
Database Development Developer with SVN Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Database Development developer with SVN with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is SVN used?

Rockin' the Version Control with SVN

  • Wonderland of Coders: Picture a merry band of programmers, Beethoven blasting, elegantly tracking code changes without overwriting each other's symphonies.

  • Branch-Mania for Features: It's like a garden where devs grow feature branches that might, or might not, turn into the next big thing. Like planting a seed and watching it bloom, or wither.

  • Time Travelers' Paradise: Messed up? SVN’s magic lets devs rewind time to when their code was less spaghetti and more gourmet meal.

  • Conflict Busters!: Merge conflicts? Pfft. SVN swoops in like a superhero, helping resolve clashes faster than a toddler's attention span shifts.

SVN Alternatives


Git is a distributed version control system. It's mainly used for source code management in software development, enabling multiple developers to work together.

git clone
git add .
git commit -m "Commit message"
git push origin master

  • Handles large projects efficiently

  • Complex interface for beginners

  • Robust branching and merging

  • Requires periodic compression to save space

  • Offline development possible

  • Learning curve is more steep compared to SVN


Mercurial is a distributed revision control tool, designed for efficiently handling projects of any size, from the small to the very large.

hg clone
hg add
hg commit -m "Commit message"
hg push

  • Easy to learn and use

  • Less widespread than Git

  • Integrates well with existing workflows

  • Limited support for complex workflows

  • Fast performance and simple design

  • Extensions are needed for advanced features

Perforce Helix Core

Perforce Helix Core is a version control system geared toward enterprise teams needing scalability, visibility, and security for their files.

p4 clone -p -f //guest/perforce_software/p4-guide/main/...
p4 add
p4 submit -d "Commit message"

  • Highly scalable for large enterprise projects

  • Can be cost-prohibitive for smaller teams

  • Strong security features

  • Complexity of setup and maintenance

  • Multi-platform compatibility

  • Requires purchasing a license

Quick Facts about SVN

SVN AKA Subversion: Commit to the Past!

Believe it or not, SVN wasn't designed by time travelers. It was whipped up in 2000 by CollabNet Inc., with the goal of stickin' it to CVS (Concurrent Versions System), the reigning champ of version control. With folks like Jim Blandy at the coding cauldron, they dubbed it "Subversion" because, you guessed it, they planned to overturn the existing order of version control systems with a cheeky twist on evolution!

Groundbreaking? More Like Ground Shaking!

When SVN strutted into version control town, it brought along atomic commits – a total game-changer. Forget half-baked updates that could leave you in a code pickle; SVN made sure each commit was all or nothin'. If you hit a snag, the entire update was scrapped, leaving no trail of chaos. And there you were, thinking atomic was just for science geeks.

svn commit -m "This update’s gonna be atomic!"

The Branching Twist: More Forks Than a Royal Banquet!

SVN forked up the way we handle branching. Other version control systems treated branches like an exotic species needing special handling. Pfft! Not SVN. It made branching and tagging a walk in the park, treating them just like directories. So whether it's a new feature or an emergency bug-fix, branching was no longer something to fork-out additional gray hairs about.

svn copy trunk/ branches/new-cool-feature

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert SVN developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior SVN Developer0-2$50,000 - $70,000

  • Execute predefined SVN tasks under supervision

  • Perform basic code check-ins and check-outs

  • Learn version control best practices

  • Maintain documentation for version control processes

Middle SVN Developer2-5$70,000 - $90,000

  • Manage branches and handle merges independently

  • Implement hooks for automation purposes

  • Assist in conflict resolution during merges

  • Optimize version control workflows

Senior SVN Developer5-10$90,000 - $120,000

  • Oversee repository management and SVN architecture

  • Design sophisticated branching strategies

  • Mentor junior developers in SVN practices

  • Implement and enforce version control policies

Expert/Team Lead SVN Developer10+$120,000 - $150,000+

  • Lead version control best practices across projects

  • Strategize SVN integrations with other CI/CD tools

  • Manage cross-functional collaboration for version control

  • Drive SVN adoption and standardization initiatives

Top 10 SVN Related Tech

  1. Apache Subversion (SVN) Itself

    Let's kick off this hootenanny with the belle of the ball: Apache Subversion, affectionately known as SVN. Picture it as your trusty librarian who never forgets where any code snippet lives (and never shushes you). It's a version control system that keeps track of all your project versions without breaking a sweat. Grab a coffee, commit your code and let SVN handle your "Oops! Didn't mean to delete the entire project" moments.

  2. TortoiseSVN

    Next up, say hello to the shell of the ball—TortoiseSVN! Now, this isn't your average slow-and-steady-wins-the-race tortoise. Nope, it's a Windows-integrated SVN client that brings the power of SVN to the GUI, meaning you don't have to memorize all those pesky command-line incantations. It's like having a code wizard right in your file explorer.

  3. Subclipse

    Ah, Subclipse, the magical Eclipse plugin that brings SVN harmony to your IDE experience. Ever felt like bungee-jumping from your code editor straight into version control bliss? Subclipse is here to fit that bill. It gives your Eclipse wings to fly through the SVN skies without ever leaving the cozy nest of your IDE.

  4. AnkhSVN

    If you're more of a .NET knight, AnkhSVN has your crest. It's the Visual Studio sidekick that integrates SVN faster than you can say "compile". With AnkhSVN, you get to code, commit, and conquer all within the formidable fortress of your Visual Studio realm.

  5. Jenkins with SVN Plugin

    Buckle up for a dynamic duo—Jenkins and its SVN plugin, heroes of continuous integration! Jenkins watches over your code like a hawk, and with the SVN plugin, it can effortlessly swoop down, pick up your latest changes, and deploy them with the grace of a CI/CD ballet. Dance of The Deployed Code anyone?

  6. Apache ANT with SVN Tasks

    Hear ye, hear ye, all ye build script aficionados! Apache ANT with SVN tasks is akin to having a Swiss Army knife for your build processes. It's like ANT put on its SVN integration cape, and now it can leap over complicated build routines in a single bound!

    <checkout url="${repo.url}" destPath="${source.dir}" />

  7. SVNKit

    Introducing SVNKit, the Java library that's chill enough to hang with your JVM and handle SVN's dirty work. It's like a Swiss diplomat: smooth, efficient, and JVM-friendly. Write some Java, play nice with SVN, and keep your hands clean. It's that easy!

  8. Redmine with SVN Integration

    Got a knack for project management and miss the bells and whistles when using SVN? Enter Redmine with SVN integration, the sizzling salsa to your development nachos. It's project management with a side of version control. Now you can track issues and commits in the same spot, just like squeezing into that last parking spot on a busy day—oh, so satisfying.

  9. Puppet with VCSrepo Module

    Puppet, the unsung hero of infrastructure automation, has a trick up its sleeve—the VCSrepo module. It's like having a magic wand for controlling your SVN repo deployments. Automate to your heart's content, enjoy the show, and let Puppet handle the repo gymnastics.

    vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo':
    ensure => present,
    provider => svn,
    source => 'svn://',
    revision => 'HEAD',

  10. Atlassian SourceTree

    And finally, meet Atlassian SourceTree, the GUI that doesn't just flirt with SVN, it takes it on a full-blown dinner date. If you're a hopeless romantic for source control without the command line's drudgery, SourceTree will serenade your repositories with visual diffs, branching galore, and a commit history that reads like love letters.

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