
Back-End Web Developer with RoR Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Back-End Web developer with RoR with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Ruby on Rails (RoR) used?

High-Speed Crunch for Startups

  • Kicks procrastination out the door with quicker MVPs than a cheetah on a skateboard.

E-Commerce Extravaganza

  • Gives online shops a turbo boost with Spree; it's like a shopping cart on rockets.

Content Chaos Wrangler

  • Handles blogs with a CMS smoother than a dolphin's dance moves.

Social Networking Socialites

  • Helps social platforms connect people, like a tech-savvy cupid.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) Alternatives


Node.js with Express.js


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime enabling server-side execution. Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js, simplifying the creation of web apps and APIs.


// Example: Hello World in Express.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'));
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('App listening on port 3000!'));

  • Non-blocking I/O model for high performance


  • Rich ecosystem with npm


  • JavaScript for both client and server-side


  • Callback hell can lead to complex code


  • Performance can suffer for CPU intensive tasks


  • Less opinionated than Rails, which can lead to inconsistency



Django is a high-level Python web framework encouraging rapid development and clean, pragmatic design, ideal for building scalable web applications.


// Example: Hello World in Django
from django.http import HttpResponse
def hello(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello world")

  • Includes an ORM for database interaction


  • Security features prevent common mistakes


  • Exhaustive documentation and large community


  • Tighter coupling of components


  • Monolithic structure can be cumbersome


  • Routing not as flexible as in some other frameworks



Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive syntax, providing tools and resources to build modern web applications.


// Example: Basic route in Laravel
Route::get('/', function () {
return 'Hello World';

  • Elegant syntax for expressive code


  • Built-in user authentication and authorization


  • MVC architecture streamlining the development process


  • Heavy reliance on facades can obscure logic


  • Can be overkill for small projects


  • Performance overhead compared to lighter frameworks


Quick Facts about Ruby on Rails (RoR)


Who Dropped the Gem? The Rails Saga!


Imagine a world where coding is as easy as baking a cake. That's the universe DHH (David Heinemeier Hansson) dreamt up in 2003 when he unleashed Ruby on Rails onto an unsuspecting crowd. Rails strutted into the programming party fashionably late—after the mega giants like PHP and Java already had their share of the buffet. This framework whipped up web applications faster than a master chef, thanks to its 'Convention over Configuration' mantra. There's no need to deliberate over the tedious details. Just throw your code into the mix, and voila!

Version Confusion and Revolution Evolution


Ever since its debut, Rails has been the Benjamin Button of the software world, getting spiffier with age. Starting from its 1.0 milestone in December 2005, it now plays in the big leagues with a 7.x swagger as of 2021. Each update is like a new season of your favorite show, bringing in more drama with Active Storage, Webpacker, and Action Mailbox. It's the TV series that coders binge-watch with their keyboards, always waiting for the next surprise feature to drop.

Riding on a Gem-Studded Track


Trains are cool but imagine a train that runs on GEMS! In Rails-land, 'Gems' are like trading cards; devs collect them to boost their apps' power levels. Need authentication? There's a gem for that. Payment processing? Toss in another gem. It's like a magic puzzle where the pieces code themselves together, spawning nifty connections with a Bob Ross level of chill. Want to see magic in action? Check out this snippet:


gem 'devise'


Just add that line to your Gemfile and BAM!—instant user auth, without the tears!

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Ruby on Rails (RoR) developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Developer0-2$50,000 - $70,000

  • Fixing straightforward bugs

  • Basic feature development under supervision

  • Writing simple tests

  • Learning best practices and coding standards

  • Assisting in maintaining project documentation

Middle Developer2-5$70,000 - $100,000

  • Implementing more complex features with minimal supervision

  • Optimizing code for performance

  • Beginning to contribute to architectural discussions

  • Mentoring Junior Developers

  • Conducting code reviews for peers

Senior Developer5-8$100,000 - $130,000

  • Leading feature development tasks

  • Driving complex Ruby on Rails system changes

  • Defining code architecture and best practices

  • Problem-solving for high-impact issues

  • Facilitating technology strategic decisions

Expert / Team Lead8+$130,000 - $160,000+

  • Overseeing technical aspects of projects

  • Directing Ruby on Rails application strategies

  • Leading and mentoring the development team

  • Interfacing with stakeholders for business requirements

  • Ensuring scalability and performance of Ruby on Rails applications


Top 10 Ruby on Rails (RoR) Related Tech

  1. Ruby Language

    Ah, the beloved Ruby, the heart and soul of Rails, much like pizza dough is to a mouth-watering margherita. If Ruby were a person, it'd be that charming friend who's always easy to talk to. Without a solid grasp of Ruby, diving into Rails is like trying to make sushi without knowing how to cook rice. It's not just any language; it's got elegance and is loved for its readability and succinctness, two traits any good conversation or code snippet should have.

    def say_hello(name)
    "Hello, #{name}!" # See, even greeting is friendly in Ruby!

