
DevOps Developer with Jenkins Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a DevOps with Jenkins with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Jenkins used?

CI/CD Pipeline Maestro

  • Imagine a world where code goes from "Hello, World!" to "Hello, Universe!" without a hiccup. Jenkins is the orchestra conductor, ensuring every commit hits the deployment stage with a drum roll.

Quality Gatekeeper

  • Playing the role of the bouncer at the club of code, Jenkins decides who gets in. If your code is wearing sneakers (bugs), it's not getting past the velvet rope (into production).

Automated Testing Juggler

  • Testing is like doing laundry - nobody really wants to do it manually. Jenkins juggles all sorts of tests, ensuring your software's socks are clean before they see the light of day.

Deployment Butler

  • Ever wanted a butler for your code deployment? Jenkins is at your service, making sure your digital dinner party is flawlessly catered, with zero mix-ups in the server code.

Jenkins Alternatives

GitLab CI/CD

A continuous integration and deployment tool directly integrated into the GitLab ecosystem, automating steps in a software delivery process.

# Example .gitlab-ci.yml
- build
- test

stage: build
- echo "Building the app..."

stage: test
- echo "Running tests..."

  • Integrates seamlessly with GitLab repos

  • Offers a powerful web UI for pipeline visualization

  • Built-in Docker support for containerization

  • Complex configuration can be daunting for newcomers

  • Requires GitLab, not ideal for non-GitLab users

  • Can get expensive for larger teams


A continuous integration and delivery platform that supports automated testing and deployment with an emphasis on quick setup and ease-of-use.

# Example .circleci/config.yml
version: 2
- image: circleci/ruby:2.4.1
- checkout
- run: echo "Building the app..."

  • Quick to set up and start with

  • Highly flexible and customizable

  • Extensive Docker support

  • Free tier has limited build minutes

  • Debugging can be tricky due to lack of access to build containers

  • Less suitable for very complex build pipelines

Travis CI

A hosted continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted on GitHub and Bitbucket. Emphasizes simplicity and ease of integration.

# Example .travis.yml
language: python
- "3.6"
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pytest

  • Easy to integrate with GitHub

  • Simple and straightforward configuration

  • Good for open-source projects

  • Limited to GitHub for automatic integration

  • Builds can be slow compared to competitors

  • Pricing can be high for private projects

Quick Facts about Jenkins

Jenkins: The Automation Butler

Picture a dapper English butler when you think of Jenkins, only this one's obsessed with continuous integration. Crafted by Kohsuke Kawaguchi in 2011, Jenkins sprouted from the seeds of another project named Hudson when its parents had a bit of a squabble with Oracle. It's basically the software version of a helpful valet, ensuring your code is dressed to impress before it steps out into the real world.

Evolving Faster Than a Speeding Codebase

Leapfrogging from its early days, Jenkins has surged through versions faster than developers chug coffee during an all-nighter. By the time 2020 rolled around, it hit Jenkins 2.249.3 – a smorgasbord of refinements with features like the Jenkins Pipeline, offering a Tinkertoy set for adults, to connect complex build processes with elegance and ease.

Breaking New Ground with Jenkinsfile

While your grandad's CI server might need manual coaxing, Jenkins introduced the Jenkinsfile in version 2.x, waving its wand to make pipeline as code a mainstream gig. Think of it as a recipe for automation that you check into your repository, so your pipeline can hitch a ride with your codebase – always in sync, never out of step.

// Example Jenkinsfile
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Commands for building the application
sh 'echo "Building..."'
steps {
// Commands for testing the application
sh 'echo "Testing..."'
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
// Commands for deployment
sh 'echo "Deploying..."'

