
Back-End Web Developer with ASP.NET Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Back-End Web developer with ASP.NET with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is ASP.NET used?

Keeping Online Shopping Carts Wheeling

  • ASP.NET juggles the oranges, shirts, and the occasional rubber duckie in e-commerce websites' shopping carts, ensuring that online shopping binges go off without a hitch.

Mastering the Art of Bean Counting

  • This framework puts on its accounting hat, crunching numbers like a pro to keep financial systems and banking apps from throwing temper tantrums.

The Social Butterfly of Networks

  • In the land of tweets, likes, and pokes, ASP.NET is the chatty architect behind social media platforms, where it whispers and gossips in C# and VB.NET.

Hercules of Healthcare Apps

  • With muscles of MVC and Web API, ASP.NET hoists up healthcare applications, bench-pressing patient records and appointment schedules with ease.

ASP.NET Alternatives




Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It enables server-side scripting and running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content.


// Hello World in Node.js
const http = require('http');
http.createServer((request, response) => {
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
response.end('Hello World\n');

  • Non-blocking I/O model for efficient performance


  • Large ecosystem with NPM


  • Unified language for client and server-side scripts


  • Callback-heavy, which can lead to complex code ("callback hell")


  • Potentially high RAM usage under heavy computation


  • Asynchronous programming model may be challenging for beginners



Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It follows the "batteries-included" philosophy.


# Hello World in Django
from django.http import HttpResponse
def hello_world(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello, World!")

  • Included ORM for database interactions


  • Automatic admin interface


  • Comprehensive documentation


  • Monolithic framework may be too bulky for small projects


  • Tighter coupling between components


  • Can be challenging to deploy on different platforms



Flask is a micro web framework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. It's light, modular and adaptable to extensions.


# Hello World in Flask
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'

  • Minimalistic and easy to get started with


  • Flexibility to use any ORM or database layer


  • Extensions available for added functionalities


  • Lack of default database and form support


  • Can become messy with larger apps without strict structuring


  • May require additional setup for large-scale applications


Quick Facts about ASP.NET


The Debut of ASP.NET


Picture the year 2002, the tech world buzzing with excitement. Microsoft throws its hat into the web ring, unveiling ASP.NET. This isn't your grandpa's HTML; it's a dynamic, spiffy framework ready to create web apps more riveting than a soap opera. The brainchild of the Redmond squad (Microsoft, of course), it aimed to show classic ASP how to strut in the .NET era. And strut it did!

The Evolution Spree


It's like Pokémon, but for techies! ASP.NET has morphed through the ages: Web Forms was the awkward teen phase, then MVC strutted in like a cool college kid. We've seen Web Pages, and now here's .NET Core, flexing its cross-platform muscles since 2016. These versions didn't just multiply; they evolved like they're trying to win a Darwin award!

Magical MVC


Enter the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, the Harry Potter of ASP.NET. Instead of spells, it gives devs the power to separate concerns, making code cleaner than a squeaky-clean broomstick. It's like having a room of requirement for your code structure! MVC has been a game-changer since it popped up in 2009.

// Here's a spell—ahem, I mean a snippet, to conjure a controller in MVC:
public class HogwartsController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert ASP.NET developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Developer0-2$50,000 - $70,000

  • Assist with coding simple application components

  • Fix minor bugs under supervision

  • Write unit tests for own code

  • Participate in code reviews

Middle Developer2-5$70,000 - $95,000

  • Develop and improve application features

  • Research and resolve more complex bugs

  • Contribute to design discussions

  • Optimize application performance

Senior Developer5-10$95,000 - $120,000

  • Architect and design software components

  • Mentor Junior and Middle Developers

  • Lead major feature implementations

  • Ensure coding standards and best practices

Expert/Team Lead10+$120,000+

  • Drive technical roadmaps and strategic initiatives

  • Manage a team of developers

  • Coordinate cross-team collaboration

  • Responsible for project delivery and timelines


Top 10 ASP.NET Related Tech

  1. C#

    Imagine a world where every ASP.NET developer's journey begins—a mystical dimension known as C#. Revered as the Excalibur of .NET development, this language is not just a cluster of cryptic syntax but the very backbone of ASP.NET. Bend the realms of server-side logic to your will by performing arcane incantations such as:

    string magic = "Abra-C#-Dabra!";


  1. .NET Framework/.NET Core

    In the swirling mists of software lore, two powerful forces emerge: .NET Framework, the grandmaster of the ancient arts, and .NET Core, its younger, cross-platform sibling. These two behemoths offer the playground and the rulebook for all ASP.NET spells, where your applications draw their power from.



    Don your MVC armour and charge into the battlefield of separation of concerns. Embrace the might of Models, Views, and Controllers, where your quest leads to crafting web applications so elegant, they could be displayed in the Louvre—if the Louvre displayed code:

    public ActionResult Dance()
    return View();


  1. Entity Framework

    Entity Framework is akin to a magical conduit between your data models and the dark cavernous realms of databases. With a flick of "Code-First" or "Database-First" sorcery, watch as SQL queries bow down before you, transforming into the mere mortals of LINQ expressions.


  1. Visual Studio

    The almighty forge where ASP.NET developers wield hammers of code, Visual Studio is where software is smithed. With IntelliSense as your loyal squire, you'll never misspell a variable again, and the dragons of syntax errors become but a distant memory.


  1. SQL Server

    The castle keep of your data, SQL Server is the stalwart guardian of your tables and records. A chamber of secrets where foreign keys and indexes reside side by side in harmony. Issues the command, and performances shall increase, as if by magic spells!


  1. Azure

    Step into the nebula of cloud computing with Azure. Cast your ASP.NET applications into the stratosphere, scale effortlessly, and bask in the glory of high availability. Azure is like having a phoenix as your personal pet—immortal, scalable, and eternally reborn.


  1. Git

    In the endless sea of coding, Git is your trusty vessel, navigating through version control with the ease of a pirate's ship swaying on calm seas. Branches and merges become sweet breezes guiding you towards the treasure of collaborative development.


  1. Blazor

    Like a wizard's duel, Blazor allows you to wield the spells of C# on both server and browser battlegrounds. Say goodbye to JavaScript's trickery; now your razor-sharp C# skills can slash right through the web's frontlines.


  1. SignalR

    Unleash the power of real-time communication across the web with SignalR. It's like a telepathic link between server and clients where data flows as fast as quips at a comedy show, making it perfect for chatting or live gaming spells.

    public async Task SendMessage(string user, string message)
    await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", user, message);


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