Amazon Web Services (AWS) vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud: The Big Three of the Tech World

There are three places in the universe of cloud computing: AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. AWS has more planets. Azure is the Wizard. Google Cloud is a Cosmic Sorcerer. Choose your planetary Godling wisely. We are engineering the universe. This one is ours.
<span>Amazon Web Services (AWS) vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud:</span> The Big Three of the Tech World
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AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud – The Big Three of the Tech World

A ceaseless cosmic circus of cloud wonders Among the sponsors of this psychedelic trip into the digital universe, three tech giants compete in This Is Your Cloud on Computers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and the hipster of the cloud town, Google Cloud. These aren’t exactly ordinary tech companies. They are the virtuosos of the virtual, where the extended multiverse of the Internet tells your data to wiggle and your algorithms to break into a funky dance. Why care? Well, your ship of business is a spacecraft lighting up the Web. These spots are pitstops to computing Nirvana, and cybernetic stardom.

To get thing started, we have the AWS orchestrator, the big daddy of them all: a finely tuned federation of services that have dominated the cloud charts since pixels first caressed the screens, and that are about as indispensable as Hogwarts Dumbledore telling you: ‘Thou shalt not suffer from server failures and data speeds that would make a snail blush! Enter Microsoft Azure, the Windows mage, casting his wizard’s cloud-computing spells with a Windows wand. It’s not just about cloud services on offer: with Microsoft Azure, you can summon your stack of cloudy magic that all works well with your precious Microsoft tools. How about your spreadsheets chatting up a cloud for a while? That’s the magical treat for you. And then there’s the dark horse, Google Cloud Platform – the Harry Houdini of the cloud magic. This Houdini waves not an ivory stick but a stick of avant-garde tech. Google Cloud is the wild card with serious whizbangery. Artificial intelligence to machine learning – the David Copperfield of this cloudverse does things way out of the Microsoft and other players’ palm-reading game. What rabbit do you reckon, Google Cloud, you’ll pull out

Choosing the right cloud computing provider

Choosing the perfect cloud provider is like finding the best ice cream flavour. Both are cosmic probes into the mysterious reaches of imagination and technology … But if found. Where to get your dream ice cream, you ask? An intergalactic version of the late Swiss ice-cream maker Roy L Hass who opened the first ice-cream parlour in 1905 in Manhatten Beach in California. Assume that the shop is packed with customers, with ice-cream tubs stocked on rows and shelves. Let’s call these intergalactic ice-cream tubs – Amazon Web Services (AWS), the industry’s longstanding vanilla captain; Microsoft Azure, the Microsoft-infused magical gem, serving Windows-flavoured ice cream; and Google Cloud, the eccentric sprinkles connoisseur.

  • Even an extra-terrestrial with a big VPN packet for lunch would salivate at the myriad cloud cones that AWS offers. The ultimate in control, it’s a veritable spaceship’s gadgets tray – if it does more than just move the ship, it will stir up some techno-nirvana.
  • Today, the Azure offering is the flavour of the month: in effect, it’s integration, all the way down. Your spaceship’s onboard AI goes sipping a latte with Excel spreadsheets – this is the sweet you take, if you want your data to know a galactic cotillion.
  • And then there’s Google Cloud, the avant-garde sorcerer of taste buds, crafting flavours that flout physics. If you’re into tech for tech’s sake, ML sublime, and a touch of future, this is the flavour that could finally propel your tongue into a parallel flavour Universe.

Selecting the appropriate cosmic cone – the one that will maximise your enjoyment of your tech treats – will depend on a few important variables, including the velocity with which you want to consume your ice-cream, a certain elasticity in terms of your flavour profile, of course the budget – no one likes a brain-freeze from too-subtle charges – and, most importantly, the flavour yawn: how intensely do you want to take off on this intergalactic journey? What does your ideal cosmic ice-cream journey look like? Does a single cosmic ice-cream provider have the richness of a true swirl – of flavours – that will best land on your spreadsheet of senses? Are you looking for a scoop that will be ready to blast off to hyperspeed the moment this piece of silicon hits your mouth?