  1. Ruby on Rails Framework

    Imagine Ruby got an Iron Man suit; Rails is that suit. This framework takes all that's good about Ruby and supercharges it to build web applications faster than a speeding bullet. It's opinionated, sure, like a know-it-all friend, but in a good way that often saves time and headaches. Rails is the master of "Convention over Configuration," meaning it's got assumptions that help you cruise without needing to decide on the nitty-gritty details.

    class Joke < ApplicationRecord
    # With Rails' Active Record, setting up associations is a breeze!
    has_many :laughs

  1. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    The three musketeers of front-end development! Mingle Ruby and Rails with HTML's structure, CSS's style, and JavaScript's interactivity to get a full-stack flavor that's like a sundae with all the best toppings. Rails has a sweet tooth for these front-end technologies, ensuring your apps look as good as they function. You can't escape these essentials; they're like the air for developers - everywhere and vital.

    <div id="comedy-club">
    <h1>Welcome to the 24/7 Joke Factory</h1>
    <p>Where the laughs never end!</p>

  1. SQL and Databases

    Ponder databases, and SQL pops into mind like a jack-in-the-box, minus the creepy face. Rails is quite the matchmaker with databases, playing nice with SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Understanding the underlying SQL gets you to the core of how Rails' ActiveRecord magic really works. Knowing your way around databases is a bit like having telepathic powers in a library full of whispering books.

    SELECT * FROM jokes
    WHERE punchline IS NOT NULL; -- This is where the fun begins.

  1. Git

    You'll want to track changes in your Rails project, just as you'd keep tabs on who borrows your comic books. Enter Git, the time-traveling librarian, ready to preserve every line of code you write. It ensures that "Oops, I broke it!" turns into "No problem, let's just revert back!" Managing versions and collaborating with others doesn't get smoother than with this tool at your side.

    git commit -m "Add a laughter counter to Joke model" -- Track the giggles!

  1. Heroku

    Alright, you've built the ultimate joke-sharing app, but where do you show it off? Heroku is the high-flying cloud platform where you deploy your projects faster than a stand-up comedian's punchline. It's convenient, supports Ruby on Rails out of the box, and is the equivalent of having a stage, microphone, and audience all set up for you to showcase your app.

    git push heroku master -- Like sending your app on a rocket to the cloud.

  1. Bootstrap

    If CSS is the suit for your web app, Bootstrap is the tailor who makes it fit perfectly without you breaking a sweat. This front-end framework weaves responsive designs as if by magic, making your Rails apps look sharp on any device. Bootstrap is like having a personal stylist for your website - except it's free and doesn't require you to stand awkwardly while being measured.

    <button class="btn btn-primary">Laugh Out Loud</button> -- Now, that's a stylish button!

  1. RSpec

    When you write code, you also need to play the detective with tests to ensure everything works like a charm. That's where RSpec struts in, the Sherlock Holmes of testing frameworks for Ruby. It lets you write examples of how your application should behave, and checks if reality matches your expectations. It's essential because, well, who launches a rocket without testing it first?

    describe Joke do
    it "is invalid without a punchline" do
    expect( be_valid

  1. Redis

    There are times when you need to remember things quickly; Redis does exactly that for web applications. It's an in-memory data store, working like your brain's RAM for temporary information — sessions, cache, job queues, you name it. Integrating Redis with Rails can make your app as swift as a ninja in a sprint race.

    redis.set("latest_joke_id", -- Now that’s fast memory!

  1. Webpacker/Yarn

    Rails with Webpacker and Yarn is like having a gourmet kitchen for your JavaScript meals. It manages JavaScript dependences with grace, ensuring you don't get your script-tags in a twist. Webpacker compiles all your assets, making everything tidy, while Yarn keeps a watchful eye on your packages — talk about having a sous-chef for your code!

    yarn add stimulus -- Whip up some tasty front-end functionality!


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