
Flutter Developer with Java Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Flutter developer with Java with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Java used?

Java Brews Up High-Flyin' Android Apps

  • Java swings into action as the Tarzan of Android development, latching onto mobile devices with its vine-like bytecode, rescuing users from the jaws of boredom with swanky apps.

Web Servers and Application Servers Jive with Java

  • Java serves up web pages like a caffeinated barista, firing up application servers with steamy servlets and jolting JSPs to deliver dynamic web content.

Global Enterprises Get Down to Business with Java

  • In the suit-and-tie jungle of Enterprise software, Java means business, powering hefty applications from banking to stock markets—talk about a capital(ist) idea!

Java and the Quest for Big Data Treasures

  • Java dons a data-miner's helmet, diving deep into the data dungeons, wielding Hadoop as its pickaxe to unearth glittering Big Data gems.

Java Alternatives


Kotlin is a statically-typed language running on the JVM, interoperable with Java. Extensively used for Android app development.

// Kotlin Hello World example
fun main(args: Array) {
println("Hello, World!")

  • Easier syntax than Java

  • Full interoperability with Java

  • Less verbose

  • Slower compilation compared to Java

  • Smaller community

  • Less job market presence compared to Java


Python is a dynamic, interpreted language known for readability. Popular in web development, scripting, and data science.

# Python Hello World example
print("Hello, World!")

  • High-level, easy-to-learn syntax

  • Rapid development and prototyping

  • Extensive standard library

  • Lower performance due to dynamic type system

  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) limits multi-threading

  • Slower for mobile computing


C# is a statically-typed, object-oriented language designed for the .NET framework, suitable for desktop and web applications.

// C# Hello World example
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

  • Integrated with .NET framework

  • Languages features encourage robust design

  • Great tooling with Visual Studio

  • Less cross-platform before .NET Core

  • Potentially steep learning curve

  • Less open source ecosystem compared to Java

Quick Facts about Java

Java: A Cup o' Joe That Revolutionized Code

Once upon a time in 1995, a quirky language sprung out of Sun Microsystems' brain trust. Helmed by James Gosling, Java's dad, the language aimed to be the 'write once, run anywhere' poster child. With its platform-independent JVM (Java Virtual Machine), it quite literally broke the mould, turning into every developer's go-to for cross-platform shenanigans. Celebrated for its OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) purity, it's like LEGOs for grown-ups, letting devs construct and manipulate their object world.

Generics: Java's Gift to Typecasters Everywhere

Fast forward to 2004, Java 5.0 brought Generics to the party. Why care? Well, picture this: you've got a collection of rubber ducks, and you only want rubber ducks, no bath plugs or boats. Generics let you specify that – "This collection is solely for ducks!", preventing coding faux pas and keeping your bath time blissfully on-brand.

List myDucks = new ArrayList();
myDucks.add(new Duck("Howard"));
// Compile-time error on the next line - no unwelcome guests in the duck pond!
myDucks.add(new BathPlug());

Java and the Android Takeover

In 2008, a green robot took over our pockets, and guess what it was stuffed with? Java! Android apps thrived on Java code, injecting Java's tendrils further into tech's fabric. Who knew that coffee-inspired bytes would empower everyone to chalk up high scores in mobile games while waiting for their actual coffee?

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Java developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Developer0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Fixing simple bugs

  • Writing unit tests

  • Implementing small features

  • Code maintenance

Middle Developer2-570,000 - 100,000

  • Developing new features

  • Refactoring code

  • Contributing to design discussion

  • Assisting junior developers

Senior Developer5-10100,000 - 140,000

  • Leading project modules

  • Architectural decision making

  • Optimization and performance tuning

  • Mentoring team members

Expert/Team Lead10+140,000+

  • Strategic planning & roadmaps

  • Resource management

  • High-level architectural oversight

  • Stakeholder communication

Top 10 Java Related Tech

  1. Java Language

    Picture this: you're at the heart of the Java jungle, armed with nothing but your wits... and the Java language. This granddaddy of all tech enables you to weave through the vines of software development with object-oriented grace. Without it, you might as well be trying to code with a typewriter.

  2. Spring Framework

    Imagine having a full-blown utility belt while you're scaling the skyscrapers of Java applications - that's the Spring Framework for you. It's Batman's go-to for battling the chaos of enterprise Java applications. Just don't get tangled in the XML configuration!

    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

    public class SuperheroManager {
    // Spring will manage your superheroes here.

  3. Maven/Gradle

    Ever feel like a wizard summoning dependencies with a flick of your wand? Maven and Gradle are your spellbooks for project management and incantations that pull in all your needed libraries. Just be sure to update your spells (dependencies) or face the ancient curse of 'dependency hell.'

  4. JUnit

    There's a wild joy of smashing your code with a sledgehammer to see if it breaks, yes? Well, JUnit is your hammer. It's the gladiator arena for your code where you get to watch your functions fight to the death against bug-infested edge cases.

  5. IntelliJ IDEA

    Embrace your coding dojo, where you can practice the swift moves of Java development. IntelliJ IDEA is like that smart friend who finishes your sentences (or code) but sometimes gets it hilariously wrong, prompting awkward silence... or a compilation error.

  6. Git

    This is your time machine, folks. Made a coding blunder? Time to git outta there! With Git, you can rewind to when your code was less of a hot mess. Just remember: 'git commit' is your safety net; 'git push' is telling the world you did something.

  7. Docker

    If your application was a circus act, Docker would be the container-juggling clown ensuring that your app runs the same, from the DevOps tightrope to the QA trapeze. It's like having a consistent stage for your software's performances, city to city.

  8. Spring Boot

    Want to go from zero to full-blown RESTful services in the blink of an eye? Spring Boot is like the energy drink of the Spring universe. It auto-configures your beans for you, so you can focus on the important stuff, like which microservice framework to evangelize next.

  9. Microservices with Spring Cloud

    You've heard of the Avengers, right? Assemble your own team of standalone applications that can handle failure like superheroes. Spring Cloud brings them together so they can communicate with secret codes (also called REST APIs) and save the digital world.

  10. RESTful APIs and JSON

    In modern Java dev, there's an art to crafting URLs that can whisper sweet nothings to servers and elicit responses laden with JSON love letters full of data. Be the Cyrano de Bergerac of RESTful APIs, serenading client applications with eloquent HTTP requests.

    public ResponseEntity whisperToServer() {
    return ResponseEntity.ok("{ \"message\": \"I love you, 3000\" }");

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