Mykhailo H. iOS developer

iOS (7.0 yr.), Mobile Apps (7.0 yr.)


A seasoned iOS developer with over 7 years of experience, specializing in the Apple ecosystem. Proficient in Swift, Objective-C, SwiftUI, and Kotlin, with strong expertise in reactive programming, databases, networking, and multithreading. This engineer is adept in implementing various architectural patterns such as MVVM, Singleton, and Dependency Injection. Their technical background is solidified by a Master's degree in System Engineering and Computer Science. Their professional portfolio spans several domains, including Security, Healthcare, and FinTech, showcasing a versatile approach to app development. Key contributions include developing CI/CD pipelines, performing comprehensive testing, and successful App Store deployment. Strengths include advanced knowledge of networking protocols, database management, and multiparadigm programming, making the engineer a well-rounded candidate for complex iOS projects.

Work Experience

iOS developer, App blocking application

Duration: 2023-07 to 2024-08
Summary: An app for childproofing devices by blocking apps with Screen Time API integration.
Responsibilities: Led comprehensive UI redesign from code, developed application blocking logic using Screen Time API, integrated Firebase Analytics, conducted extensive refactoring including data collection optimization and AppStore subscription logic, and managed application release process.
Technologies: Objective-C, UIKit, GCD, Networking, AppleSignIn, FacebookSignIn, CoreData, InAppPurchases, PushNotifications, GoogleAds, Firebase SDK, FacebookSDK, CocoaPods

iOS developer, Crossword puzzle application

Duration: 2023-02 to 2023-06
Summary: A crossword puzzle app with daily tournaments, hints, and in-app purchases for game coins.
Responsibilities: Implemented UI design, developed application navigation, led refactoring and new feature integrations, optimized application distribution and memory consumption.
Technologies: Swift, SwiftUI, Modular architecture, MVP, UIKit, GCD, Swift Package Manager, Networking, UserDefaults, Keychain, Swinject, Twillio, GraphQL

iOS developer, Healthcare application

Duration: 2021-11 to 2023-01
Summary: A medical app for scheduling appointments with doctors, managing medications and health tips.
Responsibilities: Developed the app architecture using the MVP model, created custom UI components and business logic, conducted code reviews and provided development mentorship.
Technologies: Swift, MVP (with coordinator), GoogleSignIn, AppleSignIn, RestAPI, SpriteKit, CoreMotion, Fastlane, WebRTC, third-party libraries (Kingfisher), AVFoundation, XMPPFramework, MFMailComposeViewController, CocoaLumberjack, PushNotifications, CoreData

iOS developer, Content promotion and broadcasting application

Duration: 2020-09 to 2021-10
Summary: A content promotion and online video broadcasting app with interactive audience engagement.
Responsibilities: Led project development, implemented custom UI, improved video quality, integrated chats using XMPP, set up WebRTC streams relayed via Janus, established multiple development environments for testing different app versions.
Technologies: Swift, MVP (with coordinator), Core Location, Google Maps, REST, UIImagePicker, UIDocumentPicker, third-party libraries, AVFoundation, Security, push notifications

iOS developer, Enterprise resource management application

Duration: 2020-03 to 2020-08
Summary: Enterprise resource management web application focusing on access control, resource usage statistics, and asset evaluation.
Responsibilities: Initiated dynamic app development, contributed to planning and functionality estimation, wrote reusable code enhancing MVP-C architecture.
Technologies: Swift, Objective-C, EncryptedCoreData, CallKit, Networking

iOS developer, Security chat application

Duration: 2019-10 to 2020-02
Summary: A high-security chat application for company employees with invitation-only access and encrypted data storage.
Responsibilities: Implemented UI end-to-end, architected the app with Swift and Objective-C, refactored codebase for efficiency, and contributed to the feature implementation.
Technologies: Swift, Core Data, Fastlane, Networking, GoogleAds

iOS developer, Entertainment and e-commerce combined chat application

Duration: 2018-12 to 2019-02
Summary: Interactive chat featuring a 2D animated character, AI-powered conversations, and an e-commerce integration.
Responsibilities: Developed local storage and a network manager, led project refactoring, implemented new features, and supported with ongoing bug fixes and user experience enhancement.
Technologies: Objective-C, FMDB, Core Data, Core Location, Runtime

iOS developer, E-commerce sushi delivery application

Duration: 2018-05 to 2018-11
Summary: Mobile app for sushi delivery with online ordering, discount management, and payment system.
Responsibilities: Established local storage and network management, led comprehensive refactoring to improve performance and scalability.
Technologies: Swift, FMDB, Core Bluetooth, Core Location

iOS developer, Beacon tracking framework and demo application

Duration: 2017-10 to 2018-04
Summary: Framework for tracking different types of beacons and corresponding demo application.
Responsibilities: Managed local storage and network communication, implemented scanning features for iBeacons and peripherals, streamlined framework build script.
Technologies: Swift, UIKit, Core Data, Fastlane, Fabric, Deep Links

iOS developer, PresentAR augmented reality app

Duration: 2019-03 to 2019-09
Summary: Augmented reality platform for brand storytelling via presentation materials, including 3D models and videos.
Responsibilities: Led UI implementation, developed scalable and efficient codebase, introduced AR module, managed app publishing and CI setup.
Technologies: Networking, Clean-swift, Jira, delegation, third-party libraries, Core Animation

iOS developer, FinTech business application

Duration: 2017-02 to 2017-09
Summary: Business application for managing funds, performing banking transactions, adhering to legal standards for EU countries.
Responsibilities: Implemented UI and clean Swift codebase, refactored using Clean Swift, aligned executions with documentation and standards.
Technologies: Networking, Clean-swift pattern


  • Master's degree in System Engineering and Computer Science
    V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University