Therefore, in your search for the right cloud provider flavour, look around, your digital taste buds will guide you, and pick a flavour that will take your digital escapades to new taste bud highs. And in the glory of cloud computing, your choice of provider is never a plain choice; it is the flavour that makes the digital voyage a taste bud adventure.

A Brief Intro – AWS vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud

The biggest tech smackdown in the history of ever commences. Brace yourself! Amazon Web Services faces off against Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud in what is essentially an epic cosmic competition. Servers strut their stuff, data attempts sexy moves. No disco in this cyber-dance, just one gigabyte shimmying for another. This offers pure spectacle.

What is AWS

There can be only one grand wizard of digital enchantment, only one Gandalf of the cloud, only one Dumbledore of data: Amazon Web Services (AWS), of course. The cloud may be a big machine, but the cloud of clouds, ‘the most mature cloud offering in the market’, is the biggest of all. With AWS, the computing equivalent of the Star Wars mind trick is at your fingertips. To summon a cluster of servers, just wave its staff of programmatic computing, all wrapped in the cloak of cloud. In A World of Dumb, digital sorcery sounds kind of awesome, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Technically, AWS is a content-delivery network, and a cloud provider, but it’s the latter half of that—the cloud, not content—that makes it great. As a ‘scalable’ computing solution, it can manage huge spikes in traffic, a ‘reliable’ provider of computing infrastructure, working with business ventures large and small, and, perhaps most importantly, a bag of hardware tricks. A Tinkerbell box, if there ever was one. Through AWS, you can do your computing on a schedule, broadcasting infrastructure as a service (BIaaS, if you will), not just networking or storage or servers. AWS delivers computer magic, transforming pedestrian data stuff into mythic big-data quests, and the ordinary digital delivery network into a great wide somewhere as wondrous as the lakes of Titan or the clouds of Venus. Welcome to the most mythic of cloudlands, AWS land.

What is Cloud Azure

There’s a strange world of digital magic that surrounds us, and its mage’s name is Cloud Azure. He is the Gandalf of Windows wizardry, casting spells from a book of accursed cloud services. He’s like the Redmond version of Barion Siva, a techno-mage who whispers magic phrases to integrate your digital doodads. Cloud Azure: not just a cloud, but the Dumbledore of data from the Windows wonderland. He will shepherd you through your digital quests to the farthest reaches of cyberspace on a gust of Microsoft magic. Are you ready to have your digital escapades transformed into an incantational odyssey of zeroes, ones, and Redmond shade?

What is the Google Cloud platform

The Google Cloud Platform is the Dr Frankenstein’s lab of the digital dreamsphere. It’s the lightning bolt of computational progress, a quasi-magical blend of the latest technology that roams the labyrinth of the internet. It has magic potions – machine learning – bubbling in beakers in the search firmament. It has thought-streams – avante garde prototypes – foaming in test tubes in the digital bazaar. It’s like living next door to a Samuel kid, an eccentric inventor of the digital frontier.

Google Cloud Platform – that’s not just a data centre. Google Cloud is the Einstein of data: it makes your operations look edgy and futuristic. Let’s take a tour of Google Cloud, where data crisis becomes quantum experiment, and banality becomes spectacle.

What Is Google Cloud Platform vs AWS vs Azure – Short History and Establishment.

AWS History

According to the oldest legend of tech lore, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began its life journey in the Dark Ages of 2006. It rode in like the battered knight on the white charger, blaring the launch horn into the cyber mountaintops. Back then, when cloud services were merely a wind breeze in the wheels of technological destiny, Amazon Web Services arrived like a sorcerer on a magic carpet unfolding the future of computing.

Over the years, AWS started to grow and to transform itself into the cloud’s Hercules, which no digital Atlas could oppose: the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) was born as well as the Simple Storage Service (S3) box as a digital warehouse for every digital artefact. In 2009, the Kingdom of AWS annexed some new lands, when it opened the Relational Database Service (RDS), a banquet of stability for databases seeking a place to reign. Every year, AWS unveiled a new spell, a new kind of magic: Glacier for data that should remain as cold as Dead Men before its time (2012); Lambda, the serverless sorcerer (2014). Today, by 2013, that cloud has a king: Amazon Web Services, whose network of services includes CloudFront, Redshift and WorkSpaces. Customers do the cloud’s bidding, and its bazaar, the AWS Marketplace, is a digital agora of wares.

