
Flutter Developer with Microsoft Visual Studio Code Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Flutter developer with Microsoft Visual Studio Code with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Microsoft Visual Studio Code used?

Code Whispering in the Dark Mode

  • Visually stunning (literally), VS Code is a night-time coder's dream come true, slashing bugs in stealth with its sleek dark mode.

Remote Control Coding

  • Gone are the days of office-only edits; this tool lets developers tweak code from the comfort of a hammock through remote development extensions.

The Polyglot Whisperer

  • Whether you speak Pythonese, Javish, or C-sharpish, trusty VS Code chews up languages faster than a linguist on caffeine!

Git Commit(et) in the Cosmos

  • With VS Code, devs can git commit with such ease, they're practically launching code into orbit without leaving their starship command (a.k.a. their desk).

Microsoft Visual Studio Code Alternatives

Sublime Text

Lightweight and speedy text editor with powerful code editing capabilities plus a vast package ecosystem. Ideal for fast editing and scripting.

  • Blazing fast performance

  • Minimalistic UI

  • Steep learning curve for plugins

// Compare Python code execution in Sublime Text vs. VS Code
# Sublime Text Python Code
print("Hello, Sublime Text!")


Developed by GitHub, Atom is a customizable and hackable text editor for development, embedded with Git control and collaborative editing.

  • Highly extensible

  • Integrated with Git and GitHub

  • Can be slower with large files

// JavaScript snippet example in Atom
console.log('Atom rocks!');

IntelliJ IDEA

A full-fledged IDE aimed at JVM languages with advanced code navigation and a plethora of built-in tools for software development tasks.

  • Robsut refactoring tools

  • In-build testing tools

  • Heavier on system resources

// Simple Java application in IntelliJ IDEA
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, IntelliJ IDEA!");

Quick Facts about Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Hatched from the Genius Coop: Visual Studio Code

Picture it: Microsoft’s skunkworks, 2015. A band of brainiacs decide that the world needs a sleek, feathery editor with muscles. Enter Visual Studio Code, a lightweight powerhouse that benches heavy code without breaking a sweat, thanks to its Electron framework—cross-platform and flexing with web technology muscles.

The Update Waltz: Dancing Through the Versions

Not one to sit idle, VS Code struts out a new jig every month! It's like trying to keep up with a cha-cha line of updates, each one bringing new moves to the floor. From April's initial twirl to the latest groove, it's been a marathon of features, extensions and both dark and light themes to keep coders on their toes.

The Inception of IntelliSense: Code’s Crystal Ball

Clairvoyance meets programming, and it’s not even a psychic fair. The brainchild feature, IntelliSense, is like a crystal ball for coding, predicting your next move with spooky accuracy. With this trick up its sleeve, VS Code not only auto-completes your code but also provides info snippets and peeks into the coding beyond like a techno fortune teller.

// Here's a snippet of magic:
function predictFuture() {
// IntelliSense helps complete code, as if it's read your mind!
console.log('VS Code knows what you will code before you do!');

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Microsoft Visual Studio Code developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/Year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Developer0-250,000-70,000

  • Fixing simple bugs

  • Writing small modules

  • Undergoing code reviews

  • Learning from others

Middle Developer2-570,000-100,000

  • Developing features

  • Optimizing code

  • Participating in project planning

  • Mentoring juniors

Senior Developer5-10100,000-130,000

  • Leading project modules

  • Setting coding standards

  • Solving complex issues

  • Reviewing and merging pull requests

Expert/Team Lead10+130,000+

  • Driving project architecture

  • Making strategic decisions

  • Coaching team members

  • Interfacing with stakeholders

Top 10 Microsoft Visual Studio Code Related Tech

  1. JavaScript: The Lingua Franca of the Web

    Just like how English is everywhere, JavaScript is the language that refuses to stay put in one corner of the internet. If Visual Studio Code was a comic con, JavaScript would be the character everyone is dressed as. Known for its ubiquity, this dynamic scripting staple allows developers to bring websites to life, cook up Node.js server magic, and pull the strings in frameworks like React and Angular.

  2. TypeScript: JavaScript's Neat-Freak Sibling

    Halloween for developers - that’s TypeScript. It’s JavaScript in a costume of type-safety. TS waltzes into the chaotic JS party, slapping types left and right, ensuring no variable is masquerading as something it’s not. Visual Studio Code adores it since they both hail from the Microsoft family. It brings peace of mind to your code with its strict syntactical superset ways.

  3. Git: Time Travel for Coders

    Ever wish you could undo that "minor" code tweak that spiraled into apocalyptic mayhem? Meet Git, the Delorean of version control! It lets you hop between the "Oops!" and "Eureka!" moments with commands faster than you can say "where’s my hoverboard?" Plus, Visual Studio Code's built-in Git support makes pushing and pulling as easy as convincing a toddler that broccoli is candy. Just kidding, it’s way easier.

    git commit -m "Fixed the flux capacitor bug"

  4. React: Building the Web with Lego

    If you enjoy snapping together blocks and yearn for the digital equivalent, React has got your back. With React, developers play with reusable components to build complex interfaces that make Facebook look like a high-school project. It's like Lego, but instead of stepping on pieces, you're crafting snazzy user interfaces that sometimes makes browsers weep with joy.

    import React from 'react';

  5. Angular: The Full-Stack of Cards

    This is not a poker game, but bet your chips on Angular for building robust applications. It’s the heavyweight framework you call on when you need everything including the kitchen sink. Developed by Google, it turns developers into superheroes, capable of creating single-page applications that have more features than a Swiss army knife.

    ng new super-duper-app

  6. Vue.js: The New Kid on the Block

    Vue.js is like that indie band that suddenly everyone knows about. It combines the best of React and Angular, providing an approachable, versatile, and performant JavaScript framework. Developers are flocking to it like seagulls to a dropped hot dog, and Visual Studio Code, with its great Vue tooling, is part of the fan club.

    vue create my-stunning-app

  7. Python: Not Just a Slithery Friend

    Is it a serpent? Is it a plane? No, it’s Python, the programming language with a cult following. Loved by scientists, mathematicians, and Harry Potter fans alike, it slices through data analysis, machine learning, and web development tasks like a hot knife through butter. With Visual Studio Code, Python coding is more fun than a game of Quidditch.

  8. Docker: Shipping Containers for Code

    Imagine if you could pack your code into a container, slap on a postage label, and ship it anywhere without fear of the dreaded “works on my machine” syndrome. That’s Docker for you, the magic cargo system for your software. It’s part of the modern developer's toolbelt and Visual Studio Code has extensions that make managing containers as enjoyable as bubble wrap.

  9. Node.js: JavaScript's Server Buddy

    Remember JavaScript, the party animal? Well, it turns out it has a cousin named Node.js that likes the server-side of the block. If you’ve ever wanted JS to do more than just animate menu buttons, Node.js is your ticket. With Visual Studio Code, running a server is so simple, your cat could probably do it. On second thought, that might result in too many server naps.

  10. SQL: The Librarian of Data

    Diving into databases? SQL is like the head librarian who knows where all the data is hidden. Whether it’s MYSQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server, it whispers the secrets of data storage, retrieval, and manipulation. While not the glitziest language around, it’s as essential as the 'Ctrl + S' command, and Visual Studio Code’s extensions for SQL help you wrangle databases like a rodeo champion.

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