
Flutter Developer with Android Studio Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Flutter developer with Android Studio with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Android Studio used?

App-tastic Laboratory!

  • Mad scientists (ahem, developers) use Android Studio to concoct delightful app potions for Android smartphones, adding a dash of Java or a sprinkle of Kotlin to the mix.

Virtual Sandbox Extravaganza

  • It’s like a digital playground where coding kiddos (professionals, really) build virtual sandcastles (aka apps), then knock ‘em down (debug) until they're sturdy.

Romancing the Droid

  • Matchmaking UI designers with UX developers, Android Studio plays Cupid, ensuring users swipe right on slick, intuitive app interfaces.

Widget Whizzbang!

  • Where widget wizards wave their wands (write code) to create tiny taskmasters (widgets) that live on home screens, helping muggles interact with apps at a glance.

Android Studio Alternatives

Visual Studio Code with Android Extensions

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a lightweight but powerful source code editor that runs on desktop. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js, with a rich ecosystem for other languages such as C++, C#, Python, PHP, and Java. For Android development, it relies on extensions such as 'Android for Visual Studio Code' which allow developers to build, run, and debug Android applications.

// Sample command in VS Code to start Android emulator
> adb start-emulator -name Pixel_XL_API_30

  • Fast and lightweight

  • Highly customizable with extensions

  • Great for polyglot programming

  • May require multiple extensions for full functionality

  • Less integrated compared to Android Studio

  • Debugger setup less straightforward

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is an integrated development environment (IDE) written in Java for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains and is available in two editions: a community edition that is open-source and a commercial edition. It provides robust support for Android development, especially when considering its capability to manage complex code bases and its suite of powerful refactoring tools.

// Example of Android activity in IntelliJ
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  • Comprehensive Java/Kotlin support

  • Powerful code analysis and refactoring tools

  • Seamless version control integration

  • Relatively high memory consumption

  • Can be overwhelming for new users

  • Community version lacks some Android-specific features

Eclipse with ADT Plugin

Eclipse is a multi-language software development environment comprising an integrated development environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in system. It was the main IDE for Android development before Android Studio. With the Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin, Eclipse provides the necessary functionality for Android app development.

// Sample Eclipse shortcut to open declarations
F3 - Open Declaration: Jump to the declaration of the selected class, method, or variable.

  • Large pool of plugins

  • Works well for Java and C/C++

  • Extensive community and history

  • Perceived as outdated for Android development

  • Slower build process compared to Gradle/Android Studio

  • Less intuitive UI/UX design features

Quick Facts about Android Studio

Unveiling Android Studio: A Developer's Conjuring Wand!

Cast your minds back to 2013, a year when the digital wizards at Google birthed Android Studio—the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for crafting Android apps. It was a game-changer—a broomstick ride away from the ageing Eclipse with its ADT Plugin. Now, developers could conjure up apps with a swish and flick of powerful tools and plugins designed exclusively for Android development!

A Leap into Modern Android Spellbooks: Kotlin Support

2017 hailed as the year Kotlin was knighted into officialdom within the Android realm. This modern, succinct programming language came with safety features to prevent common programming errors (like null pointer exceptions). It was like donning a wizard's hat that also stops you from tripping over your own spells!

// Here's a charm in Kotlin to create a new list of spells
val spellList = listOf("Expelliarmus", "Petrificus Totalus", "Expecto Patronum")

The Evolution Scroll: Android Studio Versioning Chronicles

Throughout its history, Android Studio has soared through the versioning cosmos, from its initial 1.0 release to the 4.x series, each iteration bringing with it thrilling new enchantments. Chip in features like a layout editor that’s as intuitive as reading tea leaves, and a build system powered by Gradle, which is akin to mixing the perfect potion—Android Studio has continued to evolve like a Phoenix, leaving sorcerers young and old spellbound by its magic.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Android Studio developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Developer0-2$40,000 - $70,000

