Irina R. Full-Stack Software Engineer (Node.js + React)

Full Stack Web


- 3+ years of professional experience using front-end and back-end technologies
- Front-end: JavaScript(ES6), React, Redux, Redux-saga, Context API, React Hooks, Vue js, Vuex, Angular, HTML, CSS(SCSS), MaterialUI, AntDesign
- Back-end: NodeJS (Express, NestJS), REST API, Docker
- Solid experience in building rich web applications (monolith and MSA) using frameworks and libraries such as React, NestJs, Express, and Vue js.
- Intermediate English
- Available in 1 week after approval for the project


Fullstack Engineer 

1 year (June 2021 - present)

Description: The application helps people in residential and commercial leasing. This application is the intersection of real estate, finance, insurance, and technology in the leasing process for renting spaces. It provides an online platform that offers rental lease guarantees to renters, facilitating access to rentals while protecting income for landlords.

Responsibilities: Designing and building services, performing CRUD operations, updating and building new services. Implementing new UI features for the client application. Covering all new features with unit and integration tests.

Technologies: React, NodeJS, NestJS, PostgreSQL, TypeORM, AWS: S3, Jest, nock, react-testing-library


Fullstack Engineer 

7 months (December 2020 - June 2021)

Description: The service helps hospitals with online questioning of patients and consulting them on their issues and concerns. The product was aimed at organizations that work with senior people and for surveying the population on Covid-19 issues. The main task of the service was to conduct surveys of patients and provide them with a list of recommendations based on their responses. Another important element of this service was the functionality that would allow determining the patient’s risk of being affected by the disease. Also, the service was supposed to give tips on how to prevent the illness and what to do to stay safe.

Responsibilities: Designing and building BE services, performing CRUD operations, updating and building new microservices. Updating and implementing new UI for FE application and admin panel.

Technologies: React, Redux, NodeJS, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, AWS: S3, CloudWatch


Fullstack Engineer

9 months (April 2020 - December 2020)

Description: Project for military veterans who have completed their military service and want to start their own business. Weekly check-in videos with founders. — The idea is to follow their real-life ups and downs throughout the course Instructional videos tailored for the veteran community. Tools and other resources to help them start and grow your business Homework and self-assessments to gauge your progress as you make your way through the lessons

Responsibilities: Creating an application with React and Express, estimating features, designing and implementing features, and fixing bugs.

Technologies: NodeJS, NestJS, MySQL, TypeORM, AWS S3, React, Redux, Redux-Saga, React Bootstrap


Fullstack Engineer 

8 months (September 2019 - April 2020)

Description: Web application helps teachers create projects and invite students to work on these projects. The application has a structure designed for various fields of science. At the same time, it helps to structure useful teaching materials and structure work in classrooms and in training courses.

Responsibilities: Designing the architecture of the application, estimating features, designing features.

Technologies: NodeJS, AWS S3, ReactJS, React Bootstrap


Frontend Engineer 

7 months (March 2019 - September 2019)

Description: The platform is a unique feature-rich money transfer software solution that helped dozens of different companies speed up their international money transaction processes, enables direct execution of money transfers between money transfer businesses, minimizes the total costs of every transaction, and generates new revenue streams.

Responsibilities: Designing and building features, updating and implementing new UI for FE application and mobile app.

Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-Saga, React-Native


National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Qualification: Specialist of Planes and Helicopters

2010– 2016