
Flutter Developer with iOS Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Flutter developer with iOS with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is iOS used?

🍏 Pocket Powerhouses 📱

  • Our jeans are smarter coz we've got iPhones doing squats - from calling your grandma to launching rockets!

  • iPads in class letting you swipe right on knowledge, turning students into wizards minus the Hogwarts baggage.

  • A finger swipe on the trackpad, and the couch potato life's fab - smart homes are getting schooled by their iOS overlords.

  • Health's a tap away with the Watch acting doc – heartbeats, pizza cheats, to running like you're being chased by a flock!

iOS Alternatives


Open source mobile OS developed by Google. Used for creating apps on devices like smartphones and tablets. Example: Android Studio with Kotlin or Java.

// Sample Kotlin code for Android
fun greetUser(name: String) {
println("Hello, $name!")

  • High customization opportunities

  • Large user base and market access

  • Strong developer community support

  • Fragmentation can lead to inconsistent user experiences

  • Typically higher piracy rates

  • Development can be more complex due to device diversity


Cross-platform UI toolkit from Google for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Example: Dart language.

// Sample Dart code for Flutter
void main() {
runApp(Center(child: Text('Hello, World!', textDirection: TextDirection.ltr)));

  • Single codebase for multiple platforms

  • Hot reload for faster development

  • Rich set of fully-customizable widgets

  • Relatively young ecosystem

  • Large app size compared to native apps

  • Performance can lag behind native solutions

React Native

Facebook’s open-source framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. Example: Expo CLI for project setup and development.

// Sample React Native JavaScript code
import React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

const WelcomeMessage = () => {
return (

Welcome to React Native!


  • Use of widely known React and JavaScript

  • Access to native components for high performance

  • Strong backing by Facebook and community

  • Limited to the capabilities of the bridge and native components

  • JavaScript may not match native performance

  • Debugging sometimes complex

Quick Facts about iOS

The Dawn of Touch Revolution: Hello, iOS!

In the swirling vortex of tech history, 2007 stands out as the year Steve Jobs pulled a rectangular rabbit out of his hat – the iPhone. But the real magician's spell was cast on its operating system, iOS, which transformed smudgy fingerprints into the wands that control our smartphones. It wasn't just an OS; it was a manifesto engraved in silicon that decreed, "Henceforth, thou shalt poke, swipe, and pinch to get things done!"

An App(le) a Day: The Rise of the iOS SDK

Come 2008, Apple flung open the gates of its walled garden with the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK), and the world hasn't quite been the same since. Dev wizards from all corners of the globe began concocting apps, stirring the cauldron with Objective-C spells and later Swift incantations. Birds got angrier, zombies' lawns got more defensive, and somewhere in the midst of creating flashlight apps, we realized that smartphones were more than just phones.

// Swift spell to print "Hello, world!" because some things are classic
print("Hello, world!")

Interface-lift with Skeuomorphism and Flat Design

Once upon a time in the land of iOS, skeuomorphism reigned supreme (that's tech fairy speak for UI elements mimicking real-world counterparts). But as the wheel of time turned to iOS 7 in 2013, the Apple kingdom embraced the flat design. Icons shed their 3D jeans and slipped into sleek, monochromatic yoga pants. It was controversial, like pineapple on pizza, but love it or hate it, flat design has been shaping our digital lives ever since.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert iOS developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior iOS Developer0-2$50,000 - $70,000

  • Fixing minor bugs

  • Implementing simple UI components

  • Writing unit tests for own code

  • Assisting Senior Developers

Middle iOS Developer2-5$70,000 - $100,000

  • Developing more complex UI features

  • Optimizing application performance

  • Participating in code reviews

  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams

Senior iOS Developer5+$100,000 - $150,000+

  • Designing application architecture

  • Leading feature development

  • Mentoring Junior Developers

  • Driving coding standards

Expert/Team Lead iOS Developer5-10+$120,000 - $200,000+

  • Defining project timelines

  • Allocating tasks to team members

  • Coordination with stakeholders

  • Strategic decision-making

Top 10 iOS Related Tech

  1. Swift Language

    Imagine Swift as the Bruce Wayne of iOS development – rich with features and charmingly intuitive. It's the go-to language for creating immersive apps that users can't resist. No more memory leaks haunting your dreams, thanks to Swift's automatic reference counting (ARC) for class instances. Code with Swift, and you're serenading the iOS ecosystem with melody of clean syntax.

    let greeting = "Hello, playground"

  2. Objective-C

    This is the grandmaster wizard of iOS languages, the one who has seen the rise and partial fall of the kingdom. If you want to join the council of iOS elders, you ought to know your way around Objective-C. Despite Swift's flashy spells, there's centuries (well, decades in tech years) of legacy code wrtten in this tongue.

    NSString *greeting = @"Hello, Objective-C realm!";

  3. Xcode

    Xcode is like the Swiss Army knife that's also a transformer. It’s the IDE that takes you from "Hello, World!" to the App Store. It's got all the gizmos: Interface Builder, Asset Catalog, and a simulator that sometimes feels like it's running on hamster-power, but we love it all the same.

  4. CocoaPods

    If your app is Frankenstein, then CocoaPods is Dr. Frankenstein’s toolkit. It's the dependency manager that gets you all the monstrous parts to bolt onto your app. Just jot down your desired pods in a Podfile and run a spell, I mean a command, to watch the magic happen.

    pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.2'

  5. UIKit

    Ever see an iOS app and think, "How does it look so good?" Well, they’ve been hitting the UIKit gym, pumping out view controllers, UI elements, and touch interactions that leave users swiping right. It’s the personal trainer for creating a visually fit user interface.

  6. Core Data

    This one’s for when you have more data than a library and need to keep it organized without losing your sanity. Core Data is the persistent storage wizard that conjures SQLite databases out of thin air to keep your app's data stored and retrieved without breaking a sweat.

  7. Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)

    When your app's doing a hundred things at once and you don't want your user interface getting all jittery, call upon Grand Central Dispatch. It manages all your little worker threads like a symphony conductor so that the main thread can keep the UI smooth as butter.

    DispatchQueue.main.async {
    // Update UI

  8. Auto Layout

    Playing with Auto Layout is like solving those sliding puzzles – it's all about constraints and priorities. Design your app's interface with the deftness of a ninja so it adapts to different devices, orientations, and screen sizes. It makes sure your UI doesn't throw a tantrum when it's on an iPad instead of an iPhone.

  9. SwiftUI

    Welcome to the shiny, new toy in the Apple ecosystem. SwiftUI is like playing with LEGO blocks, letting you snap together UI components with minimal fuss and maximal joy. It’s the ‘write once, scare Android devs everywhere’ by deploying across all Apple platforms.

    Text("Look, Ma, I'm on all the devices!")
    .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

  10. Git

    Last but not the least, kneel before the time-travel majesty that is Git. It lets you rewind when you've botched things up or fork when you want to try something wild. It's like a safety net for coders, because admit it – we're only human and we ‘git’ lost in time.

    git commit -m "Fixed the space-time continuum bug"

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