After the Space Age had been long interred and the Global Information Age had surpassed the Internet Age as the epoch of mankind, it was simply another digital eon as AWS continued to make victories of failed Moons, lo-res Mars landings, and exploded astronauts. In this Fourth Digital Age, AWS remains the elder statesman of the pantheon of clouds, growing ever more colossal in the years since the 2006 launch of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, the first of 100-plus services like Amazon Aurora that provide storage, computing, authentication and much more. To this day, as the according Dictionary of Americans says, ‘Public cloud computing continues to be referred to as “The Cloud” – a moniker derived from that almost divine celestial entity that provides our current universe awesomeness’. And so it was, and so it is, in our skies digital and in our Cloud Deity, ‘The Cloud’.

Azure Cloud History

In the ancient chronicles of the digital wizardry realm, Microsoft Azure embarked on its epic quest in the mystical year of 2010. Imagine it as the Merlin of the Windows wizardry, conjuring a cloud from the digital mists and launching it into the cyber cosmos. Legend has it that in the primeval era of 2010, the cloud landscape was a blank canvas yearning for a touch of Windows enchantment. Lo and behold, Microsoft Azure descended upon the tech scene like a UFO with its grand debut in February.

As the years unfolded, Azure didn’t just grow; it transformed into the Houdini of cloud services, weaving its spells across the vast tapestries of the digital kingdom. Azure Virtual Machines, like digital golems, arose in 2012, and the cloud choir sang in unison with the launch of Azure Websites.

In 2014, Azure Cosmos DB entered the cosmic stage, a database of celestial proportions, providing a sanctuary for data seeking refuge in the cloud galaxy. The following years witnessed the rise of Azure Functions, the serverless minstrel in the court of cloud services, playing tunes for applications seeking an orchestral symphony.

By 2018, Azure had become the maestro of the Windows wonderland, orchestrating a harmonious ensemble of services, from Azure Kubernetes Service to the Azure IoT suite. It was a time when businesses bowed to the rhythm of the Azure melody, and the Azure Marketplace flourished as a bustling bazaar of digital artifacts.

As the digital epochs spun their tales, Azure continued its celestial journey, conquering new frontiers with services like Azure AI and Quantum. In the present day, Azure stands tall as the grand illusionist of the cloud pantheon, a testament to its evolution from a whimsical debut in 2010 to the reigning sorcerer of the digital cosmos. And thus, the saga of Azure, the spellbinding cloud enchanter, unfolds, etching its name into the mystical scrolls of tech history with every passing digital eclipse.

Google Cloud Platform History

Microsoft Azure set out on its Great Joint Quest back in the magickal year of 2010. Think of it as the Merlin of Windowsian wizardry, conjuring a cloud from the digital mist and sending it hurtling into the sky. According to the lore of cloud computing, the skies of early 2010 were like a virgin tapestry, yearning to be tainted with Windows Magic.

In February, Microsoft Azure blew into tech like a UFO. Yet Azure would not only grow over the years, but become the cloud’s Houdini, slipping in and out of its many covers: virtual servers or Azure Virtual Machines (2012); the choir making a high-pitched shout to welcome Azure Websites (2013). In 2014 came Azure Cosmos DB, a galaxy of a database, ready to embrace data running from the cloud. Azure Functions, the yearning serverless minstrel to the court of Azure services, is a shade behind, started in 2016, ready to play tunes for apps looking for the next orchestral gig.

At that time, Azure had taken the throne as the conductor of the Windows wonderland, orchestrating a symphony of various services – Azure Kubernetes Service to the Azure IoT suite – and businesses began dancing in patterns set by the relative size of their logs Azure went on to become a cornucopia: the Azure Marketplace was its bazaar of goods – digital artifacts numbering in the 10,000s. Meanwhile, Azure orbited the suns through the digital aeons, accruing new services such as Azure AI and Quantum.

