
Data QA Developer with JMeter Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Data QA with JMeter with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is JMeter used?

Load Test Your Web Dreams

  • Imagine web servers sweating under pressure? JMeter is your gym coach for websites, making sure they can lift heavy traffic without crashing the browser party.

API Muscle Challenge

  • APIs need to flex their muscles too! JMeter throws API requests like dodgeballs to see if they dodge, catch, or just flop on the digital court.

Performance Potion Brewing

  • Concocting a wicked brew of speedy responses? JMeter is the wizard mixing the potion, ensuring your application spells enchant snappy spells under the hood.

Database Gymnastics

  • Your database better be ready for gymnastics, twisting through queries at lightning speed. JMeter judges the database floor routine, scoring the flips and flops of data retrieval.

JMeter Alternatives


LoadRunner by Micro Focus is a widely-used performance testing tool for predicting system behavior and performance. It enables the creation of realistic load scenarios.

// Example LoadRunner Vuser script

return 0;

  • Supports a wide range of applications.

  • Advanced analysis and reporting capabilities.

  • Requires higher investment and expertise.


Gatling is an open-source load and performance testing framework based on Scala, Akka, and Netty with a focus on web applications. It offers a DSL for test scripting.

// Basic Gatling scenario script
val scn = scenario("MyScenario")


  • Provides an expressive DSL for scripting.

  • Open-source and extensible.

  • Requires familiarity with Scala.

Apache Bench (ab)

Apache Bench is a simple, command-line tool for benchmarking and load testing web servers, often used to get a quick assessment of server performance.

// Running a simple Apache Bench test
ab -n 100 -c 10

  • Simple to use for basic testing needs.

  • Minimal setup required.

  • Limited functionality and reporting.

Quick Facts about JMeter

JMeter Crashes the Performance Party - 1998

Picture it: 1998, the aroma of Fresh Prince still lingers in the air, and bam! Apache JMeter struts onto the scene, crafted by Stefano Mazzocchi of the Apache Software Foundation. This nifty tool was concocted for the thrill of crushing load test problems - basically the party animal of performance testing!

Unleash the Scripts - The JMeter Revolution!

Fast forward, and JMeter pulls a rabbit out of its hat: it's no one-trick pony! This bad boy dances with Java to test performance like a boss, but get this—it's a script kiddie's paradise. With support for scripting languages like Groovy, you can whip up test scripts like you're a wizard at Hogwarts, minus the wand.

Meet JMeter's Cool Sibling - 5.4.1 Edition

And then along came JMeter 5.4.1, striding in like it owned the place in February 2021. Decked out with glitzy features like a JSON Path extractor and a shiny HTML reporting dashboard, it's like the Tesla of performance testing – high-tech, fancy, and everyone wants a ride!

Example code snippet of a basic JMeter test plan (just kidding, we’re keeping it high-level).

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert JMeter developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Executing basic JMeter scripts under supervision

  • Assisting in test environment setup

  • Documenting test results

  • Learning best practices from senior team members

Middle2-570,000 - 90,000

  • Designing and developing moderate complexity JMeter tests

  • Identifying and reporting bugs

  • Maintaining test environments

  • Optimizing test performance

Senior5-1090,000 - 120,000

  • Creating advanced JMeter testing strategies

  • Leading test automation initiatives

  • Mentoring junior colleagues

  • Analyzing and reporting on test results to stakeholders

Expert/Team Lead10+120,000 - 150,000+

  • Directing JMeter testing strategy and framework development

  • Overseeing the testing team and ensuring best practices

  • Collaborating with other department leads

  • Conducting high-level test result analyses and decision-making

Top 10 JMeter Related Tech

  1. Java

    Java, this granddaddy of programming languages, isn't just for your grandpa's desktop app! It's the backbone of JMeter, so if you're skimping on your Java skills, you might as well be pouring your coffee down the drain. Brush up on loops, classes, and, of course, the million-and-one ways to handle exceptions without pulling your hair out.

    // A simple Java loop example
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    System.out.println("Java is essential for JMeter: " + i);

  2. Apache Ant

    Crucial for JMeter, Apache Ant zips around like a colony of busy little digital insects, automating builds with the finesse of a maestro. You'll want to know your way around its XML build files unless you prefer doing things the hard way... manually, like a caveman etching a wheel for the first time.

  3. Bash Scripting

    If JMeter had a Swiss Army knife, Bash would be the little tool you forgot about but absolutely needed at a campsite. A tiny bit of Bash scripting goes a long way, as you'll often automate JMeter tests on servers where clicking isn't a thing. Join the cool kids: script your heart out! #NoMoreManualLabor

    # A simple Bash script to run JMeter tests
    JMeter -n -t my_test_plan.jmx -l test_results.jtl

  4. Jenkins

    Flaunt your JMeter tests with Jenkins in the DevOps fashion show. It's like putting your automated tests on a runway; Jenkins will tirelessly run them, display the trendy test results, and notify the squad if the build breaks down like a model tripping over high heels. Keep it continuous, keep it integrated, stay fabulous.

    pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('JMeter') {
    steps {
    sh 'JMeter -n -t performance_test.jmx -l results.jtl'

  5. BlazeMeter

    Ever wished JMeter could hit the gym and bulk up? Enter BlazeMeter. It's JMeter on tech-fueled muscle enhancements. Leave the limitations of your local machine behind and let BlazeMeter take your performance testing to the clouds. Just don't forget to brag about your massive user load to your friends!

  6. Git

    Git is the time-traveling wizard of source control. Messed up? No problemo, just roll back the changes like they never happened. Collaborating with a team? Presto, you can work on your JMeter scripts in parallel universes and then merge them without casting any dark spells. Accio Git Skills!

    # Clone a repository with JMeter scripts
    git clone

    # Checkout a new branch to work on a new test plan
    git checkout -b feature/new-test-plan

  7. Docker

    Pack your JMeter tests in containers and ship them across the seven seas of server land. Docker is like having a portable testing lab that you can replicate faster than rabbits in spring. Just make sure you understand the dark arts of Docker networks and volumes or things might get overboard!

    # Dockerfile snippet to run JMeter in a container
    FROM alpine
    RUN apk add --no-cache jmeter
    CMD ["JMeter", "-n", "-t", "/tests/my_test_plan.jmx", "-l", "/results/results.jtl"]

  8. Apache Groovy

    Fancy adding some extra oomph to your JMeter scripts? Apache Groovy is like your script's personal wizard, casting spells in the form of concise expressions and language-level integration with Java. It's so smooth and dynamic; you'll be weaving test magic with the flick of a wrist.

    // Groovy assertion example in a JMeter script
    vars.put("response", prev.getResponseDataAsString())
    if (!prev.isSuccessful()) {
    log.error("Oops! Request failed.")

  9. Postman

    You might think, "Wait, isn't Postman just for RESTful siestas?" Sure, but JMeter and Postman can party together. Design and test your APIs with Postman and then export them to JMeter for that heavy-duty performance testing rave. It's like having a quiet dinner date before hitting the club!

  10. REST Assured

    When you've grown weary of JMeter's GUI and yearn to write your performance tests in the tranquility of your IDE, REST Assured is your hermit's retreat. Craft elegant API tests in Java like a barista brewing a delicate espresso. It's just Java, but REST Assured makes it look like poetry.

    // REST Assured simple get request

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