
Database Development Developer with Liquibase Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Database Development with Liquibase with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Liquibase used?

Time Travel for Databases

  • Imagine a world where databases can go back to their exes—previous states, that is. Liquibase is the DeLorean giving devs the power to undo an "oopsie" quicker than you can spell R-O-L-L-B-A-C-K.

Database Whisperer

  • With Liquibase in the toolbelt, devs sneak in changes to their database schemas like ninjas in the night, all without dropping the performance plate. It's like coaxing a cat into a bath without a single scratch.

The Sibling Rivalry Solver

  • Developer siblings often fight over the database toy. Liquibase swoops in like a peacekeeping parent, syncing their changes in harmony and avoiding the dreaded "It was my turn on the Xbox!" tantrum.

Code Migration Migration

  • Liquibase leads the great migration of database changes, guiding them through the treacherous plains of development, staging, and production environments with the grace of a goose in V-formation.

Liquibase Alternatives


Database migration tool that uses SQL to manage version control for relational databases. Supports multiple databases.

// Example Flyway migration script

  • Simple SQL-based migrations

  • Pluggable database support

  • Easy-to-read documentation

  • Limited rollbacks in the free version

  • Schema diffs not built-in

  • Can be less flexible for complex deployments


DBmaestro emphasizes DevOps for database environments, providing automation, governance, and security features.

// No direct code sample available – DBmaestro works via UI and is heavily configuration-based.

  • Strong emphasis on security and compliance

  • Pipeline automation for continuous delivery

  • Enterprise-level governance

  • Higher cost barrier for entry

  • Complicated for small-scale projects

  • Learning curve for DevOps practices integration

MyBatis Migrations

MyBatis Migrations offers a simpler approach to database versioning, primarily for Java applications using the MyBatis framework.

// Example MyBatis migration script
-- // Create a new table
-- Migration SQL that makes the change goes here.
CREATE TABLE test_data (
data VARCHAR(255)
-- //@UNDO
-- SQL to undo the change goes here.
DROP TABLE test_data;

  • Integrated with MyBatis ecosystem

  • SQL-script based migrations

  • Supports up & down scripts

  • Less known and smaller community

  • Requires Java knowledge

  • More manual setup and execution process

Quick Facts about Liquibase

Liquibase: The Time-Traveler of Code

Cast your minds back to 2006, the year when nerdy jokes about dynamically typed conversations at parties still had that new meme smell. In that historical brew of Web 2.0 techno-optimism, Nathan Voxland decided he had enough of database schema update mayhem. Thus, in a stroke of genius fueled by what we can only assume was an excessive consumption of coding snacks, Liquibase was forged – a gift to humanity, or at least to the folks who tinker with databases.

Version-Control But For DB Schemas

Think Git, but with a twist – instead of version-controlling your swoon-worthy code, Liquibase puts its wizard hat on and works its magic on database schemas. Fancy rolling back your database changes as easily as you CTRL+Z your last twelve seconds of dubious coding decisions? Liquibase made that a possibility, and there's been no looking back since (unless you're using Liquibase to do exactly that).

Changelogs: Code Poetry in XML, JSON, YAML, and SQL

Liquibase doesn't discriminate – whether you compose your changelogs in XML, JSON, YAML, or the classic SQL; it embraces them all. Each file is like a love letter to future you, ensuring you'll never forget that one time you thought renaming all your columns on production before your morning coffee was a good idea. Here's a quick peek:

<changeSet id="1" author="asimov">
<addColumn tableName="robot_dreams">
<column name="positronic_brain" type="boolean"/>

Put simply, these snippets are a checkpoint diary for your database's life adventure; a 'save game' option to cushion you from those 'oops' moments in database development. With Liquibase, one's codebase transforms into an archaeological site brimming with historical artifacts. Excavate with caution!

