
DevOps Developer with Vagrant Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a DevOps with Vagrant with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Vagrant used?

Virtual Dev Dance Floor

  • Shake it off, shake it off! Devs use Vagrant to choreograph identical development environments with just a few terminal disco moves.

Time Traveler's Workbench

  • Like Doctor Who zipping through time and codebases, developers leap between different project setups with Vagrant, avoiding pesky paradoxes.

Code Whisperer's Crystal Ball

  • Wanna predict if your app gets the crystal slipper or goes pumpkin? Vagrant helps foresight by mirroring prod enviros in dev crystal globes.

Mad Scientist's Laboratory

  • It's alive! In Frankenstein-style, developers piece together various environments with Vagrant without fearing the villagers' pitchforks.

Vagrant Alternatives


A platform for developing, shipping, and running applications inside lightweight, portable containers. Provides an efficient, controlled environment.

  • Easier environment consistency across dev, test, and prod.

  • High efficiency due to shared OS kernels.

  • Massive community and repository (Docker Hub).

  • Containers can be less secure than VMs.

  • Requires learning Docker-specific configurations.

  • Some overhead for simple applications.

# Sample Docker command to run a container
docker run -d -p 80:80 my-apache2


Open-source tool for software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment via SSH, without any agent software on the remote machines.

  • Simple to set up as it uses YAML for playbook language.

  • Agentless, requires only SSH access and Python on managed nodes.

  • Powerful for managing large-scale infrastructure.

  • Lacks the execution speed of agent-based tools.

  • Error messages can be vague and unhelpful.

  • Performance can deteriorate with scale.

# Example Ansible playbook to update web servers
- hosts: webservers
- name: ensure apache is at the latest version
name: httpd
state: latest


Infrastructure as Code tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Supports multiple cloud service providers.

  • Maintains state for synchronization.

  • Works well with major cloud providers.

  • Enables complex infrastructure designs via code.

  • State files can become a security risk if not managed well.

  • Learning curve for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language).

  • Complex dependencies can create challenges.

# Sample Terraform code to create an AWS EC2 instance
resource "aws_instance" "web" {
ami = "ami-a1b2c3d4"
instance_type = "t2.micro"

Quick Facts about Vagrant

Birth of a Virtual Handyman: Vagrant!

In the digital cosmos of 2010, a wizard named Mitchell Hashimoto conjured up Vagrant. This wasn't your garden-variety magic trick, but a tool that let developers whip up uniform environments with the wave of a wand—a.k.a. a simple command line interface. It was like giving them a virtual Swiss Army knife for building code.

Vagrant's Version Victory Lap

Fast forward to 2020, Vagrant spun its 10-year anniversary wheel and landed on version 2.2.9, adding new spells like improved Hyper-V support and package cloud commands. It's like it drank a potion for continuous improvement and now, we mere mortals can package entire dev environments in little boxes. Quite handy, huh?

Groundbreaking Goodies

Somewhere between brewing potions and taming dragons, Vagrant introduced the world to "provisioners." These aren't your average black cats—they're scripts that automate the setup of your enchanted environment. Cast a

config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo hello"
spell and presto! Your server says 'hello' back, no awkward ice breakers needed.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Vagrant developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Setting up basic Vagrant environments

  • Following senior developer instructions

  • Learning best practices and tools

  • Assisting in simple automation scripts

Middle2-570,000 - 95,000

  • Improving and maintaining existing environments

  • Developing more complex automation and provisioning scripts

  • Starting to review code of junior developers

Senior5+95,000 - 120,000

  • Designing scalable and resilient infrastructure

  • Leading projects and making architectural decisions

  • Mentoring junior and middle developers

  • Overseeing deployment and integration processes

Expert/Team Lead8+120,000+

  • Setting strategic direction for development practices

  • Handling client interactions and requirement analysis

  • Leading and managing the development team

  • Driving continuous integration and delivery strategies

Top 10 Vagrant Related Tech

  1. Ruby: The Puppet Master Behind Vagrant

    You can't stroll down Vagrant lane without tipping your hat to Ruby, the programming language that birthed Vagrant. While you don't need to be the Ruby wizard that would make Dumbledore green with envy, a basic grasp will keep you from pulling your hair out when scripting Vagrantfiles or extending functionality. It's like being handed the remote to the TARDIS but knowing which button not to press to avoid accidental trips to the Jurassic.

