
Database Development Developer with Mercurial Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Database Development with Mercurial with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Mercurial used?

Time-Travelling Code Tinkerers

  • Mercurial acts as a Delorean for developers, enabling them to hop between various versions of their code, fixing bugs without disrupting the space-time continuum.

The Alchemist's Repository

  • It transforms leaden lines of code into golden software releases, managing multiple contributions without invoking ancient curses or code conflicts.

The Witness Protection Program for Code Snippets

  • In the shady world of programming, Mercurial relocates buggy code to a safe house till it can snitch on the root of the problem without fear of being squashed by newer changes.

The Digital Archaeologist

  • Digging through layers of digital history, this tool unearths ancient script artifacts, restoring them to their former glory for a nostalgic compilation.

Mercurial Alternatives


Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It enables multiple developers to work on a single project without interfering with each other's work.

# Git clone example
git clone

  • Widely used, large community support.

  • Highly efficient with large projects.

  • Non-linear development through branching.

  • Complexity can be overwhelming for beginners.

  • Steep learning curve for advanced features.

  • Binary files can bloat repository sizes.

Subversion (SVN)

Apache Subversion is a centralized version control system that records changes to files and directories over time. It allows you to recover older versions of your data or examine the history of how it changed.

# SVN checkout example
svn checkout project

  • Simple to understand, especially for solo developers.

  • Fine-grained access control features.

  • Directories, renames, and file metadata are versioned.

  • Centralized system can be a single point of failure.

  • Branching and merging are less intuitive than in distributed systems.

  • Not as well-suited for highly concurrent or distributed development.


Bazaar is a distributed version control system that enhances flexibility in software development by allowing multiple independent lines of development on a single project.

# Bazaar branch example
bzr branch lp:project

  • Intuitive user interface for newcomers.

  • Supports both centralized and decentralized workflows.

  • Easy to set up and administer.

  • Less popular, smaller developer community.

  • Slower performance with larger histories.

  • Development of Bazaar has become less active.

Quick Facts about Mercurial

Mercurial's Debut: A Software Saga Begins

Picture this: The year is 2005, and Matt Mackall decides it's high time for a fresh source control tool to hit the scene. Enter Mercurial – a distributed version control system faster than a hare, making its grand entrance amidst a crisis. Born out of the BitKeeper debacle that shook up the Linux development community, it promised a new sanctuary for developers craving speed and simplicity, a stark contrast to the more complex Git which appeared around the same corner in time.

Revolutionizing Revisions: The Mercurial Speed Demon

Move over, turtles—speed is key in the world of version control, and Mercurial takes the cake (and eats it too). The tool stands out for its lightning-fast handling of projects both humongous and tiny. Benchmarks once showed Mercurial thoroughly thrashing competitors in the race to manage revisions. Its efficiency is practically the stuff of legends; the Queen's Guard could learn a thing or two about discipline from Mercurial's code performance. Here’s a peek into its rapid-fire performance:

$ hg clone

Keeping It Chaos-Free: The Mercurial Method

Ah, the tranquility of simplicity. Mercurial treats its users to a serene garden of code, free from the maddening complexities that sometimes plague its peers. By clinging to a minimalist design, the tool maintains an unruffled user experience. Branch management? Mercurial's got your back with a straightforward approach that could be explained to a five-year-old on a sugar high – no pulling of hair required. Here’s a snippet akin to a lullaby in the world of code:

$ hg branch new-features
$ hg commit -m "A fresh start"

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Mercurial developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & ActivitiesQuality-wise
Junior0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Basic version control tasks: commit, pull, update

  • Fixing simple bugs under supervision

  • Writing basic scripts and documentation

Requires thorough reviews and guidance
Middle2-570,000 - 95,000

  • Branching and merging code efficiently

  • Implementing new features with some supervision

  • Performing code reviews for juniors

Capable of self-checking, occasional errors
Senior5-1095,000 - 120,000

  • Designing software architecture

  • Leading release management processes

  • Optimizing performance and scalability

High-quality, reliable outputs
Expert/Team Lead10+120,000+

  • Setting strategic direction for project development

  • Mentoring team members and leading by example

  • Handling complex Mercurial tasks e.g., large-scale merges

Exemplary, sets quality standards

Top 10 Mercurial Related Tech

  1. Python

    Strike a pose with Python, the quintessential snake in the code grass! This slippery language entwines perfectly with Mercurial, offering both scalability and a gentle learning curve. It's like giving a snake a skateboard – things just roll smoother. Bonus: Python scripts automate your Mercurial chores, so you can kick back and hiss in satisfaction. Humor your code with some Python charm!

  2. TortoiseHg

    Put on your reptilian costume and join the TortoiseHg masquerade! This graphical user interface for Mercurial adds a thick shell of user-friendliness to your version control experience. No need to memorize complex command-line spells; just click your way through commits, merges, and reversions. A tortoise might not be fast, but slow and steady wins the code race!

  3. Bash

    Whip out your coding wand and conjure some Bash magic! This grand master of command-line incantations empowers you to weave complex version control spells. Automated scripts? Check. One-liner time travels through your commit history? Double-check. Bash is the trusty old spellbook eagerly awaiting your thumbing through its ancient secrets.

    hg log --template "{date|isodate} {desc|firstline}\n"

  4. Phabricator

    Welcome to the Phabulous world of Phabricator, where code review parties never end. This suite of web applications for software development does more than just hold your hand through diffs; it practically gives your code a pep talk and a pat on the back. It integrates with Mercurial like cheese on a pizza, melting into a blend of task management and bug hunting extravaganza.

  5. Mercurial Queues (MQ)

    Stack those patches like a pancake chef with Mercurial Queues! MQ lets you juggle a stack of changes like a clown at a circus, except you won't be dropping them anytime soon. Fold 'em, twist 'em, reorder 'em without the fear of tumbling down. It's like having a stack of wildcards for your version control poker game.

    hg qnew awesome-feature

  6. MercurialEclipse

    While the name might sound like a celestial event, MercurialEclipse is the astrological alignment of Eclipse and Mercurial. Outfit your Eclipse IDE with this plugin, and you'll feel like a wizard with a new wand. The power of version control gracefully integrates into your development environment, creating a harmonious workspace where the stars align and code commits beautifully.

  7. Continuous Integration Tools (e.g. Jenkins, CircleCI)

    Rig the game with some Continuous Integration (CI) muscle. Jenkins and CircleCI are the gym buddies that Mercurial never knew it needed. These tools flex their pipelines every time you commit, bench pressing tests and deploying your code without breaking a sweat. Your codebase will strut around with a CI-sculpted six-pack.

  8. Docker

    Pop your development environment into a Docker container, and voilà! You've just packed your whole workshop into a neat, portable box. It's like a genie's lamp for your Mercurial setup: rub it right, and you'll summon a consistent dev environment that runs anywhere. Docker plus Mercurial equals freedom in a container-sized package.

  9. Visual Studio Code

    Enter the coliseum with Visual Studio Code, the lightweight yet mighty gladiator that's ready to enhance your Mercurial experience. Arm VS Code with extensions for Mercurial, and watch it become your loyal squire, handling source control with grace. It leaps between your code and version history with the elegance of a ballet dancer and the precision of an archer.

  10. SourceTree

    SourceTree - the GUI that grows on you. Think of it as your digital treehouse where you can manage your Mercurial repositories away from the command-line rain. With a visual approach to version control, SourceTree makes complex branching strategies look like a colorful mind map crafted by a kindergartener with an advanced degree in graph theory.

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