
Back-End Web Developer with Next.js Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Back-End Web with Next.js with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Next.js used?

Powering Up E-Commerce Engines

  • Next.js gives shopping sites a nitro boost with lightning-fast page loads, making sure your new kicks are just a quick click away.

Blog-O-Matic 3000

  • Bloggers rejoice! Next.js spins up SEO-friendly blog spaces faster than you can say "subscribe and smash that like button!"

Dynamic SSR Painting

  • Next.js treats web pages like an artist's canvas, dynamically rendering masterpieces server-side, one brushstroke (or code line) at a time.

The International House of Localization

  • Speak the tongue of your audience with Next.js' native internationalization - adiós language barriers, bonjour global domination!

Next.js Alternatives


A React-based, GraphQL powered static site generator with a rich plugin ecosystem. Good for static sites with dynamic elements.

  • Great for static website generation.

  • Rich plugin system enhances functionality.

  • Builds highly optimized, fast websites.

  • Requires understanding of GraphQL.

  • Not ideal for very dynamic, server-rendered sites.

  • Limited to static site use cases.

import React from 'react'
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'

export default function HomePage({ data }) {
Hello world!


export const query = graphql`
query HomePageQuery {
site {
siteMetadata {

Vue.js with Nuxt.js

A progressive framework for building user interfaces. Nuxt.js provides a meta-framework on top of Vue.js for server-side rendering or static site generation.

  • Intuitive and easy to learn.

  • Server-side rendering and static generation.

  • Seamless integration with Vue.js.

  • SSR can be resource-intensive.

  • Community smaller than React’s.

  • Specific to Vue.js ecosystem.

Create React App

An officially supported way to create single-page React applications. It offers a modern build setup with no configuration.

  • Simplifies project setup.

  • Abstracts build configuration.

  • Good for SPA development.

  • Limited to single-page applications.

  • Customization requires ejecting.

  • Not SEO-friendly by default.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

function App() {

Hello, world!


ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root'));

Quick Facts about Next.js

Once Upon a Time: Next.js Takes the Stage

Imagine a band of JavaScript enthusiasts clamoring for a rockstar framework to bust the charts. Enter Next.js, born in a 2016 brainstorm by Guillermo Rauch and the zealous folks at Zeit (now Vercel), who were bent on harmonizing the chaotic world of SSR with the upbeat tunes of React. What's the fuss? Next.js let devs conjure web pages server-side, tickling the ivories of SEO and performance without breaking a sweat.

A Quantum Leap in Web Development: The 'getStaticProps' Razzle-Dazzle

Fast forward to the head-spinning tale of Next.js 9.3, dropping in March 2020. This version had devs grinning ear to ear with the debut act of 'getStaticProps' and 'getServerSideProps'. Static generation took a bow as Next.js juggled data-fetching like never before. Just like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, they made static and server-rendered pages frolic together seamlessly.

function HomePage({ props }) {


// This gets called at build time
export async function getStaticProps() {
// Fetch data from an API
const title = await fetchMyTitle();
return {
props: {

Next.js Goes Full Maverick: Incremental Static Regeneration

Let's jet to April 2020, following the trail of bread crumbs left by Next.js 9.5. Sneaky little thing called Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) tiptoed onto the scene. Think of ISR as a cheeky chameleon—updates static content on the fly without the stage crew (your build process) breaking a sweat! This unsung hero works behind the curtains so your users get the freshest content without any hiccups.

export async function getStaticProps() {
return {
props: {...},
revalidate: 10, // In seconds

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Next.js developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Next.js Developer0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Fixing simple bugs under supervision

  • Writing basic components

  • Implementing UI changes from a design mock-up

  • Learning codebase and best practices

Middle Next.js Developer2-570,000 - 90,000

  • Developing new user-facing features

  • Optimizing components for maximum performance

  • Ensuring the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs

  • Collaborating with back-end developers and web designers

Senior Next.js Developer5+90,000 - 130,000

  • Leading feature development and architecture design

  • Conducting code reviews and mentoring junior developers

  • Integrating third-party APIs and middleware

  • Optimizing application for scalability and speed

Expert/Team Lead Next.js Developer8+130,000 - 160,000+

  • Defining project technical requirements and best practices

  • Leading the development team and coordinating with other departments

  • Assuring quality through setting up testing protocols

  • Leading critical issue resolution and handling complex projects

Top 10 Next.js Related Tech

  1. JavaScript (The Programming Lingua Franca)

    Let's cut straight to the chase – without JavaScript, you might as well pack up your Next.js dreams and go home. It's the very soil in which the framework's roots entangle; the bread to Next.js' butter. It's like the air for developers, but with more semicolons and fewer birds.

  2. TypeScript (JavaScript's Smarty Pants Sibling)

    TypeScript is JavaScript who went to college, got an education, and came back home insisting on type safety and clear documentation. Strongly-typed and smug about it, TypeScript adds that extra layer of sophistication, making your code as poised as a Victorian lady at tea time.

    const greeting: string = "Hello, Next.js developer!";

  3. React (The Soul of Next.js)

    React is the heartthrob of modern web development – and Next.js is basically its cool, urban cousin. It's the Picasso of user interfaces, turning your clunky HTML into a masterpiece of stateful, responsive components that make users weep with joy (or frustration, depending on the bugs).

  4. Node.js (The Silent Enabler)

    Just like that rockstar roadie who sets up the stage for an epic concert, Node.js sets up the environment where Next.js can truly shine. It's the bouncer of the server party, dealing with requests, responses, and that tipsy module trying to sidestep npm's package management.

  5. CSS-in-JS (Stylish, Literally)

    Forget the vanilla CSS that wears socks with sandals. CSS-in-JS is like a fashion-forward trend that marries your styles with your components. It's the ultimate 'look good, feel good' for your code, ensuring that your interface dazzles users like a disco ball in a moonlit diner.

  6. ESLint (The Code Whisperer)

    No one truly appreciates a backseat driver until it's ESLint, telling you where you went wrong without screaming. It’s that wise sage perched upon your shoulder, making sure your JavaScript conforms to the etiquette of good coding standards. Ignore it at your peril or embrace it for harmonious coding zen.

  7. Prettier (The Code Beautician)

    Prettier is like the Marie Kondo of coding; it takes your messy code and, with a flick of its magic wand, transforms it into a work of art that actually sparks joy. If your code is a tousled hairdo, Prettier is the stylist that’s ready to do a makeover.

  8. Webpack (The Packing Wizard)

    Behind every successful code bundle, there’s a Webpack wizard, expertly orchestrating each module into neat, tidy parcels ready for deployment. It’s like a Tetris champion for your code, slotting every piece into the perfect spot for maximum performance and efficiency.

  9. Redux/State Management (The Overseer)

    Managing the state without Redux or similar state management libraries is like herding cats. Redux steps in like a wise old shepherd, giving every cat, I mean state, a place and keeping the chaos at bay with its mighty staff of actions and reducers.

  10. API Routes (The Postman Always Rings Twice)

    API routes in Next.js are your personal post office; they handle incoming requests and dispatch outgoing responses with the precision of a Swiss watch. If your data has places to be and APIs to see, these routes ensure everything arrives signed, sealed, and delivered.

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