sentry, Redis, S3, Google cloud services, docker, docker-compose, Bitbucket pipelines, React.js, JavaScript


Back-end Developer

Dec 2020 - Feb 2021

Description: Business consultation platform


  • Working on Mail & Payment services
  • Serverless architecture
  • Integration with other services
  • Integration with payment gateways (Twise, Trolley, Payoneer), also mail integration (Sendgrid)
  • Django-admin customization

Technologies: Django, DRF, Celery, Redis, Postgres, SMTP, faust, S3, docker, docker-compose, Kubernetes


Back-end Developer

Sep 2020 – Dec 2020

Description: API for a google chrome extension to parse some data


  • Working on Mail & Payment services
  • A lot of 3rd-party integrations (Linkedin, Twitter, RapidAPI, Facebook, google-search, google-translator, mail-phone validator service, etc)
  • Parsing some data
  • Performance improvements

Technologies: Flask, Sqlachemy, Redis, s3, rds, ec2, sns, Postgres, pandas, beautifulsoup, SendGrid, docker, docker-compose


Full Stack Developer  

Mar 2020 – Sep 2020 

Description: The project is related to providing the ability users to buy or sell electricity according to their role (either buyer or seller). The information about electricity consumption and production is automatically gathered from the US state API via celery one time per month. Possible (due to geographical and consumption/production data) offers are viewed by users in order to be applied or denied.


  • Building Architecture
  • bug fixing
  • implementation of new functionality
  • Create clean, efficient code based on requirements

Technologies:  Python, Django, DRF, React.js, Celery, Redis, PostgreSQL, AWS EC2, AWS S3


Back-end Developer

Dec 2019 – Mar 2020

Description: Application for Postal Company


  • API for that application
  • Service from scratch
  • integration with other services and AWS services
  • DB design
  • Stage deploying, simple ci\cd

Technologies: Django, DRF, Celery, Lambda, EC2, ApiGateway, S3, RDS, docker, docker-compose


Back-end Developer

May 2019 - Dec 2019 

Description: Application to push products to multiple marketplaces


  • Creation & Integration of API
  • Service from scratch
  • integration with Walmart & Shopify

Technologies: Sanic, SqlAlchemy, Postgres, MongoDB, RDS, Lambda, S3, API gateway, Kafka, Celery


Back-end Developer

Feb 2018 - May 2019

Description: An application that makes easier communication between services and Tableau


  • Communication between AWS services
  • preparing CSV with all currencies and their exchange rates
  • cron job for retrieving actual rates

Technologies: Python, CSV, Tableau, Lambda, API Gateway, S3, IAM, Glue, Athena, EventBridge


Back-end Developer

Mar 2017 – Feb 2018

Description: Stocks site parser by the USA region


  • parsing sites
  • work with the browser via selenium

Technologies: Flask, beautifulsoup, asyncio, aiohttp, selenium