
Data QA Developer with BDD Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Data QA developer with BDD with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Behavior-driven development (BDD) used?


Turning Specs into Red Carpet Events

  • Transforms dull spec sheets into thrilling user stories. A-list stars are now features needing TLC!

Testing Tango

  • BDD makes developers and testers dance together by coordinating test case choreography upfront. It's a match made in tech heaven!

Customer Whispering

  • Ever tried to decipher what the client REALLY wants? BDD is like an interpreter for client-developer charades.

Team Mind-Meld

  • It's like Vulcan mind-meld for teams: fosters shared understanding by having everyone speak Examples instead of Klingon.


Behavior-driven development (BDD) Alternatives


Test-Driven Development (TDD)


Test-Driven Development is a software development process where tests are written before the code itself. Developers write a test for a new function, run it (it should fail initially), write the code to make the test pass, and then refactor the code.


// Sample TDD Test Case
public void shouldReturnSumWhenTwoNumbersAreAdded() {
Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
assertEquals(5, calculator.add(2, 3));

  • Encourages cleaner, more maintainable code


  • Reduces the likelihood of bugs


  • Improves design and API thought process


  • Initial learning curve can be steep


  • Requires discipline to maintain test-suite


  • Test creation can be challenging for complex scenarios

Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)


ATDD involves team members with different perspectives (customer, development, testing) collaborating to write acceptance tests before coding. The focus here is on fulfilling all stakeholder expectations and requirements.


// Example Acceptance Test
Scenario: Account Holder withdraws cash
Given the account balance is $100
When the Account Holder requests $20
Then the ATM should dispense $20
And the account balance should be $80

  • Fosters better collaboration across roles


  • Focuses on user needs and requirements


  • Can result in less rework


  • May involve significant effort in aligning different perspectives


  • Can be slow to get started as consensus is needed


  • Acceptance criteria can become outdated quickly

Feature-Driven Development (FDD)


FDD is an agile framework that focuses on features. It emphasizes iterative and incremental development cycles, requiring domain models for feature lists and planning by feature.


// FDD Process Example
- Develop overall model
- Build feature list
- Plan by feature
- Design by feature
- Build by feature

  • Promotes delivering tangible, working software repeatedly


  • Helps track progress and results easily


  • High-level view beneficial for clients and stakeholders


  • Requires substantial up-front design and modeling


  • Less known and used than other agile methodologies


  • Potentially less adaptable to changes mid-project


Quick Facts about Behavior-driven development (BDD)


The Epic Tale of BDD's Birth


Picture it: the mid-2000s, a land brimming with clunky code and misunderstood requirements. Enter stage left: Dan North, a software wizard, who, in 2003, conjured up Behavior-driven development. Marrying the depths of Test-Driven Development with the heights of domain-driven design, he sought to end the developers' plight of miscommunication, making them chant, "Specs before code!"

A Cucumber Saga


Beneath the BDD kingdom, in 2008, lurked a beast named Cucumber, not your garden-variety veggie, but a tool that devoured "Gherkin" language for breakfast. It allowed mere mortals to pen down features as if they were telling a bedtime story, which Cucumber then magically turned into test scripts. This feature-frenzy sparked a revolution in how humans and code interacted in their quests for bug-free software.

The SpecFlow Chronicles


As the tale weaves on, lo and behold, the gallant SpecFlow galloped into the .NET realms in 2009. With its armor made of binding business-readable prose to living code, it declared, "I shall translate thine human wishes into tests!" A knightly addition to the BDD roundtable, ensuring no C#-coded citadel is ever misunderstood by its business seers again.

Given I am a gallant developer
When I write my tests in Gherkin
Then may my code be bug-free and clear as day!


What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Behavior-driven development (BDD) developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & ActivitiesQuality-wise
Junior0-240,000 - 70,000

  • Learn BDD concepts and tools

  • Write basic feature files and scenarios

  • Assist in defining acceptance criteria

  • Collaborate with QA and devs in BDD processes

Requires guidance to ensure adherence to best practices
Middle2-570,000 - 100,000

  • Develop and maintain feature files

  • Contribute to BDD framework enhancement

  • Participate in the refinement of user stories

  • Train junior BDD developers

Understands and applies BDD techniques effectively, with some oversight
Senior5-8100,000 - 130,000

  • Lead BDD strategy development

  • Design complex features and scenarios

  • Guide BDD adoption across the team

  • Instruct and mentor junior and middle devs

  • Resolve difficult issues related to BDD practices

Consistently produces high-quality work, drives best practices with little supervision
Expert/Team Lead8+130,000 - 160,000+

  • Define and enforce BDD standards organization-wide

  • Research and implement cutting-edge BDD tools and processes

  • Make high-level decisions on BDD frameworks and architecture

  • Mentor and lead teams, facilitate cross-functional BDD training

  • Handle stakeholder communications regarding BDD

Exemplary quality of work; recognized for innovation and leadership in BDD


Top 10 Behavior-driven development (BDD) Related Tech

  1. Gherkin Language

    Imagine you're writing a screenplay but for software - that's Gherkin for you! It's less about Hollywood drama and more about clear, human-readable descriptions for software behavior. Speak the language of "Given-When-Then" to outline scenarios for your app's functionality like you're storytelling to a toddler.


  1. Cucumber

    Ever thought veggies would help your code? Meet Cucumber, the tool that harnesses the power of Gherkin! It's like your personal BDD sous-chef, turning scenarios into automated tests across multiple languages. Cucumber dices through the jargon, ensuring everyone's on the same salad page.

    Feature: Is it Friday yet?
    Everybody wants to know when it's Friday

    Scenario: Sunday isn't Friday
    Given today is Sunday
    When I ask whether it's Friday yet
    Then I should be told "Nope"


  1. SpecFlow

    For the .NET knights in shining armor, SpecFlow is the round table of BDD. It takes the "Given-When-Then" prose and turns it into a noble quest for clear-cut testing. Your software tales are told in a language that's a mix of Shakespeare and binary.


  1. JUnit

    Ah, JUnit, the granddaddy of testing in the Java realm. It might not be exclusively for BDD, but it plays nice with others like Cucumber. Consider it the strong silent type that gets testing jobs done with a stoic charm.


  1. Behat

    PHP developers, do you ever wish for storytime with your tests? Behat is your genie in a bottle, rubbing out complex testing lingo and granting your BDD wishes with scenarios that can double as bedtime stories for your kids.


  1. Jasmine

    If JavaScript were to go on a date, it would pick Jasmine, the BDD framework that spices things up. It's fun, flirty, and makes writing tests a bit like penning a love letter to your code.


  1. Mocha

    When JavaScript wants to get serious after flirting with Jasmine, it calls Mocha. It's like the older, wiser sibling that brings chai (the assertion library, not the tea) to the BDD party for a full-blown flavorful testing experience.


  1. Robot Framework

    All hail the polyglot of BDD frameworks, the Robot Framework! It's not picky with languages and helps you cook up acceptance tests with a recipe that's as versatile as your grandma's secret cookbook.


  1. Karma

    Not the cosmic kind, but the tool that ensures your JavaScript acts as it should across browsers. It's like a digital karma meter, testing your code's behavior in real-time and making sure it's accumulating good coding karma all the way.


  1. TestRail

    Last but not least, TestRail doesn't directly engage in the action; rather, it watches from the sidelines, organizing your BDD scenarios as a test case management tool. Think of it like the stage manager of a theatre where your BDD scripts are the stars of the show.


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