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Liquibase developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceResponsibilities & ActivitiesAverage Salary (USD/year)

  • Assist with database source control

  • Execute predefined scripts

  • Document database changes


  • Develop new change sets

  • Maintain environments

  • Analyze deployment issues


  • Design database schema updates

  • Optimize migration strategies

  • Lead version control integration

Expert/Team Lead10+

  • Supervise development team

  • Strategize database evolution

  • Interface with stakeholders


Top 10 Liquibase Related Tech

  1. Java

    Ah, Java – the granddaddy of stability! When it comes to Liquibase, Java flings its robe on like a wise wizard. Developers armed with Java can conjure up XML, YAML, JSON, and SQL changesets with a flick of the IDE wand. Liquibase, written in Java itself, feels right at home juggling jars and dependencies like a seasoned barista with coffee beans.

    // Example of a Liquibase changeset in XML

  2. Spring Framework

    The Spring framework whispers sweet nothings into Liquibase's ear, enabling it to dance elegantly within a robust application context. Marrying Spring with Liquibase bestows upon you the power of seamless dependency injection, transaction management, and a plethora of convenient annotations to automate your database migrations as if enchanted.

    // Liquibase bean configuration in Spring
    public SpringLiquibase liquibase() {
    SpringLiquibase liquibase = new SpringLiquibase();
    return liquibase;

  3. Maven & Gradle

    Maven and Gradle, the revered scroll-keepers of build tools. Integrating Liquibase into these mystical beings through plug-ins allows developers to invoke database updates with the same fervor as casting a spell. Just a few strokes in the command line, and your changesets are deployed with the precision of an archer’s arrow.


  4. SQL Databases

    Liquibase swears allegiance to a host of SQL databases – from MySQL wizards to PostgreSQL oracles. This software alchemist effortlessly turns database-specific scripts into a universal elixir, ensuring that your data schemas are as portable as a knight's trusty steed.

  5. NoSQL Databases

    "Tread carefully," whispers Liquibase to the NoSQL databases. MongoDB, Cassandra, and others may be uncharted territories for many, but Liquibase extends its adventurous tendrils into this realm, negotiating the document and the column-family databases with the skill of a seasoned diplomat.

  6. Docker

    All aboard the container ship! Docker provides a splendid vessel in which Liquibase can comfortably sail across the CI/CD ocean. By containerizing your Liquibase environment, you ensure consistent migrations across the development, testing, and production environments as smoothly as a bard's tune.

    # Docker CLI command to run Liquibase
    docker run --rm -v /path/to/changelog:/liquibase/changelog liquibase/liquibase update

  7. Git

    Like a meticulous historian, Git keeps track of every twist and turn in your database schema's saga. Paired with Liquibase, your changesets will be versioned with as much care as scribes preserving ancient texts. With Git, the tale of your evolving database is nigh unshakeable.

  8. Jenkins/Hudson

    Jenkins and Hudson, the tireless automatons, stand ready to integrate Liquibase into your continuous integration pipeline. By laying down pipelines infused with database migration steps, these mechanical maestros orchestrate an end-to-end ballet of build-test-deploy that Merlin himself would envy.

    // Jenkins pipeline stage for Liquibase
    stage('Database Migration') {
    steps {
    sh 'mvn liquibase:update'


    Data formats such as YAML, JSON, and XML are Liquibase’s native tongues. Developers proficient in these formats can speak directly to Liquibase, crafting declarations that are as elegant and structured as a high elf's poem. Liquibase devours these formats with the gusto of a hobbit at second breakfast.

  10. Test Frameworks (JUnit/TestNG)

    You can't throw a database migration into the wild without a proper escort. Test frameworks like JUnit and TestNG stand guard, ensuring your Liquibase migrations are as robust as a dwarven fortress. With proper tests, your database changes will march to battle clad in impenetrable armor.

    // Example JUnit test with Liquibase
    public void testMigration() throws Exception {
    Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(
    new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(),
    new JdbcConnection(dataSource.getConnection())
    liquibase.update(new Contexts(), new LabelExpression());

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