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Jenkins developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-2 years$50,000 - $70,000

  • Assist in setting up Jenkins job configurations and pipelines under supervision

  • Maintain and monitor existing CI/CD pipelines

  • Execute build jobs and handle basic troubleshooting

Middle2-4 years$70,000 - $90,000

  • Develop and optimize Jenkins pipelines for CI/CD processes

  • Implement automation scripts to integrate with Jenkins

  • Collaborate with developers to refine build processes

Senior4-6 years$90,000 - $120,000

  • Design complex Jenkins pipelines for enterprise-level projects

  • Lead the integration of Jenkins with various development, testing, and deployment tools

  • Ensure scalability and security of the CI/CD infrastructure

Expert/Team Lead6+ years$120,000 - $150,000+

  • Strategize CI/CD workflow and infrastructure across the organization

  • Mentor junior developers and oversee the DevOps team

  • Drive Jenkins best practices and adoption of advanced features

Top 10 Jenkins Related Tech

  1. Git & Source Control Management

    Imagine you’re Indiana Jones, but instead of searching for ancient relics, you're hunting for your code's history. That's source control for you, and Git is the bullwhip-wielding expert. It keeps your code changes neatly tracked and allows collaborative coding without stepping on each other's toes. Jenkins loves Git like peanut butter loves jelly, they just make CI/CD smoother.

    git commit -m "Add a witty commit message here"
    git push origin master

  2. Scripting Languages (Groovy, Shell/Bash)

    If Jenkins were a sorcerer, then scripts would be its spells. Groovy weaves its magic for Jenkins' pipelines because it’s like Java’s cooler cousin who rides a motorcycle. Bash is the trusty old wand that performs the ancient Unix incantations, indispensable for executing commands.

    echo "Abracadabra! Let's build something amazing!"

  3. Docker

    Think of Docker as the Swiss Army knife in your containerization toolbox. It's like having a bunch of miniature developers’ environments that can fit in your digital pocket. Handy when you want to run your app in isolation or when you’re replicating the "it works on my machine!" scenario with Jenkins.

    docker build -t my-super-app .
    docker run my-super-app

  4. Kubernetes

    Handling Docker containers without Kubernetes is like playing Jenga with one hand. This orchestrator manages your containerized apps with the finesse of a symphony conductor, scaling without breaking a sweat. Jenkins and Kubernetes together are like Batman and Robin for DevOps.

    kubectl apply -f my-app-deployment.yaml

  5. Ansible/Chef/Puppet

    Imagine having an army of robots to set up and manage servers. That’s configuration management for you. Ansible is like the new kid that doesn’t talk much (YAML syntax) but gets the job done. Chef and Puppet, though older, can whip up a server environment with the precision of a Michelin-starred chef. Jenkins dispatches these minions to ensure environments are prepped for deployment.

    ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yaml

  6. Maven/Gradle

    Meet Maven and Gradle, the dynamic duo of Java project building. Maven is like that meticulous librarian organizing your code, while Gradle is like that cool barista who gets your coffee (build) order just right, with a sprinkle of Groovy. With Jenkins, they ensure that your build lifecycle is smoother than a Shakespearean sonnet.

    mvn clean install
    gradle build

  7. Testing Tools (JUnit, Selenium)

    Wielding testing tools like JUnit is akin to being a quality ninja, slicing through bugs with precision. Selenium automates your web browser like a robot with an identity crisis, repetitively testing web interfaces so you don't have to. Jenkins uses these to ensure that your masterpiece is less buggy than a summer night in the swamp.

    java -cp .:junit.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore MyTests

  8. Monitoring and Logging (ELK Stack, Prometheus)

    When your application whispers, "I'm not feeling too well," ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) and Prometheus are the stethoscopes that tell you where it hurts. These monitoring maestros dig through metric mountains and log labyrinths to find the needle of info in the haystack of data. Jenkins plugs into these to ensure that health checks are not just something you do at the doctor's office.

    GET /_cat/health?v&pretty

  9. Nexus/Artifactory

    Need a place to keep all your precious artifacts? Nexus and Artifactory are like your digital museums, where your build artifacts and dependencies are displayed with as much care as the Mona Lisa. They integrate seamlessly with Jenkins to automatically store your treasures after a successful build. It's like the treasure vault of your CI/CD pipeline.

    mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=nexus-repo-url -Dfile=path-to-artifact

  10. Cloud Platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure)

    Deploying with the prowess of a skydiving team, cloud platforms let you drop your applications from the stratosphere with style. Whether you're team AWS, the GCP squad, or Azure gang, they ensure your app lands smoothly and scales to the horizon. Jenkins is the parachute rigger that makes sure you don’t go splat on impact.

    aws ecs update-service --service my-service --desired-count 3

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