Want to hire Bloc developer? Then you should know!
How and where is Bloc used?
- Real-time Chat Applications: Building chat apps for instant messaging.
- Payment Gateways Integration: Integrating payment gateways for secure transactions.
- Data Visualization Dashboards: Creating interactive dashboards for data analysis.
- Task Management Systems: Developing systems to organize and track tasks efficiently.
- Location-based Services: Implementing features based on user location.
- IoT Device Control: Controlling Internet of Things devices remotely.
- Customer Relationship Management: Managing customer interactions and data.
- Collaborative Document Editing: Allowing multiple users to edit documents simultaneously.
- Online Marketplace Development: Creating platforms for online buying and selling.
- Augmented Reality Experiences: Developing AR applications for immersive experiences.
Compare Junior, Middle, Senior, and Expert/Team Lead Bloc Developer roles
Seniority Name | Years of experience | Responsibilities and activities | Average salary (USD/year) |
Junior | 0-2 years |
| $50,000 |
Middle | 2-5 years |
| $70,000 |
Senior | 5-8 years |
| $90,000 |
Expert/Team Lead | 8+ years |
| $120,000 |
Quick Facts about Bloc.
- Created in 2007, Bloc Software Development was born to revolutionize coding education.
- Mostly used for creating web applications, mobile apps, and interactive websites.
- The entry threshold for Bloc is low, making it beginner-friendly for aspiring developers.
- React.js is one of the most popular technologies often paired with Bloc for front-end development.
- Fun Fact: The name ‘Bloc’ originates from the idea of building blocks of code to create software.
TOP Bloc Related Technologies
- JavaScript (Brendan Eich, 1995)
- Python (Guido van Rossum, 1991)
- Java (Sun Microsystems, 1995)
- HTML (Tim Berners-Lee, 1991)
- CSS (HĂ¥kon Wium Lie, 1996)
What are top Bloc instruments and tools?
- Metamask: Crypto wallet by ConsenSys, 2016
- Truffle: Development framework by Truffle Suite, 2015
- Ganache: Personal blockchain by Truffle Suite, 2017
- Remix: Solidity IDE by Ethereum Foundation, 2017
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Maria Lapko
Global Partnership Manager