
Full Stack Web Developer with RxJs Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Full Stack Web with RxJs with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is RxJs used?

Real-Time Data Feast

  • Devouring streaming data like a hungry hippo, RxJs shines in handling real-time data for applications such as chat or stock tickers.

Event-Powered Gymnastics

  • Building robust event-handling routines - it's like having a personal trainer for your app's events, keeping them in top shape.

UI Magic Tricks

  • Pulling rabbits out of hats with complex UI interactions? RxJs waves its magic wand for seamless user experiences.

Asynchronous Orchestras

  • Conducting the symphony of asynchronous operations, RxJs ensures every callback hits the right note at the right time.

RxJs Alternatives




A reactive programming library that focuses on high performance and low memory usage. Suitable for managing async operations and streams.


// Example using Most.js to create a stream of periodic events
const { periodic } = require('most');
const stream = periodic(1000); // emits a value every 1000ms

  • Highly performant with low memory overhead.


  • Lesser-known, smaller community compared to RxJS.


  • APIs might be less extensive than RxJS.



Provides utility functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript, focusing on traditional callback style.


// Example using async.js for parallel tasks
const async = require('async');
function(callback) { ... },
function(callback) { ... }
], function(err, results) { ... });

  • Simplifies working with callbacks and collections.


  • Not focused on the reactive programming paradigm.


  • Callback-centric, may lead to 'callback hell'.



Functional reactive programming library for dealing with events and dynamic data structures.


// Example of event stream in Bacon.js
const Bacon = require('baconjs');
const clicks = Bacon.fromEvent(document.body, 'click');

  • It offers a rich set of operators for event streams.


  • Potentially steeper learning curve.


  • Development is less active compared to RxJS.


Quick Facts about RxJs


Reactive Extensions Go JavaScript!


Once upon a time in 2012, Microsoft's cloud whisperers conjured up RxJS, a magical library making asynchronous events a breeze. This potion allowed developers to treat streams of data like heroic quests filled with events, giving them the power to filter, combine, and transform these streams without breaking a sweat—or their code!

An Ever-Evolving Elixir


The RxJS library, like a shapeshifting wizard, has undergone numerous transformations. From its early versions to the almighty 7.x series (as of my last update), it's been an adventure of breaking changes, performance potions, and syntactical spells. With every update, the library becomes less of a mystical maze and more like a well-organized grimoire for developers.

All Hail the Operators!


Within the reactive realm of RxJS, operators reign supreme. Think of them as the library's alchemical toolkit, empowering you to concoct queries like a true data alchemist. Take 'map' and 'filter', the trusty sidekicks, always ready to transform streams into more palatable potions or pick out only the choicest of events.

// A simple spell to multiply each number by two and filter out the odds
Rx.Observable.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
.map(val => val * 2)
.filter(val => val % 2 === 0)
.subscribe(console.log); // Outputs: 4, 8

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert RxJs developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Learn and understand basic concepts of RxJS

  • Handle simple reactive programming tasks

  • Debug under supervision

  • Write unit tests for simpler stream manipulations

Middle2-570,000 - 100,000

  • Implement complex features using RxJS without supervision

  • Create custom operators

  • Mentor junior developers

  • Assist in architecture decisions

Senior5-10100,000 - 150,000

  • Design and develop high-level system architecture involving RxJS

  • Optimize application performance through RxJS best practices

  • Lead code reviews and enforce coding standards

  • Guide team through complex problem-solving

Expert/Team Lead10+150,000+

  • Steer project direction and make high-stake decisions

  • Coordinate between teams and stakeholder management

  • Lead the development of critical features

  • Provide expertise in RxJS for system-wide impact


Top 10 RxJs Related Tech

  1. JavaScript (TypeScript)

    Oh, JavaScript, the Shakespeare of web languages, with its quirky sonnets and heroic couplets! But when it wants to put on its big boy pants, it becomes TypeScript, JavaScript's more sophisticated sibling. You see, RxJS is like a spice that turns bland JS code into a mouth-watering dish, and mastering the art of these languages is akin to becoming a master chef in the digital kitchen.

  1. Angular

    Angular, not to be confused with your grumpy uncle's demeanor, is a superheroic framework that pairs with RxJS like wine and cheese. It's built with RxJS at its heart, making it the Thor to RxJS's Mjolnir. Sprinkle some observables here and there, and you've got yourself a lightning-fast app!

  1. NgRx

    The Robin to your Angular Batman. It's the state management sidekick that uses RxJS to help you keep track of your application's state as if you had a Batcomputer in your brain. It really shines when your app's state becomes more complex than a soap opera's plot!

  1. Reactive Forms

    If forms were people, Reactive Forms would be that person who's always calm, even when filling out taxes. Thanks to RxJS, this Angular feature turns the stormy seas of form management into a serene lake. It's all about async data flow, making your forms as responsive as a well-trained butler.

  1. Redux-Observable

    This is for the React fanatics who want a slice of RxJS with their Redux pie. It's a middleware to help you handle your actions with the finesse of a samurai, using epic streams of goodness. A perfect treat for those who'd rather spend their day orchestrating async operations than watching paint dry.

    const pingEpic = action$ => action$.pipe(
    delay(1000), // Asynchronously wait 1000ms then continue
    mapTo({ type: 'PONG' })

  1. VueRx

    VueRx is what happens when Vue.js meets RxJS and they decide to have a reactive baby. This plugin lets your data flow as smoothly as jazz, keeping your UI in sync with the rhythm of your application's heartbeat, with all the reactivity you need to build something that's both snappy and snazzy.

  1. RxJS Testing (& marble testing)

    Testing RxJS is like a Ghostbusters for bugs – it zaps the pesky little critters before they slime your application. Marble testing, in particular, lets you visualize your observables over time, making debugging as fun as popping bubble wrap!

  1. RxJS Libraries (RxDB, etc.)

    Imagine if your database got bitten by a radioactive spider and became super reactive! Libraries like RxDB make this fantasy a reality, allowing you to build nimble, offline-first applications that would make even Spider-Man jealous of your web (app).

  1. RxJS Operators

    These are the magical spells of RxJS, transforming and bending data to your will like you're the Gandalf of the stream world. Mastering operators like map(), filter(), debounceTime() is essential to unleashing the full power of RxJS without accidentally summoning a Balrog.

    const search$ = textField.valueChanges.pipe(
    filter(text => text.length > 2),

  1. RxJS Extensions (rxjs-compat, etc.)

    Last but not least, in the sometimes unforgiving landscape of software evolution, RxJS extensions are like finding a water fountain in the desert. They ease the painful migration journeys between RxJS versions, ensuring that your observables continue to flow uninterrupted, like the Nile through Egypt.


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