In our present day, Azure is the cloud pantheon’s magician supreme, crowned by the arcane accretions of epochs of digital dhammalization, from its playful inauguration in 2010, and evolved from a kingdom with a single service on a single cloud, to the digital world’s reigning sorcerer. Azure, the magical cloud, is to digital eons what Ringo is to the Beatles. And there you have it, a story as big as time is long.

Difference Between Azure and AWS and GC Use Cases

What is Amazon Web Services used for

Want to cast a spell on the cosmos? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is your digital mystic’s go‑to magical multitool. What is it and why would anyone care? Glance over Amazon’s AWS page: Want to send a huge globule of heavy water into a black hole? Got it! Need Native American Low German chants for driving off moose? Done! Could you use a way to warp time by using hypoamagnetic gravel embedded in a polycarbonate sphere with a hypercore of noble gas with 16 feshbach resonances in a quantum computer running on five Earth-sized planets orbiting a red dwarf star 75 light-years away, then using the resulting waves to commute via hyperspace to a galactic Heritage museum in the spiral arm of M42? Let’s get started.A contentedly fictional presentation of what AWS does.

  1. Elastic Cloud Conjuring: AWS is the Gandalf of server summoning. Need a server for a day? An hour? A mere minute? AWS is the genie in the cloud lamp, granting your wish for elastic, on-demand computing power faster than you can say “abracadabra.”
  2. S3 Spellbook for Digital Artifacts: AWS S3, or the “Super Secure Sorcery Storage,” is where wizards stash their digital treasures. It’s like a cosmic vault where you can hoard data artifacts without worrying about pixelated dragons or mischievous digital imps stealing your bits and bytes.
  3. Lambda, the Serverless Sorcerer: AWS Lambda is the serverless maestro, turning the mundane chore of server management into a magical symphony. It’s like having a musical conductor for your code, making functions dance to the rhythm of digital harmony without worrying about the backstage chaos of servers.
  4. RDS, the Relational Divination Service: AWS RDS is where wizards consult their digital crystal balls for relational database insights. It’s like having a magical oracle that predicts the future of your data relationships, ensuring your databases live happily ever after without turning into frogs.
  5. CloudFront, the Content Cloud Traveler: AWS CloudFront is the jetsetter of the digital skies, accelerating the delivery of your content to users across the globe. It’s like a teleportation spell for your data, ensuring it reaches your audience faster than a pixelated owl carrying a digital message.

Thus, whatever you’re doing: creating servers, protecting data sets, conducting symphonies of serverless, perhaps surveying future states with a crystal ball of relations, or shipping content? That’s what AWS is for! That tech task over there? Imaginary and enchanted!


What is Google Cloud Platform Services used for?

  1. Pixelated Compute Engine Power: Google Compute Engine (GCE) is the powerhouse of digital pixelation. It’s like having a cosmic engine that accelerates your computing tasks, propelling them through the data cosmos faster than a warp-speed broomstick.
  2. App Engine Apparitions: Google App Engine is the cloud’s Apparating master. It’s like having a magical Apparating instructor for your applications, whisking them away to their destination without a hitch – no Floo Powder required.
  3. BigQuery, the Celestial Database Oracle: BigQuery is the all-knowing oracle of databases in the cloud galaxy. It’s like having a crystal ball for your data, foretelling insights and revelations with the accuracy of Professor Trelawney, minus the tea leaves.
  4. Cloud Storage, the Digital Treasure Chest: Google Cloud Storage is where you stash your digital treasures. It’s like having a vault guarded by pixelated dragons, ensuring your data artifacts remain safe and sound without the risk of being pilfered by tech-savvy goblins.
  5. Cloud Functions, the Serverless Spectacle: Google Cloud Functions is the maestro conducting a serverless spectacle. It’s like having an invisible orchestra for your code, letting functions perform without the hassle of server management – a symphony of digital delight.