  • Implementing simple bug fixes

  • Writing basic code under supervision

  • Assisting in the maintenance of documentation

  • Learning the codebase and improving coding skills

Middle Developer2-5$70,000 - $100,000

  • Developing features with moderate guidance

  • Occasionally reviewing code of Junior Developers

  • Optimizing application for performance

  • Participating in design discussions and providing input

Senior Developer5-10$100,000 - $140,000

  • Leading feature development and architecture design

  • Mentoring Junior and Middle Developers

  • Identifying and implementing best practices

  • Conducting code reviews and ensuring code quality

Expert/Team Lead10+$140,000+

  • Setting technical direction for the project

  • Overseeing project from conception to delivery

  • Managing the development team and allocating resources

  • Interfacing with stakeholders and handling project escalations

Top 10 Android Studio Related Tech

  1. Kotlin - The Android Sweetheart

    Picture yourself at a swanky Silicon Valley tech mixer. Amid the clinking of craft beer bottles, you hear the whispered name, "Kotlin." It's the hip language literally everyone has a crush on for Android development. Swift like a fox and safe like a Volvo, Kotlin cuts down on boilerplate faster than a sushi chef. Sorry Java, there's a newer, cooler kid on the block!

    fun getPartyStarted() {
    val playlist = mutableListOf("Lo-fi Beats", "Indie Rock", "Jazz Fusion")
    playlist.forEach { genre ->
    println("Now playing $genre")

  2. Java - Oldie but Goldie

    It's the granddaddy of Android languages. Sure, it might have a few wrinkles and talk about "the good old days" too much, but Java's robustness is timeless. Its libraries are like a family recipe, passed down from developer to developer, perfect for cooking up reliable apps.

    public void joinTheJavaJamboree() {
    ArrayList attendees = new ArrayList<>();
    System.out.println("Java party size: " + attendees.size());

  3. Android SDK - The Toolbox

    Step right up and behold the wondrous Android SDK, the treasure box that transforms mundane code into shimmery, shiny apps. With countless tools and toys in this chest, you'll feel like a kid in a candy shop – just be careful not to get a sugar rush from all the APIs!

  4. Gradle - Your Build Buddy

    Don't let your project descend into chaos! Call on Gradle, the build system that treats your code like a five-star general. It whips your dependencies into shape and marches your binaries straight to the front lines. With Gradle, your build scripts are so organized, even Marie Kondo would approve.

  5. XML - The UI Artist

    Ah, XML, the meticulous interior designer of Android Studio. It takes your rough idea of a UI and turns it into a pixel-perfect reality. With a nip here and a tuck there, your layouts and styles become as balanced as a feng shui master's living room.

    android:text="Welcome to the XML Zen Garden!" />

  6. Android Jetpack - Flying High

    No, it doesn't involve soaring in the sky à la Iron Man, but Android Jetpack comes pretty close for app development! It's a suite of libraries that propels your code into the stratosphere. You'll be zooming past tasks like managing life-cycles, persisting data, and designing sexy UIs faster than you can say, "Look, ma, no hands!"

  7. Firebase - The Backend Whisperer

    Ever wanted a magic wand to handle all the nitty-gritty server-side stuff? Poof! Enter Firebase: your genie in a bottle for analytics, databases, messaging, and more. It's like having an entire IT department in your pocket, minus the water cooler gossip.

  8. Git - Code Time Capsule

    Git is like a history book for your project, but instead of boring battles, it's filled with epic tales of coding conquests and the occasional "oops" moment. You can travel back in time to rescue your masterpiece from the brink of disaster or branch out into new horizons – all without messing up your current reality.

  9. Material Design - The Style Guru

    Is your app dressed to impress? With Material Design, it's not just about looking good; it's about making Google's heart go all aflutter. Sleek, modern, and functional, Material Design delivers aesthetics that not only please the eye but also help navigate the app like a seasoned sea captain.

  10. Espresso - The Testing Barista

    Whip up a batch of robust tests as easily as a morning cup of joe with Espresso. This automated testing framework ensures that your app can handle the daily grind and won't spit out errors like a picky coffee aficionado. It's like having a personal barista for your code – everything tested just to your liking.

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