
Data QA Developer with JUnit Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Data QA developer with JUnit with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is JUnit used?

The Bug Squasher

  • Developers use JUnit to vanquish pesky code critters, ensuring their masterpieces behave as expected, without any mischievous bugs throwing a party in the logic.

The Feature Guardian

  • Every time a shiny new feature pops up, JUnit gets down to work, double-checking the newbie plays nice with the old-timers and doesn’t start any code feuds.

The Regression Wrangler

  • When coders say, "I just tweaked that," JUnit steps in like a time-traveling sheriff, making sure those ‘innocent’ tweaks didn’t unravel the fabric of code-time continuum.

The Continuous Integration Sidekick

  • Integrated with build tools, JUnit swings into action with every ‘commit,’ ensuring the codebase remains as solid as a rock, even when the code contributions are flying in hot.

JUnit Alternatives


TestNG is a testing framework inspired by JUnit but with new functionalities. It is designed for more complex testing scenarios like data-driven testing.

@Test(dataProvider = "dataMethod")
public void testMethod(String data) {

  • More flexible and powerful annotations.

  • Allows parallel execution of tests.

  • Supports data-driven testing natively.

  • Learning curve for JUnit users.

  • Less concise than JUnit for simple tests.

  • Smaller community compared to JUnit.


Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications, combining features of JUnit, mocking frameworks, and BDD style testing.

def "length of Spock's and his friends' names"() {
name.size() == length

name | length
"Spock" | 5
"Kirk" | 4

  • Readable specification language.

  • Elegant Groovy syntax for tests.

  • Powerful mocking and stubbing.

  • Requires Groovy knowledge.

  • Less Java idiomatic for Java purists.

  • Not as widespread use as JUnit.


Mockito is a mocking framework used for unit testing in Java applications. It simplifies the creation of mock objects and is often used alongside JUnit.

public void testQuery() {
List mockedList = mock(List.class);
assertEquals(100, mockedList.size());

  • Intuitive and simple API for mocking.

  • Flexible argument matchers and callbacks.

  • No boilerplate code to create mocks.

  • Mocking is not a replacement for actual unit testing.

  • Sometimes considered as overuse and may lead to brittle tests.

  • Tests with lots of mocks can be hard to read and maintain.

Quick Facts about JUnit

JUnit: A Time-Traveling Bug Zapper

Picture it: the year 1997, when dinosaurs (I mean, old computers) roamed the Earth, and Kent Beck & Erich Gamma unleashed a tiny digital critter known as JUnit into the wild! Unlike T-Rex, it helped programmers by munching on nasty bugs instead of developers. This automated testing framework for Java became the proverbial fly-swatter for code, changing the game before most of our cell phones got smart.

JUnit 4: The Annotation Evolution

Fast forward to 2006, and bam! JUnit 4 pops out with those fancy annotations like @Test, waving goodbye to the primitive era of prefixing your test methods with 'test'. With this upgrade, JUnit said, "Let there be flexibility!" and coders everywhere could organize their bug hunts far more creatively. Behold an example from the annals of this great era:

public void whenCheckingForTheExistanceOfAUser_thenCorrect() {

JUnit 5: The Juggernaut's Latest Jive

Just when you thought it couldn't get better, 2017 brought us JUnit 5 - codename: Jupiter. This version came out doing the moonwalk while supporting Java 8 Lambda expressions, and let's not forget about the new testing interfaces that make it a breeze to write dynamic tests. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for squashing bugs. Here's a taste of Lambda flavor in JUnit 5:

Collection dynamicTestsFromCollection() {
return Arrays.asList(
dynamicTest("1st dynamic test", () -> assertTrue(true)),
dynamicTest("2nd dynamic test", () -> assertEquals(4, 2 * 2))

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert JUnit developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Quality-wiseResponsibilities & Activities
Junior0-240,000-70,000Learning Curve