In the enchanted realms of Azure and Google Cloud Platform, whether you’re conjuring virtual machines, Apparating applications, brewing cosmic potions, foretelling with databases, or orchestrating serverless symphonies, these platforms are the magical arenas where tech tasks transform into a whimsical adventure!

What is Azure Services used for?

  1. Virtual Wizard Machines: Azure is the Hogwarts of cloud platforms, offering Virtual Wizard Machines for all your mystical computations. It’s like having a digital wand that conjures servers on demand – whether you’re brewing potions or casting digital spells.
  2. Apparating Spells as a Service: Azure’s App Service is the cloud’s version of Apparating. Need to transport your applications across the digital ether? App Service is your magical teleportation portal, ensuring your apps arrive at their destination faster than a Quidditch seeker chasing the Snitch.
  3. Cosmic Kubernetes Conjuring: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is the Hogwarts for containers. It’s like having a magical greenhouse for your digital plants, cultivating containerized wonders with the elegance of Professor Sprout, minus the Mandrake screams.
  4. Azure Functions, the Pixelated Party Planner: Azure Functions is the maestro orchestrating a pixelated jamboree. It’s like hiring a party planner for your code, ensuring your functions dance, sing, and entertain without you worrying about the backstage chaos of servers – all while sipping digital Butterbeer.
  5. Azure AI Potions Class: Azure’s AI capabilities are like attending Snape’s potions class but without the scowls. It’s where you brew potions of artificial intelligence, transforming mundane data into magical insights. Think of it as turning Polyjuice Potion into predictive analytics, minus the risk of turning into a cat.


Benefits & Drawbacks: The Great Cloud Showdown of AWS, Azure, and GCP

Present-day market leader
Supports hybrid cloud architecture
Specializes in ML, AI, and Big Data
Fast transfer and high stability
Integrates with tools and software by Microsoft
Integrates with services by GCP
High data availability level
Enterprise-focused platform
Detailed API documentation
Global Presence78 regions, 140 countries, 114 edge centers54 regions, 3 availability zones (at least), 116 data centers103 zones across 34 cloud regions and 200+ data centers


In the ethereal arena of cloud providers, the players are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Here’s the skinny (with a dash of magic and a pinch of digital fairy dust):



  1. Cybernetic Chameleon Instances: AWS is like the digital chameleon, offering EC2 instances that change colors according to your computing needs. Need a server? Poof! It’s there. Need it gone? Poof! It disappears faster than a wizard vanishing spell.
  2. S3, the Sorcerer’s Storage: AWS S3 is the vault where wizards hoard their digital treasures. It’s like having a cosmic safe deposit box guarded by pixelated dragons – ensuring your artifacts are safe from the clutches of data-hungry goblins.


  1. Elasticity Headaches: While AWS Elastic Beanstalk can make your app elastic, dealing with elasticity-induced headaches is like trying to prevent a digital migraine in a magical world.
  2. Lambda Limitations: AWS Lambda, the serverless sorcerer, has its limits. It’s like having a magical feast, but the table isn’t infinite – sometimes your code might need to wait for its turn at the server banquet.



  1. Virtual Virtuoso Machines: Azure VMs are like the virtuosos of the digital orchestra. They play your computing symphony with finesse, whether you’re conducting a spell or orchestrating a digital opera.
  2. Apparating Spells as a Service: Azure’s App Service is the Apparating instructor for your apps. It’s like having a digital teleportation coach – your apps arrive on time without the risk of getting lost in the digital wilderness.


  1. Azure Kubernetes Conjuring Complexity: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) can be like juggling magical creatures. It’s powerful but requires finesse to handle, and a misstep might summon a pixelated creature chaos.
  2. Function Jamboree Management: Azure Function Jamboree requires coordination. It’s like organizing a magical event – ensuring your functions play harmoniously without causing a digital cacophony.



  1. Pixelated Compute Engine Power: GCP Compute Engine is like the cosmic engine powering your digital spaceship. It propels your computing tasks through the data cosmos at warp speed, faster than a pixelated warp drive.
  2. App Engine Apparitions: Google App Engine is the cloud’s Apparating master. It’s like having a magical Apparating instructor for your applications – whisking them away with elegance and speed.


