
Drupal Developer with Composer Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Drupal developer with Composer with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Composer used?

Autoload Your Worries Away!

  • No more include nightmares, Composer sings a lullaby of PSR-4 autoloading that neatly organizes your PHP classes. Imagine the joy of never using require_once again!

Dependency Hoedown Throwdown

  • Composer rounds up that pesky herd of PHP packages and libraries, keeping them in a tidy barn known as composer.json. Yeehaw, partner!

Update Dance Off

  • Outdated? Never heard of it! Composer dons its disco shoes and boogies with a single command, updating the software without breaking a sweat.

Patchwork Quilt of Patches

  • Say goodbye to manual patch stitching. Composer weaves in patches smoothly as you sip your coffee, fancying itself as the modern age seamstress of code.

Composer Alternatives

NPM (Node Package Manager)

NPM is the default package manager for Node.js, handling the installation and management of reusable code modules. For example:

npm install express


  • Frequent updates and large registry

  • Handles multiple versions of packages

  • Simple and familiar syntax for JavaScript developers


  • Dependency resolution can be complex

  • Potentially large sizes of node_modules

  • Occasional security vulnerabilities in packages


Yarn is a package manager that prioritizes speed and reliability, developed by Facebook for better performance.

yarn add react


  • Fast and secure dependency resolution

  • Offline package caching

  • Deterministic installs with yarn.lock


  • Requires installation separate from Node.js

  • Some incompatibilities with npm workflows

  • Can be overkill for small projects

PyPi (Python Package Index)

While not a direct alternative, PyPi is akin to Composer but for Python, offering package installation via pip.

pip install requests


  • Massive repository of Python packages

  • Included by default in Python installations

  • Integrated virtual environment support


  • Dependency resolution not as robust as Composer

  • Security issues with some packages

  • Some outdated packages

Quick Facts about Composer

Composer: The PHP Maestro

Remember the dark ages of PHP, where managing libraries was as messy as a teenager's bedroom? Into the chaos, Composer strutted in like a librarian with OCD. It sprang to life in 2011, thanks to Nils Adermann and Jordi Boggiano, who decided enough was enough. The tool revolutionized PHP development, turning a jumbled script-knitting contest into a streamlined symphony. With Composer, programmers could finally declare their dependencies like they were shouting their fast-food order at a drive-through.

Puttering around with Semver

Version trouble? Composer's got you. It embraced Semantic Versioning (Semver) with the grace of a ballet dancer on tiptoe. Gone were the days of playing Russian Roulette with library versions. Now, updating is as easy as telling your dog he's a good boy—the simple composer update wave of the wand, and your project plays nicely with the new kids on the block.

composer update

The Autoloadin' Cowboy Feature

Back before Composer brandished its autoload feature, PHP developers spent a concerning amount of time manually including files. It was like sending snail mail in a world of instant messaging. Composer galloped in, pistols loaded with PSR-0 and PSR-4 standards, turning that old-school, include-heavy shootout into a modern 'autoload' era where PHP classes are as effortlessly discoverable as cats on the internet.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Composer developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Composer Developer0-2$50,000 - $70,000

  • Assist in basic maintenance of composer.json files

  • Update and install new dependencies under supervision

  • Follow senior devs for coding standards and best practices

Middle Composer Developer2-5$70,000 - $90,000

  • Manage complex composer.json and composer.lock files

  • Solve dependencies conflicts and versioning issues

  • Implement PHP class autoloading standards

Senior Composer Developer5-10$90,000 - $120,000

  • Design Composer dependency structures for large projects

  • Integrate Composer with continuous integration workflows

  • Contribute to internal Composer plugins or scripts

Expert/Team Lead Composer Developer10+$120,000+

  • Oversee Composer strategy across multiple projects

  • Establish best practices and mentor junior developers

  • Direct involvement in architecture and strategic decisions

Top 10 Composer Related Tech

  1. PHP Language

    Imagine crafting spells in an ancient language—PHP is kind of like the incantations for the web (minus the eye of newt). While some hipsters in tech might scoff, PHP is the bedrock for Composer-driven development. You’ll wield its code to summon APIs, charm databases, and concoct all sorts of web potions. Behold its syntactical sorcery:

    echo "Abracadabra! I summon thee, web page!";

  2. Laravel Framework

    Now if PHP is your spellbook, Laravel is the wizard's staff that amplifies your magical prowess. As a framework, Laravel ensures that you’re not just yelling PHP into the void—it’s giving you a whole toolbox to build applications with grace, and perhaps a flourish of your cloak.

    Route::get('/potions', function () {
    return 'Welcome to my lair of web alchemy!';

  3. Composer Itself

    Not to state the obvious, but Composer itself is like the enchanted library where you summon your army of PHP packages. Need a teleportation script or a spell to check your email? Just declare your dependencies, and Composer will have them march into your project at the wave of your wand.

    composer require vendor/package

  4. PHPUnit

    Brewing code without testing is a recipe for a cursed project. PHPUnit is your trusty magical defense against the dark arts of bugs. It's essential for running incantations... I mean, tests on your code to ensure that pushing that new feature doesn't turn your application into a pumpkin at midnight.

    public function testPotionMixing()

  5. PSR Standards

    The PHP-FIG wizards have laid out PSR, a compendium of spellbinding standards to ensure all mages chant PHP incantations in harmony. Stick to these and you won't accidentally turn your fellow coder's codebase into a frog. Consistency is king in the magical land of code!

  6. Git Version Control

    Imagine if every spell you cast could be uncast, tweaked, and shared with fellow wizards. That's Git! It's the time-traveling scroll of version control, keeping track of every incantation in your arsenal. A must-have for any sorcerer in the realm of collaborative incanting.

    git commit -m "Added a new spell for instant coffee brewing"

  7. RESTful APIs

    Conjuring data from the ether is all fine and dandy, but to truly be a magician of the modern web, you must master the arcane arts of RESTful APIs. Your spells can then fetch, modify, and delete data from distant lands without ever mounting a dragon.

    GET /wizards HTTP/1.1

  8. Docker

    Every sorcerer needs a cauldron, and in the world of Composer, that’s Docker. It encapsulates all your ingredients in a container, ensuring that your potion brews the same in every magical laboratory. Portability is the new black in wizard fashion, after all.

    docker run --name alchemy-lab -d php:7.4

  9. Xdebug

    Your crystal ball for debugging, Xdebug, lets you peer into the inner workings of your PHP incantations. It's like having a familiar that whispers the secrets of your code’s flow and variables, without threading your beard into knots over silent malfunctions.


  10. Envoyer

    So, you've prepared your spells, and now it’s time to unleash them upon the world. Envoyer is like the magical courier pigeon you never knew you needed, delivering your web applications to the server realm without ever disturbing the visitors wandering your domain.

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