Want to hire GreenDao developer? Then you should know!
How and where is GreenDao used?
- Efficient Database Operations: Mobile App Development
- Seamless Offline Data Handling: E-commerce Platform
- Automatic Schema Generation: Social Networking App
- Data Encryption: Finance Management System
- Query Building Made Easy: Travel Booking Application
- Thread-Safe Operations: Health Monitoring Tool
- Relationship Mapping: Educational Platform
- Easy Integration with RxJava: Fitness Tracking App
- Support for Active Record Pattern: Task Management System
- Smooth Migration Process: Music Streaming Service
Compare Junior, Middle, Senior, and Expert/Team Lead GreenDao Developer roles
Seniority Name | Years of experience | Responsibilities and activities | Average salary (USD/year) |
Junior | 0-2 years |
| $50,000 |
Middle | 2-4 years |
| $70,000 |
Senior | 5-8 years |
| $90,000 |
Expert/Team Lead | 8+ years |
| $120,000 |
Quick Facts about GreenDao.
- GreenDao was born in the year 2011, in the hands of Markus Junginger.
- It’s a favorite pick for Android projects, making app development a breeze.
- To dive into GreenDao, you just need to grasp basic Java skills.
- Room database is GreenDao’s best pal in the tech universe.
- Here’s a fun tidbit: GreenDao’s logo is actually a green ninja squirrel!
TOP GreenDao Related Technologies
- Java (Oracle, 1995)
- Kotlin (JetBrains, 2011)
- SQLCipher (Zetetic LLC)
- RxJava (ReactiveX, 2013)
What are top GreenDao instruments and tools?
- GreenDao Generator: Tool for generating Java DAOs for Android, released by GreenDao in 2011
- GreenDao ORM: Object-relational mapping library for Android, released by GreenDao in 2011
- GreenDao Upgrade Helper: Tool to assist in upgrading database schemas with GreenDao, released by GreenDao in 2011
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Maria Lapko
Global Partnership Manager