Maksym K. Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Web


Extensive full-stack development experience focusing on backend development using NodeJS (NestJS, Express), Elixir (Phoenix), and frontend development using Vue 3, React, and Ant Design.
- Proven ability in building and maintaining various projects, including CMS, payment methods, prediction algorithms, APIs, and e-commerce solutions, indicating strong project ownership.
- Proficiency in working with several databases, demonstrating a deep understanding of both relational and non-relational structures.
- Experience in applying modern web technologies, with certifications in JavaScript Algorithms, Data Structures, and Data Visualization.
- Located in Spain
- Upper-Intermediate English


Dare Planet Tech., Fullstack Software Engineer

May 2023 - ...

  • Developing backend with NodeJS (NestJS, Express), Elixir (Phoenix)
  • Implementation of admin with Vue 3, Ant Design

Doofinder, Fullstack Software Engineer

January 2022 – March 2023

  • Developed CMS and implemented payment methods
  • Implemented prediction algorithm for managing client subscriptions
  • Created and estimated new concepts like implementing a new API endpoint for managing billing
    information, or integrating external services like Shopify, HubSpot, etc.
  • Implemented three-step checkout with state machine using GenServer

Biko2, React/NodeJS Software Engineer

August 2020 – December 2021

  • National Geographic project: Responsible for implementing new concepts and maintaining what
    they had used JAMStack technology, in the front-end - React (Preact in prod), Gatsby, and in the back-end - a very customized Drupal that generates GraphQL queries to then feed them to Gatsby, implementation of instant navigation. Responsible with two more partners for 9 countries of NatGeo (seven from the EU and two from LATAM): deploys, backups, etc.
  • El Corte Ingles project: Responsible for creating and maintaining two e-shops (Hipercor and La
    Tienda en Casa), evaluation and all full-stack cycles of development

Industrial Augmented Reality, Frontend Developer

May 2020 – August 2020

  • Implemented new features using VueJS and Vuex

Multihelpers, Fullstack Web Developer

February 2018 – May 2020

  • Split the Symfony framework monolith for a lot of micro-services
  • Made micro-front-end forms, also the admin for our customer support and a page (mobile oriented) for helpers so that they can upload pictures of their work.
  • Made a service for generating and managing invoices (front-end in React, API/back-end Python)

Freelancer, Fullstack Ruby/JS Web Developer

December 2015 – 2017

ALC Concern “Vesna”, Computer Systems Engineer

October 2005 – November 2015


Bachelor's Degree in Information Controlling Systems and Technologies, Dnipropetrovs'k National
University, Ukraine

Master's Degree in Political Science, Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine

Ruby on Rails Courses, RubyGarage (March 2016 - October 2016)

Web Application Architectures, University of New Mexico ( (2015)

JavaScript. Basics and Advanced Features, Computer Academy "STEP" (certification center "SeeTech"), Ukraine (2014)


Data Visualization Certificate, FreeCodeCamp (April 2023)

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certificate, FreeCodeCamp (September 2021)

Complete React Developer (Redux, Hooks, GraphQL), Udemy (October 2020)

The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp, Udemy (June 2019)

Front-End Certificate, FreeCodeCamp (December 2017)

Awards and Achievements

The Best Project for Sale: Hackathon Doofinder (March 2022)

Knight Prize (the most original project): Doofinder Code Challenge (October 2022)