
Flutter Developer with Android Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Flutter developer with Android with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Android used?

Space Cadet In-Orbit Operations

  • Android boldly goes where no OS has gone before - powering touchscreen controls on spacecraft! That's one small swipe for a man...

Smart Fridge Poetry

  • Once a chilly box, now a haiku hub! Android in fridges isn't just keeping lettuce crisp, it's noting your milk's expiration with an artsy reminder.

Auto-Androids: More Than Meets the Eye

  • In the automotive realm, Android revs up infotainment systems. Who needs a co-driver when your car DJs, navigates and even reads your texts?

The Green Thumbs-up Helper

  • Android sprouts up in gardening sensors, tipping you off on thirsty tomatoes. It's like whispering sweet nothings to your veggies but with push notifications!

Android Alternatives

iOS Development

iOS is Apple's mobile operating system, often used for applications on iPhone and iPad. Development typically involves Objective-C or Swift.

// Swift "Hello, world!" example
import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
print("Hello, world!")

  • Exclusive access to the affluent Apple user base

  • Consistent and controlled device ecosystem

  • Higher average revenue per user

  • Restricted to Apple devices only

  • Costly developer program membership

  • Stringent app review process

React Native

A framework for building native apps using React and JavaScript, React Native bridges web development ease with native performance.

// React Native "Hello, world!" example
import React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

const HelloWorldApp = () => {
return (
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center'
Hello, world!

export default HelloWorldApp;

  • Shared codebase for iOS and Android

  • Large ecosystem and community

  • Hot reloading for rapid development

  • Performance can lag behind native

  • Native modules may be required

  • Debugging can be complex


Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit, allows the creation of natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop all from a single codebase using the Dart language.

// Flutter "Hello, world!" example
// Import the Flutter framework
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

// The main app widget
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: Text('Hello, world!'),

  • One codebase, multiple platforms

  • Fast development with hot reload

  • Rich set of widgets and tools

  • Relatively new with growing ecosystem

  • Dart is less known, steep learning curve

  • Large binary size compared to native

Quick Facts about Android

The Genesis of Android: A Dish Best Served with Robots!

Whipping up the first version of Android wasn't a piece of cake! It was birthed in 2003, not by cyborgs, but by Andy Rubin and his gang of tech wizards. The baby was adopted by Google in 2005 for an undisclosed sum that's whispered among nerds to be the best bargain since the Louisiana Purchase. Android came out swinging against the then-reigning mobile monarchs with its first commercial version, "Android 1.0," in 2008, causing the kind of drama in tech circles you'd expect at a reality TV show finale.

Did Someone Order a Slice of Pie... with AI on Top?

Android 9 Pie, rolled out in 2018, came with baked-in smarts that'd make Einstein's mustache twitch. This update dished out "Adaptive Battery," a clever clog that learns your app munching habits faster than you can say "battery drain." It puts unused apps on a diet, saving juice for the stuff you heart the most. Android's brainy buffet also served "App Actions," predicting your next move like a techie fortune cookie, launching your tunes before you can scream "play some rock!"

// Pseudo-example of App Actions anticipation
if (user_reachesForPhone && time == morning) {

Breaking the Time-Space Continuum with Project Mainline

Hold on to your code hats, space-time inventors! Android declared independence from the shackles of full OS updates with Project Mainline in 2019's Android 10. Now, important updates are teleported directly into phones via the Google Play Store, faster than you can spell "systematic updates." This is the equivalent of getting new car features without having to visit the mechanic, turning your phone into a cutting-edge tech shape-shifter. Bye-bye, waiting for your carrier to dole out updates like a miser!

// Simplified Mainline update process

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Android developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Android Developer0-2$40,000 - $80,000

  • Fixing simple bugs

  • Implementing basic UI components

  • Writing unit tests for own code

  • Attending learning sessions

Middle Android Developer2-5$70,000 - $120,000

  • Developing new app features

  • Optimizing application code

  • Maintaining project documentation

  • Collaborating with UX/UI designers

Senior Android Developer5+$100,000 - $160,000

  • Architecting app structure

  • Leading code reviews

  • Mentoring junior developers

  • Integrating with APIs and databases

Expert/Team Lead Android Developer8+$140,000 - $200,000+

  • Setting technical direction

  • Overseeing project milestones

  • Leading team meetings

  • Coordinating with stakeholders

Top 10 Android Related Tech

  1. Java-Kun, The Old Guard

    Imagine a seasoned samurai. That's Java for Android. Despite the sparkle of newer languages, Java remains the steadfast warrior of Android app development. Its OOP prowess and robustness are the stuff of legend. Yet beware, young coder: its verbosity can turn your hair gray.

    // Traditional Java Hello World
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello, Old World!");

  2. Kotlin, The Hip Newcomer

    Welcome to the cool kids' table. Kotlin is like Java's hip younger sibling who wears sunglasses indoors. With cleaner syntax, less boilerplate, and null safety features, Kotlin has swaggered into Android's heart, winning the official language crown.

    // A snazzy Kotlin Hello World
    fun main() {
    println("Hello, Cool World!")

  3. Android SDK, The Tool Belt

    Think of the Android SDK as Batman's utility belt. This essential toolkit comes with everything you need to craft your Android masterpiece. Emulators? Check. Libraries? Tools? Check. Superhero cape? Sadly, no. But pretty much everything else is there to build, test, and debug.

  4. Android Studio, The Command Center

    Every superhero needs a lair. Enter Android Studio, the formidable Integrated Development Environment (IDE) where you concoct your app potions. Sleek, powerful, and occasionally temperamental, it's where the magic happens. Just keep those Gradle builds happy and your path clear of dragons—er, bugs.

  5. Gradle, The Sorcerer's Spellbook

    Gradle is the wizard in the shadows, casting build automation spells behind the scenes. It'll handle your projects like a mystical force, compiling code and dependencies with a flick of its wand. Just don't ask it to make your coffee; some magic is too powerful even for Gradle.

  6. Firebase, The Friendly Dragon

    Firebase is like that dragon sidekick in every fantasy quest: it makes you look good. This suite of cloud-based tools provides analytics, databases, messaging, and crash reporting. It's like a Swiss army knife, if Swiss army knives could breathe fire and track user engagement.

  7. Git, The Time Traveler

    Ah, Git, the chronomancer of the coding realm. Messed up your code? No problem. Git lets you hop back in time to when things were still working. Branch out into parallel coding timelines, and then merge them into an epic questline where your code is the hero.

  8. RESTful APIs, The Diplomats

    RESTful APIs are like the UN of app development: they enable peaceful communication between your app and the server. They’re all about GETting data, POSTing updates, and PUTting your app in touch with the wider world of the web.

  9. RxJava/RxAndroid, The Potion Mixers

    Step into the apothecary's den with RxJava and RxAndroid. These libraries will have you concocting reactive potions, turning your asynchronous tasks and event-based code into streamlined, responsive elixirs. But measure carefully; reactive programming can be a heady brew!

  10. Material Design, The Fashionista

    Last but not least, Material Design is the Vogue magazine of the app world. It dictates the whims of app fashion, from sleek layouts to animated widgets. Follow its guidelines, and your app will strut the runway like a supermodel. Neglect them, and you'll be sashaying in last season’s colors.

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