  1. BigQuery Oracle Mysteries: BigQuery, while an oracle, might be cryptic. It’s like consulting a digital seer – accurate, but decoding its responses might require a tech-savvy Divination professor.
  2. Pixelated Cloud Storage Guardians: Google Cloud Storage is like a vault guarded by pixelated dragons. While your data is safe, navigating the dragon-guarded paths requires some pixelated bravery.

You – and even very large companies – are a bit player in the drama that is AWS, or Azure or GCP. Each of these cloud-computing providers is the central star in its own celestial theatre. Pros and cons? Of course there are pros and cons, but, look, they’re just the touchpoints that make the magic more magical. Magical worlds have to have plot twists. Plots need plot twists. Choose your cloud, but play it as written.

Compute Capabilities

Compute CapabilitiesAWSAzureGCP
Compute InstanceEC 2 – the Cybernetic ChameleonAzure VM – the Virtual VirtuosoGC Engine – the Pixelated Powerhouse
Platform as a ServiceAWS Elastic Beanstalk – for Cloud Topiary ConnoisseursApp Service – where Spells Turn into AppsGoogle App Engine – for Apparitions in the Cloud
ContainerAWS Elastic Container – the Magical TupperwareAzure Kubernetes Service – Conjuring Containers with StyleGoogle Kubernetes Service – Where Containers Perform a Pixelated Circus
Serverless FunctionsAWS Lambda – the Digital Spell WhispererAzure Function – Join the Function JamboreeGC Functions – Where Functions Throw a Pixelated Extravaganza


  • AWS
    • Compute Instance: EC 2 (the Cybernetic Chameleon)
    • Platform as a Service: AWS Elastic Beanstalk (for Cloud Topiary Connoisseurs)
    • Container: AWS Elastic Container (the Magical Tupperware)
    • Serverless Functions: AWS Lambda (the Digital Spell Whisperer)
  • Azure
    • Compute Instance: Azure VM (the Virtual Virtuoso)
    • Platform as a Service: App Service (where Spells Turn into Apps)
    • Container: Azure Kubernetes Service (Conjuring Containers with Style)
    • Serverless Functions: Azure Function (Join the Function Jamboree)
  • GCP
    • Compute Instance: GC Engine (the Pixelated Powerhouse)
    • Platform as a Service: Google App Engine (for Apparitions in the Cloud)
    • Container: Google Kubernetes Service (Where Containers Perform a Pixelated Circus)
    • Serverless Functions: GC Functions (Where Functions Throw a Pixelated Extravaganza)

Each cloud provider brings its unique flair to the world of compute capabilities, turning servers, platforms, containers, and functions into stars of a dazzling digital spectacle!


AWS vs Google Cloud vs Azure – Geography

AWS Geography Coverage

Amazon Web Services (AWS) covers more ground than a map of a treasure-filled pirate island … it is the Marco Polo of cloud statelets: Wikipedia lists Amazon data centres spanning the archipelago-like geography of the globe like a cloud-based travel agent offering pixelated virtual vacations in every time zone and every longitude and latitude. Your data could take an AWS world tour, swinging from server hammocks in South America to sipping digital tea in the data teahouses of Asia; second only to iCloud in terms of offering users a cloud coverage that turns you into a data jet-setter and a veritable digital world explorer. If your data is alone on a server and traffic jams can break up your latency highways without fail. Data has to spread and proliferate across multiple processors to avoid hotspots and latency unemployment lines that lead to digital stasis and potential data loss. So pack your bags and get ready for the AWS ride: your data could then become the ultimate jet-setter that the ultimate cloud carnival has looked forward to attracting!