  • Write simple unit tests under supervision

  • Debug and fix simple test cases

  • Learn codebase and testing frameworks

Middle2-570,000-100,000Consistent Quality

  • Develop and maintain test suites

  • Ensure code coverage and quality

  • Refine existing tests for efficiency

Senior5-10100,000-140,000High Quality Standards

  • Design test strategies

  • Lead test-driven development initiatives

  • Address complex testing issues

Expert/Team Lead10+140,000+Exceptional Quality

  • Oversee testing framework evolution

  • Manage team, allocate testing resources

  • Mentor team members & optimize workflows

Top 10 JUnit Related Tech

  1. Java

    Where there is JUnit, there's Java, waving at you like an old friend or that one over-caffeinated colleague. Java is the bedrock of JUnit—literally, JUnit is a Java thing. If you're tiptoeing around JUnit without Java know-how, it's like bringing a spoon to a swordfight. Remember, Java and JUnit go together like coffee and Mondays.

    // A basic Java class example
    public class HelloWorld {
    public String greet() {
    return "Hello, World!";

  2. Maven or Gradle

    Build tools are like the backstage crew of a rock concert; without them, there's no music—just awkward silence. Maven and Gradle are the roadies that get your JUnit tests staged and ready to rock. They'll manage your dependencies, making sure you're not left with a JAR jigsaw puzzle from hell.

    // Maven dependency for JUnit

  3. Mockito

    Mockito: the wizard of the testing world. It conjures up the illusions of your dependencies, so you can test your code in blissful isolation. Think of it as your code's imaginary friend that helps it get through tough times. Creating a mock is easier than convincing my grandma to use Facebook.

    // Mocking a dependency with Mockito
    List mockedList = mock(List.class);

  4. Hamcrest

    This one is the matcher extraordinaire for assertions. It's like going to a tailor that ensures everything fits your testing expectations perfectly. It'll help you write matcher expressions that read like English, so your tests can sound like Shakespeare while still slaying bugs.

    // Using Hamcrest for assertions
    assertThat("Hello, World!", containsString("World"));

  5. Spring Framework

    If your app is part of the cool Spring crowd, you'll be testing in the Spring context. It's like a fancy garden party for your code, and JUnit is the strict butler ensuring everyone behaves. Get familiar with Spring Boot Test and mock away with Spring's own MockMvc.

    // Spring MVC test snippet
    public class YourControllerTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

  6. JUnit 5

    JUnit 5, the latest hotshot in the testing suite. It skipped leg day but brought new features to the arms race, like dynamic tests and annotations that make JUnit 4 look like your dad trying to use Snapchat. Mastery is bar-setting; it tells people you don't just test, you test with style.

    // JUnit 5 example with new annotations
    @DisplayName("When X is tested")
    class XTest {
    @DisplayName("should Y")
    void testY() {

  7. IntelliJ IDEA

    IntelliJ is that genius kid in class who did everyone's homework. The IDE that knows more about your code than you do and isn't shy about it. It's got JUnit testing baked in like chocolate chips in a cookie—with JUnit code assistance, running, and debugging tests become a breeze.

    // Shortcut to run tests in IntelliJ
    // Use the keyboard shortcut: Shift + F10 (on Windows/Linux)
    // or Control + R (on macOS)

  8. Git

    Git, the time traveler's tool—essential for when you need to go back to when your tests actually passed. Think of it like a safety net for when you're walking the tightrope of testing. With branches, commits, and pull requests, it's like the DVR for your JUnit episodes.

  9. REST-assured

    For the JUnit test conductor dealing with RESTful APIs, REST-assured is like that trusty baton. It makes verifying the symphony of HTTP requests easy, like Simon Cowell judging a reality show. Pair it with JUnit to assert your APIs are well-behaved citizens of the internet.

    // REST-assured with JUnit example
    public void whenGetRequestToUsers_thenOK() {

  10. Jenkins

    Last but not least, Jenkins – the old but gold continuous integration butler. It stands ready to serve your JUnit tests on a silver platter, automating your builds like a five-star robot chef. Hook it up with your code repository, and it'll spit out test results every time you commit like a jackpot slot machine.

    // Jenkins pipeline script for JUnit tests
    pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('Test') {
    steps {
    sh 'mvn clean test'

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