  2. Bash: The Swiss Army Chainsaw

    Bash is the grizzled veteran that's seen things. And in this tale, it's the shell scripts that bring your coded dreams to life within Vagrant's virtual domains. Mastering bash scripting is akin to learning the arcane arts of command line-fu; it's your lightsaber that cuts through pesky provisioning tasks with the finesse of a ninja slicing through warm butter.

  3. Vagrant CLI: The Ring to Rule Them All

    The Vagrant Command Line Interface (CLI) is the ring that binds them – 'them' being your virtual environments – and in the darkness...well, in the terminal, actually...binds them. Getting chummy with the Vagrant CLI commands is as crucial as knowing your coffee order or your favorite pizza toppings. It zips through complex tasks with a single command faster than a greased hedgehog on a slip 'n slide.

    $ vagrant up            # Summon a virtual machine
    $ vagrant halt # Send it to sleep
    $ vagrant destroy # Go full Viking funeral on it

  4. Ansible: The Puppet's Puppet

    Ansible slides into the Vagrant party with the smooth assurance of a cat wearing sunglasses. It is a configuration management tool that whispers sweet nothings into your VM's ear, coaxing it to configure itself exactly the way you desire, without the need for direct supervision. It's like a crockpot for tech – set it, forget it, and come back to something wonderful.

  5. VirtualBox: Your Virtual Reality Sandbox

    Ah, VirtualBox, the juggler of virtual machines. It's the virtualization software that allows Vagrant to create and manage different environments faster than a contestant on a cooking show slaps together a meal. It’s the friendly giant that lets your VMs play nice on your hardware without stepping on each other's toes. And it’s delightfully free, like a bunch of free kittens, except less scratchy and with fewer allergies.

  6. Docker: The Container Overlord

    Docker and Vagrant together are like peanut butter and jelly on steroids. Docker specializes in containerization, allowing your applications to be packed into containers – little bubbles of happiness that contain all your apps' needs, just like a well-packed suitcase for a weekend trip. It's like having your code, and eating it too, because with Docker, everything is neat, tidy, and incredibly portable.

  7. Git: The Time-Traveling Code Keeper

    Git is the ever-vigilant sentinel guarding the iterations of your Vagrant project. It’s the DeLorean for your code, allowing you to commit (great Scott!), branch, and merge faster than Doc Brown can say "flux capacitor". Using Git lets you travel through the history of your project without messing up the timeline, because no one wants a reality where Biff is rich and powerful.

  8. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): The Magic Conveyer Belt

    The duo of CI/CD is your own personal Santa's workshop for code; Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI being the elves. They take the code from Git, apply the "tested and true" stamp, then ship it out to Production Land. It's like having a magical conveyor belt that continuously assembles your toy trains while you're off sipping eggnog.

  9. Networking: The Invisible Strings

    Understanding networking basics is like having a masterclass in marionette manipulation - each VM is a puppet and the networking is the strings. Whether it's configuring port forwarding to allow external access to your VMs or setting up private networks for your puppet ensemble, your Netzwerk-Fu skills ensure that everything communicates in harmony, like an orchestra, only geekier.

  10. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tools: The Creators of Worlds

    Enter the realm of Terraform and CloudFormation – powerful sorcery that conjures servers and services out of the void. These IaC tools transform your words (i.e., code) into digital edifices, soaring like castles or sprawling like shire-hobbit burrows – that's up to you. They're the LEGO instructions for the cloud; only you're not in agony when you step on one.

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