Azure Geography Coverage

The all-digital atlas Mrs Gandalf conjures territories with theatrical verve – as the magician used, to pull rabbits from her hat. In Azure, the Gandalf of cloud nomanslands, parodying the spellcasters of lore, ‘clouds’ the Earth: beaming spells from datacentre to datacentre – a magical travel agency providing teleportation services to anywhere beneath the pixelated firmament. In Azure, a data-fied Disneyland, a magic carpet ride can send your data soaring from the squat, practical South American data centres to the salsa-swirling partylands of clouds and jacuzzis in South America; loop it high above the Arctic before plunging it back to earth in the European databases, then down to the dazzling data centres of Latin America, or dash it, a pixellated dervish, into the hot and rising sun of data clouds in the Middle East. Azure is a magical service that insures your data against a traffic spell and getting lost in a labyrinth of latency. If you want your data to be Merlin’s apprentice, codifying connections by conjuring circles in the magic circus of data enchantment, try an Azure magic carpet ride.

Google Cloud Platform Geography Coverage

Now, imagine a figure where the cosmos is a digital carnival of possibilities, where technology is your Houdini, your magician, your juggler of pixels in this great cosmic circus. Hence, for those in the know, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is that digital carnival. GCP is your Houdini. GCP is your magician. That’s great, you say, but what exactly is a Houdini? Well, picture yourself as a magician, an Alice in Wonderland who has become Miss Amazing Magician. Your identity is nothing more than a hat that you can slip on or off as you please, and carry wherever you go. Since GCP easily allows users to create new cloud project accounts, you create lots of new identities, or selves. In GCP language, these new identities or selves are called projects. As for your data, imagine that it lives on servers and that these servers are like small stools in a circus ring. Now let’s go out on a limb: imagine your data as a pixelated explorer. Imagine your data surfing inside the internet as a circus stuntman, dismounting one server, only to springboard to another server, somersaulting from one European datacenter to another, performing that chrysalis dance where they flip over their body, as if jumping from one TLS awesomeness of a European trapeze to another, or maybe one datacentre in Asia to another, as if a tightrope-walker. That’s cloud coverage! That’s guaranteed to present your data as that pixelated adventurer, so your data never gets caught in a data traffic jam, never gets stuck in the tangles of the trapeze where latency lurks. Your data won’t time out, nor can they leave, when they’re caught in that sling where SLA is king. Put your digital top hat and let the GCP expose you to its cosmic carnival of cloud wonders with your data as the magical maestro of this magic act!



With AWS, Azure, and GCP, we bend over backwards Like with the three-headed dog in Dante’s Purgatorio, the three titans Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform dominate the technological lowlands on the information economy’s Mount Purgatory: the whimsical kingdom of the cloud. Each commands a unique realm, and each brings with it a magical ability: elasticity to AWS, ie, the capture of inherent adaptation Chartreuse elastic wonders;Spell sorcerery’s storage aws, windows azure and gcp [n.d.], / CC BY-NC 2.0 storage in one’s ‘bucket’ or ‘blob’, compute resources, mastery of Apparating; to Azure, ie, the digital Hogwarts, virtual musical virtuosos on tap and Apparating; and, to GCP, the cosmic engine, pixelated galaxies, compute brilliance, and mastery of Apparating. And, as we leave behind this digital circus,

I want to remind you (and myself) that each one of these clouds, like the characters in a magical play, has its own strengths and strange ways: AWS runs everything as if it grows on elastic trees, but you get migraines if you have to deal with its elasticity; Azure plays the biggest orchestration while avoiding the noise of Kubernetes; GCP runs at warp speed but decrypts BigQuery like a black box. In the end, the choice between AWS, Azure and GCP is not unlike choosing a wand at Diagon Alley. Prefer elastic charms? We’ve got spells for that. Prefer a virtuoso orchestration of cloud? Consider yourself sated.

Prefer to warp-speed your way through Dotsoftian ecosystems? We’ve got you covered. Choose your cloud adventure carefully, and cast your spell well, and not only will you get things done well enough, but you will fit yourself squarely into a cosmic story, casting each byte into a pixelated cornucopia of cloud computing. This land of AWS, Azure and GCP is a Dotsoftian fantasy that never ends, for every chapter advances a cloud mythology, and every byte composes a pixelated character (wizard, heroin or otherwise) of the cosmic charms and spells of the Dotsoftian digital Age.

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